Chapter 51: The Field Trip

Chapter 51: The Field Trip

Haku, having been given the responsibility to assess Zōri and Waraji, decides to test them through a series of challenges designed to evaluate their skills, teamwork, and adaptability.

The first challenge is a stealth mission. Haku creates a field of ice mirrors in a dense part of the forest and places a small flag at the center. The task for Zōri and Waraji is to retrieve the flag without being detected by Haku. As the mission begins, Haku uses his Ice Release to observe them from the mirrors, his keen eyes tracking their every move. Zōri and Waraji, using their skills as former samurai, move with caution and precision, their movements almost like a dance as they navigate through the field.

The second challenge is a combat scenario. Haku engages them in a mock battle, pushing them to use their unique abilities. Zōri, with his brute strength, and Waraji, with his speed, work together to counter Haku's attacks. The battle is intense, with Haku using his Ice Release techniques to keep them on their toes. Despite the intensity of the battle, Haku notices their determination and resilience, their will to keep fighting despite the odds.

The final challenge is a problem-solving task. Haku presents them with a complex puzzle that requires both logical thinking and physical maneuvering to solve. This challenge tests their mental agility and teamwork under pressure. Zōri and Waraji, despite their initial confusion, start to work together, their different perspectives helping them to piece together the solution.

Throughout these challenges, Haku observes their performance, noting their strengths, areas for improvement, and how they handle pressure. He sees their potential and their willingness to learn and adapt. Despite their past as criminals, Haku can't help but see the possibility of change and growth in them.

As the day comes to an end, Haku, Zōri, and Waraji stand in the middle of the training field, their bodies tired but spirits high. They've faced each challenge head-on, their determination never wavering. And as they look back at the day, they can't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. They've proven their worth, not just to Haku, but also to themselves. And in the process, they've taken the first step towards a new beginning.

As the first challenge begins, Zōri and Waraji step into the field of ice mirrors with determination etched on their faces. However, their confidence soon wavers as they struggle to navigate through the maze without detection. Despite their best efforts, Haku easily spots them every time, their movements too loud and predictable for the stealth mission. Their frustration is palpable, their brows furrowing deeper with each failed attempt.

During the combat scenario, their performance doesn't improve much. Zōri, relying heavily on his brute strength, charges at Haku without a clear strategy, while Waraji, despite his speed, struggles to land a hit on Haku. Their attacks are uncoordinated and lack precision, leading to them being easily countered by Haku. The frustration from their earlier failure carries over, their movements becoming more erratic as their patience wears thin.

However, amidst their struggles, they reveal an unexpected skill - resilience. Despite their repeated failures, they refuse to give up. They keep trying, pushing themselves to do better. It's a testament to their determination, a glimmer of potential amidst their shortcomings.

The final challenge, the problem-solving task, proves to be the most difficult for them. Faced with a complex puzzle, Zōri and Waraji are at a loss. Their frustration reaches a peak, their faces reflecting their disappointment and self-doubt.

It's at this moment that Haku steps in, offering them constructive feedback. "Zōri, Waraji," he begins, his voice calm and steady, "I've noticed that you both have a tendency to act without thinking. In a real battle, this could be your downfall. It's important to take a moment to assess the situation and plan your actions."

He pauses, letting his words sink in before continuing. "Also, remember that you're a team. You need to work together, coordinate your attacks. Zōri, use your strength strategically. Waraji, use your speed to your advantage. And most importantly, don't let your frustration get the best of you."

His words hang in the air, a beacon of guidance amidst their struggles. Zōri and Waraji look at Haku, their expressions softening. They nod, taking in his feedback. It's a humbling moment, a reminder of the journey they have ahead of them. But with Haku's guidance and their own determination, they're ready to face whatever comes their way.

As the day gives way to night, Haku takes on the role of a mentor, explaining the basics of ninja concepts to Zōri and Waraji. He talks about chakra control, the importance of strategy in combat, and the value of teamwork. His words, filled with wisdom and experience, resonate with Zōri and Waraji. They listen intently, their earlier frustration giving way to determination.

Haku's feedback impacts Zōri and Waraji significantly. They start to understand the gaps in their approach and begin to work on their shortcomings. Zōri, realizing the importance of strategy over brute force, starts to think before he acts. Waraji, understanding the value of his speed, begins to use it more effectively.

