Chapter 52: Speeches, Twins, Gifts and Hand-Holding

Chapter 52: Speeches, Twins, Gifts and Hand-Holding

As the night deepens, Malik gathers the employees of the Gatō Company in the vast courtyard. The moon is high in the sky, casting a soft glow over the gathered crowd. Suddenly, a pink figure rises above them - it's GrubGrub, Malik's shapeshifting companion. The crowd gasps as GrubGrub transforms into a majestic dragon, then a soaring bird, and finally a floating platform upon which Malik stands. The display of shapeshifting draws murmurs of awe from the crowd, setting the stage for Malik's speech.

Malik, standing tall on the floating GrubGrub, looks over the sea of faces below him. He takes a deep breath, and then he begins to speak. His voice, amplified by the silent night, carries across the courtyard, reaching every single person.

"Good evening, everyone," he starts, his voice steady and strong. "I know it's late, but I wanted to talk to you all about something important. Something that concerns all of us."

He pauses, letting his words sink in before continuing. "I know that many of you here have had difficult pasts. Some of you were thugs, some wanted to be criminals. I understand that. Life is tough, and sometimes, it pushes us down paths we never intended to take."

"But," he continues, his voice growing more passionate, "I also believe in second chances. I believe that no matter what our pasts look like, we all have the potential to change, to grow, to become better."

He looks around at the crowd, his gaze meeting theirs. "I promise you," he says, his voice filled with conviction, "that I will provide you with the resources and guidance you need to change. To those of you who lack education, we will provide learning opportunities. To those of you who feel lost, we will provide direction."

"But," he adds, his tone serious, "you also have to make a promise. A promise to be better. To be better for the company, to be better to the people of the Land of Waves, to be better for me, and most importantly, to be better for yourselves."

His words hang in the air, a challenge and a promise. As the crowd digests his speech, a sense of determination fills the air. They know the path ahead won't be easy, but with Malik's support and their resolve, they're ready to take on the challenge.

And as Malik descends from the floating GrubGrub, the courtyard erupts in applause. It's a moment of unity, a moment of shared resolve, and a moment that signifies the beginning of a new chapter for the Gatō Company—a chapter filled with hope, growth, and second chances.


In the quiet solitude of the night, while the world around him is steeped in slumber, Malik finds himself in a realm of dreams. Here, he converses with ethereal beings, the Twin Goddesses of Love. He knows only one of their names - Amora - her presence is as captivating as the emotion she embodies.

The sisters, despite their divine status, are not without their differences. Their relationship is a complex tapestry of sisterly love and rivalry, their interactions often laced with subtle jabs and veiled barbs. Yet, their bond is undeniable, their shared divinity a testament to their unbreakable connection.

In the dream, Malik poses a question to the goddesses, his voice echoing in the ethereal landscape. "With your powers combined," he begins, his words carrying a note of hope, "could you unlock a skill for me? A skill that unlocks people's hidden potential?"

The goddesses, their forms shimmering in the dreamlike glow, exchange a glance. Their responses are cryptic, their words dancing around the question like leaves in the wind. They speak of possibilities and uncertainties, their answers hinting at a 'maybe', but not right now.

Intriguingly, they also mention the old gods of the Naruto world. They suggest that these ancient deities might hold the key to unlocking such a skill. They could potentially bestow upon Malik boons that could aid him in his quest. However, even this suggestion is shrouded in uncertainty, their words more of a speculation than a promise.

As the dream fades and Malik slowly awakens, the conversation with the Twin Goddesses of Love lingers in his mind. Their cryptic responses, while not definitive, have given him much to ponder.

"That was a waste of time," he says to no one.

{We can hear you} Amora says

"GOOD" Malik bites back, before falling asleep.


As the first rays of dawn break through the night, painting the sky in hues of pink and gold, Haku makes his way to Malik's room. He finds Malik still deep in sleep, his peaceful expression a stark contrast to the energetic persona he usually presents.

