Chapter: 37 TREEEEES

Chapter: 37 TREEEEES

Its another team of Kunoichi. As the rustling sound grows louder, three figures emerge from the bushes. They are a team of kunoichi, each with their unique features and abilities.

**Rin**, the leader of the team, is a young woman with short, spiky purple hair. Her eyes, sharp and alert, reflect her role as the leader. She wears a sleek, form-fitting outfit that allows for mobility, a testament to her readiness for action. Her demeanor is calm and composed, indicating her experience and maturity.

**Aya**, one of Rin's teammates, is tall and lean. Her long, wavy brown hair falls past her shoulders, adding a touch of femininity to her otherwise fierce appearance. She moves with a grace that speaks of her agility and speed, her eyes always scanning their surroundings for potential threats.

**Emi**, the other teammate, is petite and energetic. Despite being a boy, his features are delicate and feminine, with curly blonde hair that bounces with every step he takes. His eyes are bright and lively, reflecting his energetic personality. He moves with a lightness that speaks of his agility, his small stature belying his strength.

Rin steps forward, her sharp eyes scanning Malik and his group. "Who are you?" she asks, her voice filled with curiosity and caution. Malik raises his hands in a peaceful gesture, "We're just a group of friends resting after a long day. We mean you no harm."

Rin studies Malik for a moment before nodding in understanding. "I see," she says, her tone neutral. The encounter, brief as it was, leaves an impression on both parties - a reminder of the diverse individuals that make up the world of shinobi. Rin's eyes soften, and she nods in understanding. "Fair enough," she says, gesturing for her teammates to lower their guard. Aya and Emi follow suit, and the tension in the air dissipates.

"We're on our way to the center of the forest," Rin explains. "It's good to see other shinobi taking a moment to rest and recharge."

Malik nods, agreeing with her sentiment. "Absolutely," he says. "Sometimes, we all need a break."

Hana, who has been quiet throughout the encounter, finally speaks up. "You already have both a Heaven and Earth scroll?" she asks, her curiosity piqued.

Rin smiles, appreciating Hana's interest. "Yes, it wasn't easy but we got both." Rin nods, "We've been preparing for the Chūnin Exams for months. It's a big opportunity for us."

Malik can see the determination in their eyes and respects their dedication. "That's impressive," he compliments, genuinely impressed. "Good luck with your preparations."

Rin smiles, "Thank you. And we wish you the same. We should get going now, but it was nice meeting you."

As Rin and her team leave, Malik turns to his group, "Let's not continue our conversation and rest for the night. Tomorrow is another day."

They all agree. As the night deepens, Malik and the kunoichi continue their restful slumber under the starlit sky. The peaceful atmosphere is only occasionally interrupted by the distant hoots of owls or the rustling of leaves in the wind. The warm glow of the campfire casts flickering shadows on the faces of the sleeping shinobi, their expressions a mix of tranquility and determination.

The following morning, Malik wakes up early as usual, feeling refreshed and ready for the day ahead. He gazes at the rising sun, its gentle light bathing the forest in a soft, golden hue. The scent of dew-kissed grass and blooming flowers fills the air, providing a soothing backdrop for the start of the day.

{Must you be so boring sometimes}

("If people are happy and alive then its not boring")

{I think i'll help you, just a little} (Gained +10 Sin)

("Amora I don't need your help and what the hell is Sin btw")

Malik did get an answer from them but instead,

[You have been affected by the Love Bug]

("I hate my life sometimes")

Malik turns to look at the three kunoichi, their chests rising and falling rhythmically as they sleep. A content sigh escapes his lips as he takes in the sight of his newfound friends, a sense of hot warmth spreading through his chest. He decides to prepare breakfast for everyone, moving quietly so as not to disturb their peaceful slumber.

The fire crackles softly as Malik expertly crafts a simple yet nutritious meal, the aroma of sizzling vegetables and eggs filling the air. As the food finishes cooking, he gently nudges Hana, who stirs with a soft groan. "Breakfast is ready," he whispers, offering her a warm smile.