A moment of triumph comes during a rerun of the stealth mission. Using their newfound understanding of strategy and teamwork, Zōri and Waraji manage to retrieve the flag without being detected by Haku. It's a small victory, but a significant one. It's proof that they're capable of learning and improving, a testament to their potential.

(P.S, Haku did find them but they were trying so hard, that he let them through)

However, their training is not without obstacles. During a combat scenario, an unexpected issue arises. Zōri, in his enthusiasm, overexerts himself and sprains his ankle. It's a setback, but it also serves as a valuable lesson about the importance of knowing one's limits.

Despite the obstacle, they continue their training, adjusting their routines to accommodate Zōri's injury. They spend all day, through the night, and far into the early morning going over the basics and training. The forest, once filled with the sounds of anmials and chatter, is now filled with the sounds of their hard work and determination.

As dawn breaks, Haku watches Zōri and Waraji, a sense of pride swelling in his chest. They've come a long way since they started, their progress was evident in their improved skills and changed attitudes. As he watches them train, Haku can't help but feel certain about one thing - Zōri and Waraji definitely have potential. And he's determined to help them realize it.


While Haku is busy training Zōri and Waraji, Malik embarks on a different kind of mission.

After getting some sleep, in the morning Accompanied by Kokoro, his personal chef, Tsubaki, his number new bodyguard, and Iūky, his assistant, he heads to the small town in the Land of Waves for a shopping trip.

The town is a charming place, its streets lined with a variety of shops selling everything from fresh produce to handmade crafts. The air is filled with the chatter of townsfolk and the enticing aroma of street food. Despite its size, the town is bustling with activity, its energy infectious.

Their first stop is a clothing store. The store is a treasure trove of traditional and modern attire, each piece reflecting the unique culture and style of the Land of Waves. Malik, with his keen eye for fashion, takes the lead. He picks out a variety of clothes for Kokoro, Tsubaki, and Iūky, each item chosen with their preferences and roles in mind.

Kokoro, with her love for cooking, is presented with a set of comfortable yet stylish clothes that would allow her to move freely in the kitchen. Tsubaki, the bodyguard, is given a selection of practical yet fashionable outfits that wouldn't hinder her movements during her duties. Iūky, the assistant, is treated to a range of professional yet chic clothes that reflect her role as Malik's right hand.

As they try on the clothes, the store is filled with laughter and light-hearted banter. Malik's choices are met with approval, each outfit fitting perfectly and reflecting their individual personalities. The shopping trip, while simple, serves as a bonding experience, bringing them closer together.

After the clothing store, they visit a few more shops, picking up anything else they might need. As the day comes to an end, they head back to the compound, their arms laden with shopping bags and their hearts filled with the day's memories.

As they walk back, the setting sun paints the sky in hues of orange and pink, casting a warm glow on the town. It's a beautiful end to a fulfilling day, a reminder of the simple joys of life. And as they step back into the building, they can't help but look forward to more such days together.


As Malik and his three companions walk back to the Gato's company buildings, their arms laden with shopping bags, they can't help but feel a sense of camaraderie. The sun sets behind them, casting a warm glow on the town and painting the sky in hues of orange and pink. It's a beautiful end to a fulfilling day, a reminder of the simple joys of life.

Malik's gaze lingers on each of the women as they walk, taking in the way their bodies move beneath their new clothes. Kokoro's voluptuous figure is accentuated by the comfortable yet stylish clothes he picked out for her, her ample bosom bouncing softly with each step she takes. Tsubaki's toned body is showcased in the practical yet fashionable outfits he chose for her, her modest breasts moving with each breath she takes. Iūky's curves are emphasized by the professional yet chic clothes he selected for her, her generous cleavage on display as she walks ahead of him. Despite the weight of the shopping bags, the women seem unfazed, their postures confident and their expressions serene.

As they step into the building, the sound of laughter and chatter fills the air. Zōri and Waraji, who had been training with Haku all day, greet them with tired smiles, they are surrounded by others, some joking, others making fun of the two. The group settles into the common area, spreading out their purchases and sharing their stories from the day.

Malik can't help but feel a sense of pride as he looks at his new companions. Each one is unique, bringing their own set of skills and talents to the table. Kokoro's cooking and healing abilities will be invaluable on their future adventures, while Tsubaki's fighting and strategic skills will ensure their safety and success.


