Chapter 83: The Shifting Tides 

Chapter 83: The Shifting Tides The atmosphere in the stadium was electric with anticipation. The first match between Neji and Naruto had set a high bar, leaving the audience eager for more. The next match on the roster was supposed to feature Sasuke Uchiha versus Gaara of the Sand, a highly anticipated showdown. However, as the announcer called for the competitors, Sasuke was nowhere to be seen. The stadium, filled with murmurs and whispers as the crowd speculated about Sasuke's absence. In the special viewing box, Malik sat with Hiruzen, Danzō, and Orochimaru, observing the unfolding events. Hiruzen glanced at Malik, his eyes narrowing. "Sasuke's absence is troubling. He's been preparing for this match for weeks." Danzō crossed her arms, her expression stern. "It's unlike him to be late. We might need to disqualify him." Orochimaru, disguised as the Kazekage, leaned forward slightly. "I request that we postpone the match, Hokage. The crowd has been eagerly awaiting this fight. It would be a shame to disappoint them." Hiruzen sighed, looking thoughtful. "Very well. We will move the match to the end of the day. But if Sasuke does not appear by then, he will be disqualified." The crowd's reaction was mixed, with some expressing disappointment and others relieved that they might still see the anticipated fight. The announcer stepped forward, addressing the crowd. "Due to unforeseen circumstances, the match between Sasuke Uchiha and Gaara will be postponed to later in the day. We will now proceed to the next match." The announcement caused a stir in the stands, but the audience quickly settled down as the next match was announced. The announcer's voice rang out. "The third match will feature Shino Aburame versus Kankurō of the Sand." Shino stepped forward, her expression calm and composed, while Kankurō looked uneasy. The puppet user from the Sand Village raised her hand. Kankurō glanced at Shino, then at the crowd. "I forfeit." The crowd gasped in surprise. Shino raised an eyebrow but remained silent. The announcer nodded. "Kankurō has forfeited! Shino Aburame wins by default!" Danzō's eyes narrowed. "Interesting. She must have a reason for keeping her techniques hidden." Orochimaru smirked. "Indeed. The Sand Village is playing its cards close to the chest." Hiruzen looked thoughtful. "We should keep a close eye on them."Malik just rolled his eyes, thinking why these 3 old people even bothered playing mind games, At this point, Malik had a good feeling Orochimaru knew something was up, but she was too curious to do anything.The audience murmured among themselves, the abrupt forfeit leaving them wanting more. The announcer quickly moved on to the next match to maintain the momentum. The announcer's voice boomed. "The fourth match will feature Temari of the Sand versus Shikamaru Nara of the Leaf." Temari and Shikamaru entered the arena, their expressions serious. Temari wielded her giant fan with confidence, while Shikamaru looked as lazy and uninterested as ever. Temari smirked at Shikamaru. "Ready to lose, Shikamaru?" Shikamaru sighed, scratching his head. "Troublesome. Let's get this over with." As the match began, Temari launched a series of wind attacks using her fan, each one more powerful than the last. Shikamaru dodged and weaved, seemingly without any plan. In the viewing box, Malik watched intently. "Shikamaru's up to something. He's always five steps ahead." Hiruzen nodded. "Indeed. He's a master strategist." Temari grew frustrated as Shikamaru continued to evade her attacks. "Are you just going to run away?" Shikamaru smirked slightly. "You'll see." He formed a hand seal, and his shadow began to stretch and merge with Temari's. Realization dawned on Temari's face, but it was too late. Shikamaru's Shadow Possession Jutsu had her in its grip. Shikamaru grinned. "Gotcha." The crowd watched in awe as Shikamaru manipulated Temari's movements, forcing her to mimic his every action. He led her into a trap, positioning her perfectly for a finishing move. But then, Shikamaru sighed and released his jutsu. "I forfeit." The audience was stunned. Even Temari looked confused. "Why?" Shikamaru shrugged, looking bored. "I'm too low on chakra to continue. Plus, I don't really want to hurt a girl." Temari's eyes narrowed, a mix of frustration and grudging respect. "You're infuriating." The announcer's voice rang out. "Shikamaru Nara has forfeited! The winner is Temari of the Sand!" In the private box, Hiruzen smiled. "Shikamaru's laziness is as strategic as his tactics."  Danzō nodded. "A pity. He could have won." "He did win, Danzō," Malik said.Danzō rolled her eyes, not bothering to say anything back.Orochimaru's eyes glinted with amusement. "His priorities are interesting, to say the least." Malik chuckled. "He's always been like that. Brilliant, but frustrating." ================= The stadium was still buzzing with excitement from the previous matches. The anticipation for the final match between Sasuke and Gaara was palpable, but for now, the focus shifted to the competitors who had already given their all. The stadium, transitioning from the arena to a quieter, more secluded area where Malik and Neji could meet. Malik made his way through the corridors of the stadium, his mind focused on Neji. He found her in a quiet corner, resting after her intense battle with Naruto. Her breathing was steady but heavy, and her body showed signs of exhaustion. Neji looked up as Malik approached, a soft smile playing on her lips. "Malik." Malik immediately knelt beside her, his hands glowing with healing magic as he carefully tended to her wounds. "You fought brilliantly, Neji. I'm so proud of you." As he worked, Neji felt a warmth spread through her body, both from his healing touch and his words. She leaned into him, her large chest pressing against him, seeking comfort and reassurance. "I did it for us, Malik," she whispered, her voice filled with love and determination. "I wanted to prove it for us, and to show up my family." Malik's heart swelled with pride and affection. He wrapped his arms around her, holding her close. "You did, Neji. You showed everyone your strength and your will. I love you." Neji's eyes shimmered with emotion. "I love you too, Malik." They stayed like that for a moment, lost in their embrace, whispering their love for one another. Neji's large chest pressed firmly against Malik's, the closeness of their bodies reinforcing their bond. Suddenly, Neji stiffened. Malik felt her grip tighten and saw her eyes widen in alarm. He followed her gaze and saw a giant face made of shadows materializing from the wall, its mouth opening wide to swallow him whole. "Malik, watch out!" Neji cried, pushing him away with all her strength. Malik stumbled back, his eyes wide with shock as the shadowy face lunged at him. Neji moved with incredible speed, positioning herself between Malik and the looming threat. Her Byakugan activated, veins bulging around her eyes as she focused her chakra. "Eight Trigrams: Palm Rotation!" Neji spun rapidly, creating a protective barrier of chakra that deflected the shadowy face's attack. The force of her technique caused the shadows to recoil, writhing in pain. The face snarled, its eyes filled with malice. It lunged again, but Neji was ready. She channeled her chakra into her hands, striking the shadowy entity with precision and power. "Sixty-Four Palms!" Each strike hit with the force of a sledgehammer, breaking apart the shadowy form. The face howled in agony before dissipating into nothingness. Neji stood panting, her body tense and ready for any further attacks. Malik rushed to her side, his eyes filled with concern. "Are you okay, Neji?" Neji nodded, her breathing steadying. "I'm fine. But what was that?" Malik shook his head, his mind racing. "I don't know. But whatever it was, it's gone now." They both looked around, the tension in the air still thick. Malik took Neji's hand, squeezing it reassuringly. "We'll figure this out. Together." Neji nodded, her determination returning. "Together." As they embraced once more, leaving the mystery of the shadowy face hanging in the air. ====