Hana rubs her eyes, a drowsy smile gracing her lips. "Thanks, Malik," she murmurs, sitting up and stretching her arms. Miku and Yoshino soon awaken as well, greeted by the delicious scent and the sight of a steaming hot meal. As the kunoichi gather around the fire, they eagerly dig into the food, their faces lighting up with delight. The conversation flows easily, their laughter and chatter filling the air. They share stories of their past adventures and challenges faced during the Chūnin Exams. Hana, Miku, and Yoshino express their gratitude for Malik's kindness and healing abilities, while he humbly brushes off their praises.

After breakfast, Malik leads the group in a series of stretches and breathing exercises to help them prepare for the day ahead. The trio follows his instructions, feeling the tension in their muscles gradually ease. As they practice, Malik offers advice and guidance, tailoring his instructions to their individual strengths and weaknesses. H also really wanted to touch them "for some reason".

As the day progresses, the group continues their journey through the Forest of Death, encountering various challenges and obstacles along the way. Hana, Miku, and Yoshino follow Malik's lead as he navigates the treacherous terrain with ease. His experience as a wanderer allows him to anticipate potential threats and navigate the group through the dense foliage.

Hana, Miku, and Yoshino also prove themselves to be great fighter, while working as a team they could take on most things in the forest.

While Malik using his map skills lead them through the forest he also moved them around people he knew they couldn't handle, mostly a certain snake.

At one point, they come across a fork in the path. To the left, a narrow and steep trail leading deeper into the forest. To the right, a wider and seemingly more accessible route that appears to lead towards the center of the exam grounds.

Malik pauses, sensing the group's hesitation. He turns to address the kunoichi, his eyes filled with determination. "We should take the left path," he says, pointing towards the narrow trail. "It might be more challenging, but I believe it will lead us to valuable experiences that will help you grow stronger."

Hana raises an eyebrow, intrigued by Malik's suggestion. "Interesting," she says, her eyes reflecting her curiosity. "I trust your judgment, Malik. Let's take the left path." Miku and Yoshino nod in agreement, excited for the adventure that awaits them.

As Malik proceeds down the left path, the terrain becomes increasingly difficult. The ground is uneven, filled with roots and rocks that threaten to trip them up at every turn. The foliage is denser here, casting deep shadows over the path. But with every step, the girls feels more confident, his senses heightened as he navigates the treacherous terrain. Also Grubgrub carried him through it, so he didn't really do much.

Suddenly, Malik hears a rustling in the bushes up ahead. He raises his hand, signaling the group to stop. Hana, Miku, and Yoshino follow his lead, their eyes scanning the surroundings. Malik approaches the bushes slowly, prepared for any danger that might lurk within. As Malik gets closer to the source of the noise, he parts the bushes gently and finds a small clearing. In the center of it, there's a wounded wild beast, a large wolf with matted fur and patches of missing fur. It's whimpering in pain, favoring one of its legs. Its injured leg appears to be caught in a trap, a rusty metal contraption digging into its flesh.

He looks back at his companions, who are waiting for his lead. Hana gives him an inquisitive look, silently asking what he wants to do. Malik motions for her to stay back and approaches the wounded wolf slowly, showing no signs of aggression. Its yellow eyes follow his movements, and it growls softly, but he can see the fear and pain in its gaze.

Crouching down beside the wolf, Malik carefully examines the trap and the wound. The trap has deeply cut into its leg, causing a severe injury. The wolf's breathing is labored, and it pants heavily from the pain. He can see the muscles tensing and relaxing as it tries to free itself from the trap, but to no avail. Its leg is firmly caught, and any struggle only causes more pain and damage.

Malik decides to help the wounded wolf. Gently, he reaches out his hand, whispering soothing words to try and calm it. The wolf snarls at first, unsure of his intentions, but it soon recognizes that he means no harm. Its ears perk up, and it watches him intently as he begins his work.

Using his knowledge of healing magic, Malik focuses his energy on the wolf's injured leg, attempting to mend the deep gash and alleviate its pain. His actions are filled with care and determination, reflecting his commitment to help those in need, regardless of who or what they are. As Malik channels his healing energy, the wound on the wolf's leg begins to close, and the beast seems to relax under his gentle touch. Its breathing evens out, and its eyes lose some of their fearful glaze. After a few minutes, the wound is almost completely healed, and the wolf is able to stand on its own four legs again.

With great effort, it manages to free itself from the rusty trap, leaving it lying on the ground. Malik watches as the wolf takes a few hesitant steps, testing its healed leg. It looks back at him, as if acknowledging his help, and then limps away into the dense foliage.