"Haku," Malik mumbles, his voice groggy with sleep, "five more minutes…" But Haku is persistent. He gently but firmly insists that Malik wake up, reminding him of the day's plans. After a few more attempts, Malik finally gives in. He sits up, rubbing his eyes and yawning, his hair sticking up in all directions.

Half-dressed and fully tired, Malik stumbles out of bed, his movements sluggish. He manages to pull on a shirt and a pair of pants, not bothering with the rest. His usual polished appearance is replaced by a more casual, disheveled look, but there's a certain charm to it that's endearing.

As they step out of the room, they're greeted by the sight of everyone waiting for them. Kokoro, the new personal chef, Tsubaki, the number one bodyguard, Rika, the second bodyguard, Iūky, the assistant, and Waraji and Zōri, the two men Haku have been training. They all look up as Malik and Haku approach, their expressions mixing amusement and anticipation.

"Ok, let us go home," Malik says, his voice still thick with sleep. His face is smooshed, as if he's still half-asleep, but his eyes hold a spark of excitement. He walks over to a random door and touches it. The door swings open on its own, revealing a sight that leaves everyone speechless.

Beyond the door is Malik's home, a grand mansion that exudes elegance and warmth. Its sprawling gardens, towering walls, and luxurious interiors are a sight to behold. Everyone is taken aback by the sudden change in scenery, their eyes wide with surprise. Everyone, that is, except Haku, who already lives there.

As they step through the door, leaving the Gatō Company behind, they can't help but feel a sense of awe and excitement. They're stepping into a new world, a world filled with possibilities and opportunities. And as they take in the sight of their new home.


As they all step into the grandeur of the mansion's main hall, the air is filled with a sense of anticipation. The high ceilings, ornate chandeliers, and the soft glow of the setting sun filtering through the tall windows create an atmosphere of warmth and welcome.

Malik, standing at the center of the hall, turns to address everyone. His gaze sweeps over the group - Tsubaki, Rika, Waraji, Zōri, Kokoro, and Iūky - each of them waiting for his words.

"Tsubaki, Rika, Waraji, and Zōri," he begins, his voice echoing in the vast hall, "you will start training with Ryo, our Head of Security. Once Ryo deems you fit enough, which won't be for a while, he'll send you to train with Shisui and the others in the basement. That's where the real training happens."

He then turns to Kokoro, a smile playing on his lips. "Kokoro, when you're not with me, you'll be working with Takumi, our Head Chef. I'm sure you'll learn a lot from him."

His gaze then lands on Iūky. "Iūky, as my personal assistant, you'll be bouncing around the most. Sometimes you'll be with Mitsukihime, our Head Butler, or Aiko, our Head Housekeeper. You might even want to show up with Ryo. But remember, I expect you to keep up to date with the ins and outs of the house."

With that, Malik looks at everyone, his gaze serious. "I need you all at your best. Am I understood?" His question hangs in the air, a challenge and a promise. After a moment of silence, nods of agreement ripple through the group.

A sleepy yet happy smile spreads across Malik's face. "Welcome to your new home," he says, his voice soft but clear. "Talk to me when I wake up so I can set up your rooms."

With that, he turns to Mitsukihime. "Mitsukihime, please pick me up and carry me to my room," he requests. Without hesitation, Mitsukihime lifts him with surprising ease, her small frame belying her true strength.

As Mitsukihime carries him away, Malik calls out one last order. "Also Haku, get some sleep! That's an order." His words, though spoken in a light-hearted tone, carry the weight of his concern for Haku's well-being.

As the main hall empties, the echoes of Malik's words linger, setting the tone for the days to come. It's a new beginning for everyone, a chance to grow, learn, and become the best versions of themselves. And as they each retire to their very empty and blank rooms. 

As Malik retreats to his room for a few hours of rest, the mansion buzzes with activity. Tsubaki, Rika, Waraji, Zōri, Kokoro, and Iūky, each embark on their respective training sessions, their determination echoing through the halls.