After they return to Gatō's compound, the setting sun casts long shadows over the buildings, painting the scene in hues of orange and gold. Malik, with Haku, Kokoro, Tsubaki, and Iūky in tow, steps through the grand entrance, his eyes scanning the bustling compound.

Haku joins with Malik, along with some others to take the stuff he purchased to his office.

Turning to Tsubaki, Malik poses a question, "Tsubaki, is there anyone here who you think would make a good partner for your duties?" Tsubaki, her sharp eyes thoughtful, considers the question before her gaze lands on a particular figure.

"Rika," she says, her voice carrying a note of respect. Haku follows her gaze to see a woman standing a little distance away. Rika is a kunoichi who embodies the essence of stealth and agility. She stands at an average height, her physique lean and toned from years of rigorous training. Her skin is a light olive tone, often accentuated by the dark clothing she prefers for her missions.

Her hair is jet black, usually tied up in a high ponytail that sways with her swift movements. A few loose strands often fall over her sharp, intelligent eyes, which are a striking shade of emerald green. These eyes, always alert and observant, miss nothing in their surroundings.

Rika's attire typically consists of a dark, form-fitting outfit that allows for maximum mobility. She favors utility over aesthetics, her clothes often equipped with hidden pockets for weapons and tools. A pair of fingerless gloves and sturdy boots complete her ensemble.

Despite her tough exterior, Rika's face often carries a soft, thoughtful expression when she's not on a mission. Her features are delicate, with high cheekbones and a gentle smile that rarely makes an appearance.

Overall, Rika's appearance is a reflection of her life as a kunoichi - practical, efficient, and always ready for action. Her reputation for stealth and agility is not just a result of her skills, but also her ability to blend into the shadows, unnoticed and undetected. She is a true embodiment of a skilled kunoichi.

As Malik and the others approach Rika, the compound buzzes with activity around them. Yet, in that moment, all their attention is focused on Rika, the kunoichi who stands as a testament to strength, agility, and the spirit of a true warrior. It's a moment that signifies a new connection, a new alliance in the making, and the promise of many shared battles and victories ahead. 

As Rika's gaze lands on Haku, her sharp, emerald-green eyes study him with interest. She's heard about the young shinobi who was (revived?) by Malik, and now seeing him in person, she can't help but feel intrigued.

She notes his calm demeanor and the grace with which he carries himself. His reputation as a skilled shinobi precedes him, and she can see why. There's a certain elegance to his movements, a precision that speaks of his mastery over his techniques.

However, it's not just his skills that catch her attention. She senses a depth to Haku, a kind of quiet strength and resilience that resonates with her. She sees in him a fellow warrior, someone who understands the trials and tribulations of the shinobi life.

Despite their different backgrounds, Rika feels a sense of kinship with Haku. She respects his abilities and his character, and she's curious to know more about him. She looks forward to the possibility of working with him, of learning from him, and perhaps, of forging a new friendship in this unexpected journey they've embarked on together.

Upon meeting Rika, Haku is immediately struck by her presence. Her sharp, emerald-green eyes, filled with intelligence and determination, command respect. Her lean, toned physique speaks volumes about her rigorous training and discipline. The way she carries herself, with an air of quiet confidence and efficiency, is a clear testament to her skills as a kunoichi.

Haku can't help but feel a sense of admiration for Rika. Her reputation for stealth and agility is well-known, and seeing her in person only reinforces that. He appreciates her practicality and her focus on utility, evident in her choice of attire and her approach to her duties.

Beyond her skills and appearance, Haku also senses a depth to Rika. Her thoughtful expression, the softness that occasionally breaks through her tough exterior, hints at a complex individual with her own stories and experiences. He sees in her a fellow warrior, someone who understands the challenges and sacrifices of the shinobi life.

Despite their brief interaction, Haku feels a sense of connection with Rika. He respects her abilities and her dedication, and he's intrigued by her character. He looks forward to getting to know her better, to learning from her, and perhaps, to forming a new alliance in this unexpected chapter of his life.

Malik's thoughts about Rika are filled with respect and admiration.

("Oh, she is cute!") he said to himself.