Malik turns back to his companions, who have watched the whole scene unfold with bated breath. Hana, Miku, and Yoshino are wide-eyed, clearly impressed by Malik's compassion and healing abilities. "Ok, now you three can continue taking me to the tower at the center of the forest," Malik says winking at them.

As Malik and his companions continue on the left path, the terrain becomes even more treacherous. The ground is slippery with moss, and the trees tower high above them, their leaves blocking out most of the sunlight. However, Malik's senses are sharp, and he easily navigates the path, avoiding vines that seem to stretch out toward him as if trying to ensnare him.

Eventually, they come across a clearing with a small pond in its center. The water is crystal clear, reflecting the vibrant colors of the surrounding flora. The peaceful atmosphere draws them in, and Malik suggests taking a short break to rest and recharge. Hana, Miku, and Yoshino agree, and they all sit down near the pond, enjoying the serenity of the moment.

As Malik gazes into the water, he notices small, shimmering fish darting around. The sight adds to the tranquility of the moment, a brief respite in their challenging journey. It's a peaceful interlude, a reminder of the beauty that exists even in the most unexpected places. The girls start taking their clothes off, wanting to swim. Hana, Miku, and Yoshino look at each other and then at Malik, grinning. "Join us?" Hana asks, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

Malik hesitates for a moment his chest burning with inner heat, considering the proposition. He looks around, taking in the serene surroundings. The idea of a refreshing swim sounds appealing, and he can't think of a reason not to. "Why not? . . . no no, I can't" he says, smiling. "But, I think I'll just watch."

The three of them strip down to their undergarments, leaving their clothes in a neat pile by the water's edge. They wade into the pond, the cool water providing a welcome contrast to the warm forest air. The shimmering fish swim around their legs, tickling their skin. Hana, Miku, and Yoshino all have different styles when it comes to their undergarments. Hana prefers functional and comfortable pieces, choosing a soft pink bra with simple cotton panties. Miku, on the other hand, is more adventurous with her fashion choices, donning a black lace bra with matching thong panties. Yoshino, being the most modest of the three, selects a white sports bra with a pair of plain black boyshorts. They all seem to be at ease with their choices, embracing their individuality and comfort in their own skin.

Hana, Miku, and Yoshino exchange glances, a mix of curiosity on their faces. They swim closer to Malik, who is still seated by the edge of the pond. Yoshino, being the closest, reaches him first. She hesitates for a moment before leaning in to give him a gentle hug. Her skin is cool from the water, and her wet hair clings to her shoulders. Malik can feel her body tremble slightly, either from the chill or nervousness. He wraps his arms around her, offering a reassuring squeeze.

"Thank you for helping us earlier," Yoshino murmurs, her voice soft and sincere. "And for being such a good friend."

Miku and Hana follow suit, each giving Malik a hug in turn. Miku's embrace is more playful, her arms tightening around him for a brief moment before releasing him. Hana's hug is more reserved, but there's a warmth in her touch that speaks volumes about her gratitude. "We're lucky to have you with us, Malik," she says, smiling.

"Ok, your welcome but let go, you're all wet," Malik says looking at his outfit.

As they break their embrace, Malik notices their wet undergarments clinging to their bodies, accentuating their curves and muscles. He can't help but appreciate their beauty, both inside and out. the three girls start to take off their clothes, Hana starts to remove her simple cotton panties, carefully sliding them down her legs and stepping out of them. Her soft pink bra remains, providing a gentle contrast against her tanned skin. Miku, with her adventurous fashion sense, unhooks her black lace bra with a playful grin, letting it fall away from her body. Her perky breasts are now exposed, her dark nipples already hardened from the cool water. Yoshino, the most modest of the three, removes her white sports bra, revealing her small, firm breasts and delicate pink nipples. She then slides her black boy shorts down her legs, revealing her bare lower half. The trio now stands before Malik in their naked glory, their bodies glistening with water and sweat from the humid forest air.

 "I think I might have spent to much time with you all." Malik says to them. Hana, Miku, and Yoshino look at each other, a mix of surprise and curiosity on their faces. They haven't engaged in such an explicit act before, but their trust in Malik is unwavering. They nod in agreement, and each of them takes a position on their knees in front of him.