Tsubaki and Rika, both bodyguards, are paired together for their training. Under the watchful eyes of Ryo, the Head of Security, they engage in intense sparring matches. Their movements are swift and precise, a dance of power and agility. Ryo pushes them to their limits, testing their endurance and adaptability. Despite the grueling training, Tsubaki and Rika persevere, their resolve unwavering. Each strike, each dodge, brings them closer to honing their skills, their progress evident in their improved coordination and stamina.

Waraji and Zōri, on the other hand, find themselves in the company of Shisui. (Shisui was bored and decided to steal them) In the expansive training grounds of the basement, they work on their combat skills. Shisui, a formidable shinobi herself, doesn't go easy on them. She challenges them with complex attack patterns, pushing them to think on their feet. The training is tough, but Waraji and Zōri rise to the challenge. Their determination to improve fuels their efforts, their shared goal fostering a sense of camaraderie between them. She puts them through hell, while Gen'yūmaru and The Demon Brothers, Gōzu, and Meizu watch happy to be on the outside of her evil gaze.

Kokoro, the new personal chef, spends her time with Takumi, the Head Chef. In the bustling kitchen, she learns the art of cooking from one of the best. Takumi's passion for food is infectious, and his teachings are invaluable. Kokoro absorbs everything, her hands moving with newfound confidence as she prepares various dishes. The kitchen fills with the delicious aroma of her creations, a testament to her growing culinary skills. Takumi even tells a few stories about Malik, "His cooking is like magic!" Takumi tells her, knowing full well that it quite literally is magic.

Iūky, the assistant, finds herself bouncing between Mitsukihime, the Head Butler, and Aiko, the Head Housekeeper. From Mitsukihime, she learns the intricacies of managing the mansion, her tasks ranging from overseeing the staff to ensuring the smooth running of daily operations. With Aiko, she delves into the details of maintaining the mansion, her duties encompassing everything from cleaning to organizing. Despite the demanding nature of her role, Iūky handles her responsibilities with grace and efficiency, her dedication evident in her tireless efforts.

As the hours pass, the mansion resonates with the sounds of their training. Each individual, in their way, is striving to be better, to contribute to the vision Malik has for them. And as they train, they grow - not just as individuals, but also as a team, their shared experiences forging bonds of trust and camaraderie. It's a testament to their determination, a promise of the progress they're destined to make. And as they push forward, they do so with the knowledge that they're part of something bigger, a family that's growing stronger with each passing day.


As the first rays of dawn filter through the windows (It's about 6 pm), Malik stirs from his slumber. He sits up, stretching his arms and letting out a yawn. His mind, refreshed from the sleep, immediately turns to his guests - Tsunade and Shizune. With a snap of his fingers, a hole forms in the floor of his room. Without a moment's hesitation, he steps into it, sliding down a pipe that leads directly to their shared room.

As he lands, a sight greets him that brings a mix of amusement and concern. Tsunade, the legendary Sannin, is sprawled across the table, completely passed out. Around her are about three dozen bottles, a testament to her infamous drinking habits. Despite the alarming number of empty bottles, Malik can't help but chuckle. Tsunade, even in her drunken stupor, is a force to be reckoned with.

His attention then turns to Shizune, who has just stepped out of the bath. Her hair is still damp, and she's wrapped in a soft robe. Seeing her, a wave of affection washes over Malik. "My love!" he exclaims, rushing over to her. His voice is filled with genuine remorse as he continues, "I'm sorry, I've been away for so long!"

 Shizune, slightly surprised by Malik's sudden appearance and heartfelt apology, gives him a warm smile. "It's alright, Malik. I know you've been busy," she reassures him, her voice gentle and understanding. She then looks at Tsunade, who remains passed out on the table. "I think it's time we get her to bed," she suggests, a hint of amusement in her eyes.

Malik nods, agreeing with Shizune. Together, they carefully lift Tsunade off the table and guide her to her room. Once she's tucked in, Malik and Shizune retreat to the living area. The atmosphere is relaxed, the tension from earlier in the day replaced by a sense of warmth and familiarity.

"I've missed you," Malik says, his voice soft as he looks at Shizune. As they sit together in the living area, the warmth between Malik and Shizune grows. Malik can't help but feel a sense of longing for the days when they were all closer.