{I'm ignoring you}

He sees in her a skilled kunoichi, her abilities and dedication evident in her every action. Her reputation for stealth and agility is well-deserved, and Malik appreciates the value she brings to his team.

Beyond her skills, Malik also recognizes Rika's character. Her practicality, her focus on utility, and her ability to blend into the shadows speak volumes about her approach to her duties. Her thoughtful expression and the occasional softness in her demeanor hint at a depth that intrigues Malik.

("How strong is she, this world is scary!") Malik thinks while looking at her.

He sees in Rika a valuable ally, someone whose skills and character align with his vision for the Gatō Company. He appreciates her dedication and her willingness to adapt to new situations. He looks forward to working with her, to learning from her, and to seeing how she will contribute to the future.

Overall, Malik's thoughts about Rika are positive. He sees her as a valuable addition to his team, and he's confident in her ability to rise to the challenges ahead.

As they continue to work together, he looks forward to seeing her grow and thrive in her role.

Rika's thoughts about Malik are filled with respect and curiosity. She recognizes him as a powerful figure, his influence is evident in the transformation of the Gatō Company. His ability to bring back the dead, a feat she witnessed with Haku's revival, is something she finds both awe-inspiring and slightly unnerving. ("How?!!?") she thinks to herself.

Beyond his abilities, Rika also notes Malik's leadership style. He leads with a mix of authority and empathy, making decisions that are firm yet considerate. His vision for the Gatō Company, transforming it from a symbol of fear to a force for good, resonates with her.

She appreciates his respect for her skills and his willingness to listen to her opinions. His approachable demeanor, despite his status, makes her feel valued and heard.

However, Rika also maintains a level of caution. She's aware of the complexities of power and the potential for corruption. While she respects Malik, she also understands the importance of vigilance and accountability.

Overall, Rika's thoughts about Malik are largely positive. She respects his abilities, appreciates his leadership, and shares his vision for the Gatō Company. She looks forward to working under his leadership and contributing to the transformation of the company. 

Malik inquires about Rika's strength, asking her to rate it on a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being above average and 10 being extremely formidable. Once Rika provides her rating, Malik then turns to Haku and requests him to evaluate Rika's strength using the same scale.

Rika, after a moment of contemplation, responds to Malik's question. "On a scale of 1 to 10," she begins, her voice steady, "I would say I'm a 7. I'm confident in my abilities, but I also know there's always room for improvement."

After Rika's response, Malik turns to Haku, his gaze curious. "Haku," he asks, "what do you think? How would you score Rika?"

Haku, having observed Rika during their interactions and heard about her reputation, takes a moment to consider his response. "Based on what I've seen and heard," he finally says, "I would give Rika an 8. She's clearly skilled and experienced, but like she said, there's always room for growth and improvement." His words reflect his respect for Rika's abilities and his belief in her potential for growth.

{"No one here is above a 5. Haku is by far the strongest; she's honestly barely a one. The closest ally you have to reach an actual 7 or 8 would be Shusui,"} Amora tells Malik. ("Oh, I know, but most people don't realize how much this world gets broken after a while. Let's give them hope. And you never know, with enough resources and guidance, I think almost anyone can make it to at least a high 5,") Malik responds.

{"Good luck. Maybe try unlocking a skill to tap into hidden potential?"} she suggests.

(" Could you give me a quest to add a skill or something, all I really have is my Super Snacks'') he says.

{"I mean, maybe but you'll need a lot more sin, perhaps when you go to sleep tonight, I'll force my sister to talk to us"} Amora told him.

Malik got back to the conversation that wasn't in his mind.

"Great, would you be fine with me hiring you full-time?" Malik says while winking at her.

Rika, surprised by the sudden job offer, takes a moment to consider. She looks at Malik, her sharp eyes studying him before responding. "I would be honored to work full-time for the Gato Company," she says, her voice carrying a note of sincerity. "I believe in your vision and I would like to contribute to its realization."

Malik, pleased with Rika's response, nods. "Welcome aboard, but he won't be for the company just for me," he says, extending his hand towards her. Rika accepts it, a firm handshake sealing their new partnership. "I look forward to working with you," Malik adds, his gaze confident.

As Rika becomes a full-time member, Haku, Kokoro, Tsubaki, and Iūky welcome her with warm smiles.