They each reach for his pants, pulling on it. Hana goes first, taking Malik's cock into her mouth with a gentle suction. Her lips wrap around him, and she uses her tongue to explore his length. Miku follows, taking over from Hana and showing off her own unique technique, swirling her tongue around the head of his cock while using her hand to stroke the base. Yoshino brings up the rear, eager to please Malik as well. She takes him deeply into her throat, hollowing her cheeks and creating a vacuum-like sensation that draws a low groan from him. The three of them continue their oral exploration, each taking turns to pleasure Malik. He watches them, his eyes half-lidded with pleasure as they skillfully work their mouths and tongues. Hana's technique is gentle and soothing, while Miku's is playful and teasing. Yoshino's approach is more aggressive, her throat opening wide to accommodate his size.

Malik can feel his orgasm building, the tension coiling deep within him. He looks down at the three kunoichi, their eyes locked onto his as they await his release. With a final thrust, he reaches his peak, his hot seed spilling into their waiting mouths. They each swallow, savoring the taste of him as he empties himself.

"You all did great," Malik praises them, a satisfied smile playing on his lips. "I can't choose a winner, so consider this a tie." As Malik basks in the afterglow of his intimate encounter, he notices the sun starting to set. The once vibrant colors of the forest are now replaced with hues of orange and pink. It's time to continue his journey through the Forest of Death during the Chūnin Exams. They gather their belongings and prepares to set off, feeling refreshed and recharged from his peaceful interlude.

The terrain remains treacherous, but Malik navigates it with ease, his heightened senses guiding him through the dense foliage. Hana, Miku, and Yoshino follow closely behind, their confidence in him unwavering. He can feel a sense of camaraderie building among the group as they traverse the challenging landscape together.

As night falls, Malik hears the faint rustling of leaves in the distance. He motions for his companions to stay back and approaches the sound cautiously. The forest is alive with nocturnal creatures, and every sound could be a potential danger. But with his companions by his side and his senses on high alert, Malik is ready to face whatever the forest throws at them. As he moves closer to the source of the rustling, he finds himself face-to-face with a small group of kunoichi huddled together. They look on deaths door, they also appear to be lost or in need of assistance. Among them are Rin, Aya, and Emi, who try greeting him with a mix of relief and apprehension.

Rin, the one he's met before, introduces him to her teammates. Aya has short, spiky brown hair and deep-set hazel eyes, while Emi is tall and slender, with long silver hair tied in a high ponytail.

"Welp in for a penny in for a pound," Malik says starting to heal them.

They all seem grateful for his presence, but their expressions are somber.

 "You all should be fine now, we'll see you later." Malik says to them. Rin, Aya, and Emi exchange hesitant glances before looking back at you. "Are you sure that's necessary? can we go with you?" Rin asks, a hint of worry in her voice. He nods confidently, sensing their need for guidance. Hesitantly, they agree to your proposal, each taking a position on their knees in front of him.

" . . . but we don't have any money . . .," she says

"I don't want nor need your money," Malik says looking down at them.

"But we need to pay you back," she says her teammates nodding their heads.

"Don't worry about, or not until we make it the center . . .," Malik says. They just look up at him, hands reaching for him.

"Look I try to be a good guy, but I can only handle so much," he says letting them touch him.

He watches as they skillfully use their mouths and tongues to pleasure him. Rin's technique is confident and assured, a testament to her experience. Aya's approach is more playful, her teeth gently scraping against your sensitive skin. Emi's touch is soft and gentle, his lips wrapping around him with a tender suction.

As he reaches his peak, he looks down at the three kunoichi, their eyes locked onto his as they await his release. With a final thrust, he spills his white-hot seed into their waiting mouths. They each swallow, savoring the taste of him as he is emptied. Malik takes a moment to catch his breath before offering his assistance to Rin, Aya, and Emi. "Follow me," he says, leading them through the dense foliage.

He navigates the treacherous terrain with ease, Maliks map skill heightened senses guiding them through the dark forest. The 6 kunoichi follow closely behind, their confidence in him growing with each step. The rustling of leaves fades as they continue their journey, the only sounds being the crunching of twigs beneath their feet and the distant hoots of owls.

 " Were almost there," Malik says to them all. Hana, Miku, Yoshino, Rin, Aya, and Emi look at each other, taken by an unspoken suggestion. After a moment of hesitation, they nod in agreement, forming a circle around you.