"I've missed you too, Malik," Shizune replies, her voice filled with genuine emotion. "We all have. It's been too long since we've spent time together like this." Malik nods in agreement, taking a moment to appreciate the quiet comfort of the moment. The fire crackles in the hearth, casting a warm glow over the room.

After a few moments of silence, Shizune speaks up again. "So, what's on your mind? You seemed like you wanted to talk about something when you came to find me earlier." Malik takes a deep breath, gathering his thoughts. "I've been thinking about the past a lot lately," he admits. Malik continues, "I know I've made mistakes, and I want to make things right. I want to rebuild the bonds we used to have and create new memories together." Shizune listens intently, her expression softening as she hears the sincerity in Malik's voice.

"I appreciate that, Malik," she responds, placing a comforting hand on his arm. "We all have our regrets, but it's never too late to make amends and move forward. I'm here to support you, and I know the others will be too."

Malik nods, feeling a weight lifted off his shoulders. He looks into the fire, lost in thought for a moment. "There's something else I've been wanting to discuss with you," he says, turning back to Shizune. "If you'll have me, I ready to take the next step in our realtion-ship." Shizune, crosses her legs, flash Malik with her black pubic hair. Shizune's eyes widen slightly in surprise at Malik's words, but she quickly recovers, offering him a small, knowing smile. "I've been hoping you would say that, Malik," she admits, her voice barely above a whisper. She moves closer to him, their legs now touching gently.

"I feel the same way," Malik responds, his heart racing in his chest as he takes in the sight of Shizune. Her proximity and the intimate moment between them is overwhelming, but in the best way possible. He reaches out, gently taking Shizune's hand in his own.

Shizune responds by intertwining her fingers with his, squeezing gently to reassure him. "I want this, too," she says, her voice filled with emotion. "I've always wanted this with you, Malik." As they both sit there, hands intertwined, the warmth between them grows stronger. They can't help but feel a sense of belonging, as if they found their place in the world. Shizune leans in closer, her eyes never leaving his. The moment is thick with anticipation, and he can sense the tension building between them.

Malik closes the distance between him and Shizune, their lips meeting in a tender kiss. The kiss is soft at first, but it quickly deepens as they both express their long-held desires. Their hands explore each other's bodies, reaffirming the connection that has been building between them for so long.

As the kiss breaks, they both take a moment to catch their breath. Shizune's cheeks are flushed, and her eyes are full of passion. "I've wanted this for so long," she whispers, her voice thick with emotion. "Take off you towle and give me a show," Malik tells her. Shizune raises an eyebrow at his request but doesn't object. She gets up from her seat and starts to undo the knot of her towel. With a seductive smile, she lets the towel drop to the floor, revealing her naked body in all its glory. She strikes a pose, showing off her curves and the black hair between her legs.

Malik feels his heart race as he takes in the sight of Shizune's body. He can't help but feel a surge of desire as he watches her move with grace and confidence. He reaches out to touch her, but she playfully slaps his hand away. "Not yet," she says with a mischievous smile. "You have to earn it."

Shizune starts to dance, moving her body to an unheard rhythm. She gyrates her hips suggestively, teasing Malik with every movement. Shizune's dance is mesmerizing, her body swaying and twisting to an invisible beat. Her large breasts bounce with each movement, drawing his gaze to their fullness and the dark areolas surrounding her erect nipples. The hair between her legs is thick and black, framing her delicate lips as she continues her seductive performance.

Her dance becomes more provocative, and Malik can't help but feel himself becoming aroused. He reachs out to touch her again, and this time, she doesn't stop him. She steps closer, her body pressing against his as your hands explore her curves.

Her skin is soft and warm, and he can feel the heat radiating from her body. His fingers trace along her spine, causing her to shiver with delight. She leans in, her breath hot against his ear as she whispers, "I've missed this connection between us. Now get on your knees!" Malik kneals on the floor, "As you wish my Queen!" He then starts to rub her legs, Shizune feeling his touch slowly opens them for him. Malik, now on his knees, gazes up at Shizune, who looks down at him with a mix of desire and amusement. Her black pubic hair is visible, framing her delicate lips. He can't help but feel a surge of excitement as he begins to gently massage her legs, starting from her ankles and working his way up. His touch is soft yet firm, and Shizune responds by letting out a low moan of pleasure.

As he reaches her thighs, Shizune's breathing becomes heavier, and she unconsciously parts her legs wider, giving him better access. He takes this opportunity to explore her inner thighs, his fingers tracing tiny circles on her sensitive skin. Shizune's muscles tense up, and her body quivers in anticipation.

Malik then gently runs his fingers along the length of her slit, feeling the wetness gather there. He watches as Shizune's breath hitches, her eyes fluttering closed at his touch. Emboldened, he slowly begins to rub her delicate folds, causing her to gasp softly. Her body responds to his touch, hips moving in small, involuntary circles as she seeks more friction.

His movements become more confident as he explores her wetness, learning what brings her the most pleasure. She responds eagerly, her breathing becoming ragged as she reaches her peak. With a soft cry, she finds her release, shuddering against him as waves of pleasure wash over her.

Malik rises to his feet, his hands still on her hips, and pulls her close for another passionate kiss. Their bodies pressed together, they stand there for a moment, basking in the warmth of their newfound connection.

"I'm glad you came to find me, Malik." Shizune's voice is soft and filled with gratitude. "I've missed this connection between us, too. It feels right to be together like this again."

As they stand there, Malik becomes aware of the warmth of Shizune's body pressed against his. Her soft curves fit perfectly against him, and he can feel her heart racing in sync with his. The moment is overwhelming, but in the best way possible.

"I'm glad I found you, too," Malik replies, his voice barely above a whisper. He leans in to kiss her again, savoring the taste of her lips and the feeling of her body against his.

After a few moments, they finally break apart, both of them breathless and beaming with happiness. "So, where do we go from here?" Shizune asks, her voice filled with curiosity.

Malik takes a deep breath and considers her question. "I don't think you've seen me naked enough, the only time being in the spa, lets fix that." Malik then begins to take off his clothes, his soft fat body has a soft pink glow, Shizune reaches out to touch his dark smooth skin. As Malik removes his clothes, Shizune's gaze follows his movements, taking in the sight of his naked body. Her fingers gently trace over his skin, feeling the warmth and softness of his body. A small smile plays on her lips as she appreciates the intimacy of the moment.

Once he's undressed, Malik takes a step closer to Shizune, closing the distance between them. Their bodies press together, and they both let out soft sighs of contentment. Malik's hands explore Shizune's body, feeling the curve of her waist and the softness of her breasts. Shizune responds by running her fingers through Malik's hair, her touch sending shivers down his spine.

"You're beautiful," Malik whispers, his voice filled with admiration. Shizune blushes at the compliment but can't help but feel a sense of pride. "Thank you, Malik," she replies, her voice barely above a whisper. "You're not so bad yourself." She gazes into his eyes, a playful smirk on her lips. "Though I must say, I'm a little disappointed. I was hoping to see you in all your glory."

Malik chuckles at her teasing tone, his hands still exploring her body. "Well, I'm glad to oblige," he says, taking a step back. He strikes a pose, showing off his chubby body with a proud smile.

Shizune can't help but laugh at the sight of Malik's pose, but she's also genuinely impressed by his confidence. "Wow, Malik, you're really embracing your body," she says, her voice filled with admiration. "I think it's sexy." Shizune's words of appreciation warm Malik's heart, and he feels a deep connection with her in this moment. He takes her hand and leads her to the bed, where they lie down together, their bodies entwined. Their limbs intertwine, and they bask in the warmth and softness of each other's touch.

Malik, feeling emboldened, begins to explore Shizune's body with more intent, his hands roaming over her curves and caressing her sensitive spots. Shizune responds eagerly, her breath hitching as Malik's touch sends waves of pleasure through her body.