"What? . . . OMG," Malik says while being manhandled.

Thet undress him, revealing his dark soft body and readiness for the intimate encounter. The six kunoichi watch him, their eyes filled with anticipation and excitement. They take turns, each of them exploring, their bodies with fingers, tongue, and cock. Their moans and sighs fill the air, creating a symphony of pleasure and desire.

As he makes love to each of them, he notices the differences in their reactions and techniques. Hana is gentle and soft, her body melting into his as he explore her most intimate areas. Miku, on the other hand, is more playful and adventurous, her lips and tongue teasing him as she takes him in. Yoshino is more reserved but passionate, her body tightening around him as he thrust deeper. Rin is confident and experienced, her hips meeting his with each stroke. Aya is playful and sensual, her nails lightly scratching his back as she moans with pleasure. Emi is soft and gentle, his body molding to his as if they were made for each other.

As he brings each of them to climax, he can feel a sense of satisfaction and connection that goes beyond the physical.

 Malik positions himself in the center of the circle, his body taut and ready for the intimate encounter. The six kunoichi surround him, their eyes filled with anticipation and excitement. Hana is the first to approach him, her soft pink bra still intact. She removes it, revealing her small, perky breasts and delicate pink nipples. She wraps her arms around Malik's neck, pulling him close for a passionate kiss. He responds eagerly, his hands roaming over her bare skin.

As they make love, Hana's moans fill the air, her body melting into Malik's as he thrusts deeper. Her legs wrap around his waist, her heels digging into his back as she reaches her peak. Malik feels her muscles tightening around him, her orgasm triggering his own release. He fills her with his hot seed, his body shuddering with pleasure. Hana pulls back, a satisfied smile playing on her lips as she savors the feeling of Malik's warmth inside her. They share a moment of contentment before Hana steps aside, making way for Miku. Miku, with her adventurous fashion sense, unhooks her black lace bra with a playful grin, letting it fall away from her body. Her perky breasts are now exposed, her dark nipples already hardened from the cool forest air. She takes Malik's hand, leading him to a nearby tree. Leaning against it, she offers herself to him, her body open and ready. Malik doesn't hesitate, entering her with a thrust. Miku's moans fill the air, her hips moving in sync with his. Her technique is playful and teasing, her lips wrapping around his earlobe as she whispers dirty secrets into his ear.

 Miku's movements are calculated, designed to drive Malik wild with desire. As they continue their intimate encounter, Malik feels his climax building. With a final thrust, he reaches his peak, his hot seed spilling into Miku's willing body. She moans with pleasure, savoring the feeling of him inside her.

Next is Yoshino's turn. The most modest of the group, she removes her white sports bra, revealing her small, firm breasts and delicate pink nipples. She shyly approaches Malik, her body trembling with anticipation. Malik wraps his arms around her, pulling her close for a comforting embrace. He takes his time, exploring her body with gentle kisses and tender touches. Yoshino responds eagerly, her body melting into his as she relaxes in his arms. As Malik's hands roam over Yoshino's body, she can't help but feel a sense of safety and security in his embrace. He takes his time, teasing her nipples with his fingers and exploring her intimate areas with his tongue. Yoshino's moans grow louder as she reaches her peak, her orgasm washing over her in waves of pleasure. Malik feels her muscles tightening around him, her climax triggering his own release. He fills her with his hot seed, holding her close as they both catch their breath.

Rin is next, her confident demeanor evident as she removes her black bra, revealing her full, round breasts and dark nipples. She approaches Malik with a seductive look in her eyes, her body ready for him. Malik responds eagerly, pulling her close for a passionate kiss. Rin's lips meet Malik's with a fiery passion, her tongue exploring his mouth with an experienced touch. He can feel her confidence radiating off of her as she takes control of their intimate encounter. She presses her body against his, her curves fitting perfectly against his form.

Malik's hands roam over Rin's body, feeling the softness of her skin beneath his fingertips. He cups her breasts, his thumbs brushing against her hardened nipples. Rin moans with pleasure, her hips moving in sync with his. They continue their lovemaking, their bodies moving in a dance as old as time.

Rin takes an active role in their intimate encounter, her hips meeting Malik's thrusts with an eagerness that matches his own. She runs her fingers through his hair, pulling him closer as they share passionate kisses. Malik feels Rin's muscles tightening around him as she reaches her peak. He responds in kind, his own climax building until he can hold back no longer. With a final thrust, he fills her with his hot seed, their bodies shuddering with mutual satisfaction.

Aya is next, her hazel eyes filled with curiosity as she removes her brown sports bra, revealing her modest but perky breasts. She steps closer to Malik, her body tense with anticipation. He takes her hand, leading her to a soft patch of grass where they can lay down together. As they make love, Aya's body relaxes beneath him, her moans filling the air. Her technique is playful yet gentle, her teeth gently scraping against his skin as she explores his body with her mouth and tongue.

Malik feels his climax building once more, his body tensing as he reaches his peak. With a final thrust, he spills his seed inside Aya, filling her with his warmth. She moans with pleasure, savoring the feeling of him inside her.

Emi is the last one, his silver hair shimmering in the dim light, a testament to his tall and slender build. He removes his high ponytail, allowing his hair to cascade down his back. His eyes meet Malik's, a soft smile playing on his lips as he steps closer. Emi's demeanor is calm and collected, his movements smooth and deliberate.

Malik takes Emi's hand, guiding him to a nearby tree trunk where they can rest. Their connection deepens as they lay together, wrapped in each other's arms. As they explore one another's bodies, their touches become more intimate, their kisses deeper. Emi's body responds to Malik's touch, his muscles tensing and relaxing as he reaches the brink of pleasure.

In this moment of intimacy, Malik and Emi share a connection unlike any they have experienced before. As Malik feels Emi's muscles tightening around him, he knows they are both on the edge. With one last thrust, Malik reaches his climax, his hot seed spilling into Emi's willing body. Emi moans with pleasure, savoring the feeling of Malik inside him.

 Emi's body shudders with pleasure as Malik fills him with his hot seed. His muscles tighten around Malik, pulling him deeper as they both reach their peak. As Emi cums, his body trembles with waves of ecstasy, his release adding to the intense connection they share. They remain locked in their intimate embrace, savoring the feeling of each other's warmth and the deep bond they have formed.

Emi's small cock throbs with pleasure as Malik fills him, his release erupting in a series of powerful spurts. Each pulse of Malik's climax sends another wave of ecstasy through Emi, causing his entire body to shudder with bliss. The sensation of Malik's hot seed coating his insides is indescribable, and Emi can't help but cry out in pure delight.

Their connection deepens as they share this intimate moment, their bodies entwined in a passionate embrace. The forest around them seems to fade away as they become lost in each other, the sounds of their moans and sighs mixing with the gentle rustling of leaves. As their climaxes subside, they remain in each other's arms, savoring the feeling of closeness and the deep bond they have formed.

Malik begins with Hana once more, who is more than happy to oblige. She lies down on the soft grass, her legs spread wide open for him. Malik positions himself between her thighs, his hard cock pressed against her slick entrance. With a slow, deliberate thrust, he enters her, filling her to the hilt. Hana's moans grow louder as Malik begins to move, his hips rocking back and forth in a steady rhythm. He takes his time, savoring the feeling of her warmth around him. As he picks up the pace, Hana's moans become more urgent, her hips meeting his with each thrust. Malik feels his climax building once again, his body tensing as he reaches the brink. With a final thrust, he fills Hana with his hot seed, his release triggering hers.

 Hana's orgasm washes over her, her muscles clenching around Malik's cock as she cries out in pleasure. He collapses on top of her, his body spent from their intense lovemaking. They lay there for a moment, their breathing heavy and their hearts racing.

Next, Malik turns his attention to Miku. She positions herself on all fours, her ass in the air and her eyes filled with desire. Malik approaches her, his cock still hard and ready. He enters her from behind, filling her completely. Miku's moans fill the air as Malik begins to thrust, his pace quickening as he chases his climax. He reaches around, grabbing onto Miku's hips as he pulls her back onto his cock.

Miku's moans grow louder, her body trembling with pleasure as Malik brings her to the brink once again. Malik feels his climax approaching and with one final thrust, he fills Miku with his hot seed. She cries out in pleasure, her orgasm matching his own. Malik collapses onto her back, his body spent but satisfied.