As they continue to explore each other's bodies, they find a rhythm that feels natural and right. Malik's fingers dance over Shizune's skin, tracing patterns that elicit soft moans and sighs of pleasure from her. Shizune's hands wander over Malik's body, feeling the softness of his skin and the firmness of his body. She can't help but marvel at the contrast between them, finding it incredibly arousing. As her hands reach his lower body, she gasps at the size of his endowment, whispering, "My, my, Malik. You certainly are well-endowed."

Malik blushes at Shizune's comment, but he's also proud of his size. He smiles at her, his eyes filled with warmth and desire. "I'm all yours, Shizune," he says, his voice deep and husky.

Shizune responds by running her fingers gently along the length of his shaft, feeling it twitch in response to her touch. Shizune's fingers move with a delicate touch, exploring the girth and length of Malik's manhood. Her thumb gently caresses the tip, spreading the bead of precum that has formed there. Malik can't help but moan at her touch, his hips thrusting gently in response to her exploration.

"You like that?" Shizune asks, her voice filled with amusement. Malik nods, unable to find words to express the intense pleasure she's giving him. Emboldened, Shizune continues to stroke him, her grip firm yet gentle.

Their bodies entwined, they continue to explore each other, their touches growing bolder as they become more comfortable with each other. Malik's hands roam over Shizune's body, feeling the curve of her waist and the softness of her breasts. Shizune's hands continue to work their magic on Malik's manhood, her grip firm yet gentle as she strokes him to the rhythm of their shared desire. Her fingers dance along his length, spreading the growing wetness that glistens on his tip. Malik can't help but moan at her touch, his hips thrusting gently in response to her exploration.

"I've missed this connection between us," Shizune whispers, her voice filled with longing and passion. "It feels right to be together like this again." She leans in to kiss him deeply, their tongues exploring each other's mouths with a familiarity that only comes from years of knowing one another.

As they continue to explore each other, Malik finds himself growing more and more aroused. His hips begin to move with increasing urgency, driving himself deeper into Shizune's skilled hands. Shizune notices Malik's escalating arousal and decides to take things to the next level. She shifts her position, guiding Malik's tip to her entrance. She looks into his eyes, seeking permission. Seeing the desire in his gaze, she slowly lowers herself onto him. Malik gasps as he enters her, feeling the warmth and tightness of her body enveloping him. They begin to move together, finding a rhythm that feels natural and right.

Their lovemaking is slow and passionate, each movement deliberate and intentional. Malik's hands explore Shizune's body, feeling the curve of her waist and the softness of her breasts. Shizune responds by running her fingers through Malik's hair, her touch sending shivers down his spine. They share soft moans and sighs, their connection deepening with each passing moment. As Shizune lowers herself onto Malik, she can't help but marvel at the feeling of him inside her. His size is impressive, and she feels every inch of him as she takes him in. She begins to move her hips, rocking back and forth as she finds a rhythm that feels just right. Malik meets her movements with his own, their bodies moving in sync as they become lost in the moment.

Their lovemaking becomes more passionate, their movements growing faster and more urgent. Shizune's fingers dig into Malik's shoulders as she holds on, her breath coming in short, sharp gasps. Malik's hands grip Shizune's hips, guiding her as they move together. The sound of their bodies slapping against each other fills the room, mingling with their moans and sighs of pleasure. Malik's heart races as he feels himself approaching his climax. He can sense that Shizune is close, too, her breath hitching and her movements becoming more erratic. He leans in to whisper in her ear, "I'm close, Shizune. Are you ready?"

Shizune nods, her eyes fluttering closed as she focuses on the sensations coursing through her body. "Yes, Malik," she gasps. "I'm ready."

With that, Malik lets go, his body shuddering with the force of his climax. Shizune follows soon after, her own release triggering a wave of pleasure that washes over both of them. They collapse onto the bed, their bodies slick with sweat and their breathing heavy. As the afterglow of their lovemaking fades, Malik and Shizune lay there, basking in the warmth of each other's bodies. Their limbs are tangled together, and their hearts are still racing from the intensity of their encounter.