Yoshino is next, her modesty forgotten in the heat of the moment. She lies down on the grass, her legs spread wide open. Malik positions himself between her thighs, his hard cock pressed against her entrance. With a slow, deliberate thrust, he enters her, filling her completely. Yoshino's moans fill the air as Malik begins to move, his hips rocking back and forth in a steady rhythm. He takes his time, savoring the feeling of her warmth around him. As he picks up the pace, Yoshino's moans become more urgent, her hips meeting his with each thrust. Malik feels his climax building once again, his body tensing as he reaches the brink. With a final thrust, he fills Yoshino with his hot seed, his release triggering hers. Yoshino's orgasm washes over her, her muscles clenching around Malik's cock as she cries out in pleasure. He collapses on top of her, his body spent from their intense lovemaking.

Rin is eager for Malik's attention, her body hot and ready for him. She positions herself on her back, her legs spread wide open. Malik enters her with a swift thrust, filling her to the hilt. Rin's moans fill the air as Malik begins to move, his hips rocking back and forth with a steady rhythm. He takes control of their lovemaking, his hands gripping her hips as he pulls her closer. Rin's moans grow louder, her body trembling with pleasure as Malik brings her to the brink once again. She wraps her legs around him, pulling him deeper as she matches his rhythm. Malik feels his climax approaching and, with a final thrust, he fills Rin with his hot seed. She cries out in pleasure, her orgasm matching his own. Malik collapses onto her, their bodies spent but satisfied.

Aya is next, her hazel eyes filled with excitement. She positions herself on her hands and knees, her curves on full display. Malik enters her from behind, filling her completely. Aya's moans fill the air as Malik begins to thrust, his pace quickening as he chases his climax. He runs his hands over her body, feeling her muscles tense with pleasure. Aya's body shudders with each thrust, her moans growing louder as Malik brings her closer to the edge. He can feel her muscles tightening around him, her pleasure building with each passing moment. With a final, powerful thrust, Malik reaches his climax, filling Aya with his hot seed. She cries out in ecstasy, her orgasm washing over her as Malik fills her to the brim.

Emi watches as Malik and Aya share this intimate moment, his own desire growing stronger. As Malik turns his attention to him, Emi positions himself against a tree, his back pressed against the rough bark. Malik approaches him, their connection deepening as they share this moment. He enters Emi slowly, filling him completely. Emi's breath hitches as Malik begins to move, his hips rocking back and forth with a steady rhythm. Emi's body trembles with pleasure, his tight entrance enveloping Malik's length. Malik's hands roam over Emi's chest, feeling the rapid beating of his heart. Their eyes lock, and in that moment, a deep connection forms between them. Emi's moans grow louder, his breath hitching as Malik finds that special spot inside him. With each thrust, Emi's muscles tighten around Malik, drawing him deeper.

Malik feels his climax building once more, his body tensing as he reaches the brink. He leans in, capturing Emi's lips in a passionate kiss. As they share this intimate moment, Malik's release explodes from him, filling Emi with his hot seed. Emi cries out, his orgasm matching Malik's own. Emi's body shudders with pleasure as Malik fills him, his release erupting in a series of powerful spurts. Each pulse of Malik's climax sends another wave of ecstasy through Emi, causing his entire body to tremble with bliss. The sensation of Malik's hot seed coating his insides is indescribable, and Emi can't help but cry out in pure delight.

Their connection deepens as they share this intimate moment, their bodies entwined in a passionate embrace. The forest around them seems to fade away as they become lost in each other, the sounds of their moans and sighs mixing with the gentle rustling of leaves. As their climaxes subside, they remain in each other's arms, savoring the feeling of closeness and the deep bond they have formed. Emi's moans echo through the forest as Malik fills him with his warmth. His body quivers with pleasure, Emi's small cock throbbing and pulsing with each burst of Malik's release. The sensation is overwhelming, leaving Emi breathless and gasping for air. As Malik's climax subsides, Emi feels Malik's hot seed coating his insides, a warmth that spreads through his entire body.

Malik collapses onto Emi, their bodies spent and satisfied. Their hearts race, still filled with the intensity of their shared release. "That was amazing," Malik whispers, his lips brushing against Emi's ear. Emi nods, unable to find the words to express the depth of his pleasure.