Malik looks over at Shizune, her hair spread out on the pillow and her eyes half-closed in post-coital bliss. He can't help but feel a deep sense of affection for her, a feeling that has only grown stronger since they reconnected.

"I'm glad we found each other again," he says softly, his voice filled with emotion.

Shizune opens her eyes and looks at him, her gaze soft and loving. "Me too," she replies, her voice barely above a whisper. "It feels like we're meant to be together." Tsunade yells from her room, "KEEP IT DOWN, IM TOOO DRUNK TO HEAR ALL THAT SHIT!" The sound of Tsunade's voice startles both of them, and they can't help but laugh at her drunken outburst. The moment is playful and lighthearted, a testament to the strong bond that Malik and Shizune share.

"I guess we should keep it down," Malik says, a mischievous glint in his eye. "Wouldn't want to disturb the sensei."

Shizune chuckles and nods in agreement. "Yeah, we wouldn't want that. Besides, I think we've had our fill for now."

They both lie there for a few more moments, basking in the afterglow of their lovemaking and enjoying the warmth of each other's bodies. But eventually, the call of sleep becomes too strong, and they both drift off, wrapped in each other's arms.


As Malik slides his cock out of Shizune's wet pussy, he can't help but feel a sense of satisfaction and contentment. He looks down at her, her chest rising and falling with each breath she takes, her hair sprawled out on the pillow. He gently pulls the blanket over her, tucking her in before getting up to clean himself up.

He walks over to the bathroom, turning on the faucet to wash his hands and clean his still semi-erect cock. He takes a deep breath, letting the cool water calm him down as he reflects on the intimate moment he just shared with Shizune. It's been a while since they last connected like this, and he's grateful for the opportunity to rekindle their relationship.

After cleaning himself up, Malik makes his way back to the bedroom. He sees that Shizune is still asleep, her peaceful expression making him smile.

Leaving her room, Malik makes his way through the main area how their joined room.

"I don't know what she sees in you," Tsunade says from the floor, a bucket of ice dumped on her head. As Malik walk through the main area, he notices Tsunade sitting on the floor, a bucket of ice dumped on her head. She looks up at him with a groggy expression, her words slurred from whatever she's been drinking. "I don't know what she sees in you," she says, a hint of annoyance in her voice.

Malik chuckles at her comment, feeling a sense of amusement wash over him. "Well, I'm glad she sees something in me," he replies a playful smirk on his lips.

Tsunade rolls her eyes, her body swaying slightly as she struggles to keep her balance. "Yeah, yeah. Just make sure you don't break her heart," she says, her voice filled with genuine concern.

He nods, feeling a pang of guilt in his chest. "I do love her, Tsunade," Malik tells her, "One day, you're going to tell me what you are!" Tsunade says standing up. Tsunade looks at Malik with a serious expression, her eyes locked onto his. "I'll tell you when the time is right," he says, his voice firm. She then staggers off to her room, leaving Malik alone in the main area.

Malik watches as Tsunade disappears into her room, feeling a mix of emotions. He's relieved that she didn't press him further about his (State of being?), but he's also curious about what she could possibly think he could be hiding. He shakes his head, deciding to focus on the positive.


(Skill Quest): Attained 20 pairs of Underwear from people deeply in love with you "They must be wearing them when asked": (9/20)

Reward: Skill Golem Creation.


BluePrints Lv 8:

Crafting and Upgrading Mastery: This includes the ability to craft a wide range of weapons, armor, and other equipment from blueprints, as well as the skill to enhance and upgrade existing equipment for improved effectiveness. It also involves creating items with unique effects and superior stats.

Blueprint Acquisition and Application: This involves proficiency in obtaining new blueprints, often involving defeating specific bosses or exploring various locations, buying property, and owning the blueprint itslef. It also includes the ability to use blueprints to craft weapons and armor with unique properties and effects and to upgrade existing equipment to improve their effectiveness in combat.

Energy Generation and Trade: This includes the ability to help turn commercial buildings into flexible power assets that generate, store, and trade renewable energy. This could help decarbonize dense urban areas and connect buildings to energy markets through cloud-based software.

Energy Efficiency and Revenue Generation: This involves using bespoke algorithms to optimize the energy efficiency of buildings and helping building owners generate new revenue streams. This could be done by selling surplus energy or by connecting to electrical grid programs and regulatory incentives.

Carbon Performance Improvement and Site Resiliency: This includes the ability to improve the carbon performance of buildings by harnessing flexible energy capacity within buildings to reduce carbon emissions. It also involves increasing the resiliency of sites by harnessing flexible energy capacity within buildings.


As the day draws to a close, Malik finds himself retreating into the solitude of the mansion's attic. The attic, with its high ceilings and rustic charm, offers a quiet respite from the hustle and bustle of the mansion. The soft glow of the setting sun filters through the small window, casting long shadows across the room.

Malik stands in the center of the room, his gaze focused on the empty space in front of him. With a wave of his hand, the air shimmers, and several 3D pictures materialize. They hover in the air, their lifelike details creating an illusion of presence.

The first image is of Gen'yūmaru, his determined eyes reflecting his unwavering dedication to his training. Next to him is Haku, his calm demeanor a stark contrast to the intensity of his Ice Release techniques.

The images of the Demon Brothers, Gōzu and Meizu, appear next. Their rugged features and formidable statures are a testament to their reputation as fearsome warriors. Beside them are Waraji and Zōri, their contrasting personalities evident in their respective images.

The image of Tsubaki, Malik's number one bodyguard, materializes next. Her poised stance and sharp gaze embody her role as a protector. Next to her is Rika, the second bodyguard. Her image, with its aura of stealth and agility, reflects her reputation as a skilled kunoichi.

Finally, the image of Iūky, Malik's assistant, appears. Her image radiates efficiency and dedication, mirroring her role as Malik's right hand.


As Malik gazes at the 3D image of Gen'yūmaru, his mind begins to whirl with possibilities. His Blueprint skills come to the forefront as he contemplates the perfect item for Gen'yūmaru.

Gen'yūmaru, with his formidable strength and relentless determination, is a force to be reckoned with. His abilities and fighting style call for an item that complements his strengths and enhances his capabilities.

After much deliberation, Malik decides on a three-part set - a weapon, armor, and an accessory.

The weapon is a pair of gauntlets, crafted from a rare alloy known for its durability and lightweight. The gauntlets are designed to enhance Gen'yūmaru's hand-to-hand combat skills, their design allowing for swift, powerful strikes. Embedded within the gauntlets are small compartments for storing ninja tools, providing Gen'yūmaru with easy access during battles.

The armor is a suit of lightweight, flexible body armor. It's designed to provide maximum protection without hindering movement, perfect for Gen'yūmaru's dynamic fighting style. The armor is reinforced at key points for added protection, and its sleek design allows for stealth and agility.

The accessory is a pendant imbued with a large amount of chakra creating a minor healing factor. While it can't heal major injuries, it can accelerate the healing of minor wounds and reduce fatigue, allowing Gen'yūmaru to recover more quickly during battles.

As Malik works on the blueprints, his hands move with practiced ease, his focus unwavering. The images of the items take shape in front of him, their details becoming more defined with each passing moment. It's a labor of love, a testament to his dedication to his team.

Finally, after hours of meticulous work, the blueprints are complete. Malik takes a step back, admiring his work. The items, while still in blueprint form, are a sight to behold. They're not just tools or weapons, but symbols of his belief in Gen'yūmaru's potential.

"Now for a name," Malik says out loud to himself, "As for the name of the set, considering Gen'yūmaru's relentless spirit and the transformative journey he's on, it could be aptly named "The Ascendant's Aegis"."

{Intresing but why?} Amora asks.

("The name signifies Gen'yūmaru's rise (Ascendant) and the protection and empowerment (Aegis) the set provides. It's a name that carries a sense of power and promise, much like Gen'yūmaru himself.") he thinks to her. 

As he wraps up for the night, with these thoughts in mind, Malik retires for the night, the images of the blueprints etched in his mind, a promise of the exciting times to come.