As their breathing slows, Malik pulls out of Emi, leaving a warm, sticky sensation behind. Malik takes a moment to admire the view of Emi's soft, delicate features and the way the sunlight filters through the trees, casting a warm glow on his skin. "You're beautiful, Emi," Malik says, running his fingers gently through Emi's hair. Emi blushes, his eyes shining with gratitude and affection.

The two of them lay together, enjoying the serenity of the moment. Malik can't help but feel a deep connection with Emi, one that goes beyond physical pleasure. He knows that their bond will only continue to grow stronger as they journey through the forest together.

Meanwhile, the other kunoichi - Hana, Miku, Yoshino, Rin, and Aya - are also enjoying their own intimate moments with Malik.

As Malik lays next to Emi, he can hear the soft moans and sighs of Hana, Miku, Yoshino, Rin, and Aya in the distance. His body still humming with pleasure, he knows that each of them is experiencing their own unique connection with him.

Hana, with her fiery spirit and unwavering determination, takes Malik with a fierce passion. Her moans fill the air as she matches his rhythm, their lovemaking intense and fervent. With each thrust, Hana's muscles clench around him, pulling Malik deeper as they both reach their peak.

Miku, on the other hand, is soft and gentle. She welcomes Malik with open arms, her body trembling with pleasure as he enters her. Her moans are hushed and quiet, a whisper against the wind. Miku's eyes flutter closed as Malik fills her, her body yielding to his touch. He moves with a tender rhythm, their lovemaking slow and passionate. With each stroke, Miku's breath hitches, her orgasm building until it finally crashes over her in a wave of pleasure.

Yoshino, the most reserved of the group, requires time to open up. Once she does, however, her passion is unmatched. She wraps her legs around Malik, pulling him deeper as she cries out in ecstasy. Her moans are a mix of shyness and desire, her pleasure palpable as they share this intimate moment.

Rin, with her playful demeanor, brings a lighthearted energy to their lovemaking. She giggles and moans as Malik enters her, her hips meeting his with a playful rhythm. As Malik lies with Emi, basking in the afterglow of their intense lovemaking, he can't help but feel a deep sense of satisfaction. Their bodies are still entwined, their limbs tangled together as they catch their breath. Emi's small cock throbs with pleasure, still filled with Malik's release. The warmth of his seed coating Emi's insides is a constant reminder of their intimate connection.

The forest around them is alive with the sounds of other kunoichi experiencing their own pleasure. Hana's moans fill the air, her passion fiery and unwavering. Miku's sighs are soft and gentle, her body trembling with each wave of pleasure. Yoshino's quiet gasps are a testament to her reserved nature, her passion slowly unfurling as she opens up to Malik's touch. Rin's playful giggles mix with her moans, adding a lighthearted energy to the atmosphere. Aya's sharp intakes of breath and whimpers reveal her intense pleasure, while Emi's quiet, almost silent moans convey his deep, overwhelming experience.

Malik takes a moment to appreciate each of these women, their unique personalities and sensualities, and the connections they share with him. He feels a surge of gratitude and love for each one, knowing that they have all found pleasure and satisfaction in his presence.

As Malik and Emi lay together, catching their breath and basking in the afterglow, they hear the soft rustle of leaves as Hana approaches. She smiles warmly at the two of them, her eyes filled with desire and longing. Emi blushes, shyly getting up to give Hana space.


A good while later all 7 of them make to the center of the forest the giant red tower standing out in the clearing.

"Yoshino, here," Malik says, handing her both a Earth and a Heaven scroll. "Don't ask why I have both just take them, good luck to all of you in the Examens.

" You sure we can't pay you back . . .," Yoshino said looking at him like a starving man in all you can eat buffet.

"WOMAN, leave me be," Malik said walking away.

2 hours later.

Malik was in the kitchen cooking something for his peeps, when 4 young ninja walked up to him.

"We heard, that you helped other get here, . . . we need you help too," one of them said.

"Oh No," Malik said putting up his hands.

"You see, we all were the only ones to make it to the base, the rest of our teams are still out there, hopefully alive, we've been disqualified already, but we were wondering if you could help up," another one said.

"Look man . . . I don't even work here . . .," Malik said already pulling out his map.

"Please, no one will help us, your our only hope," one of them said.

"FUCK . . . lets see . . . .hhhhhhhhhhhuuuuuuuuuu . . . what I can do to help," Malik said giving up.