Chapter 84: Wait . . .

Chapter 84: Wait . . .

The stadium's energy still buzzed with excitement from the previous matches, and the anticipation for the final match between Sasuke and Gaara was palpable. However, in the special viewing box, an entirely different kind of tension was building. The special viewing box for the Hokage and other dignitaries, high above the stadium. As Malik made his way down to see Neji, Orochimaru, disguised as the Kazekage, stretched leisurely and then stood up, her movements graceful and deliberate.

The air in the box grew thick with an unspoken threat. Orochimaru smirked, her eyes narrowing with malicious intent. "Well, now that Malik is gone and everyone else is preoccupied, I suppose it's time we get to killing you, sensei." 

The Third Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi, remained calm, his face a mask of serene composure. He glanced at Orochimaru, his eyes sharp and unwavering. "We?" Hiruzen's voice was steady, his gaze locked on Orochimaru. "You've always preferred to work alone, Orochimaru. Who do you have with you this time?" 

Danzō's eyes narrowed as she shifted in her seat, readying herself for whatever might come next. "If there's a threat, we need to neutralize it immediately." Orochimaru's smile widened, and she let out a low, menacing laugh. "Oh, Hiruzen, you underestimate me. I've brought a few friends along for this special occasion."

As if on cue, several figures emerged from the shadows at the edges of the viewing box. Each one was cloaked and masked, their presence radiating danger. Orochimaru's voice dripped with satisfaction. "Meet my loyal subordinates. They've been itching for a chance to prove themselves against the legendary Third Hokage."

Hiruzen's eyes flicked to each of the new arrivals, assessing their potential threat. "You never could face me alone, could you, Orochimaru? Always needing others to bolster your confidence." Danzō's hands were already moving, fingers forming seals in preparation for battle. "Hiruzen, we need to act fast. These aren't ordinary shinobi." Orochimaru's eyes glittered with sadistic pleasure. "Oh, I wouldn't worry too much, Danzō. You'll get your turn soon enough."

Meanwhile, down in the arena: Malik found Neji in a quiet corner, resting after her intense battle with Naruto. Her breathing was steady but heavy, and her body showed signs of exhaustion. He knelt beside her, his hands glowing with healing magic as he carefully tended to her wounds. "Malik," Neji whispered, her voice filled with relief. "You fought brilliantly, Neji. I'm so proud of you." As he worked, Neji felt a warmth spread through her body, both from his healing touch and his words. She leaned into him, her large chest pressing against him, seeking comfort and reassurance. "I did it for us, Malik," she whispered, her voice filled with love and determination. "I wanted to prove it to us, and to show up my family."

Malik's heart swelled with pride and affection. He wrapped his arms around her, holding her close. "You did, Neji. You showed everyone your strength and your will. I love you." Neji's eyes shimmered with emotion. "I love you too, Malik." They stayed like that for a moment, lost in their embrace, whispering their love for one another. Neji's large chest pressed firmly against Malik, the closeness of their bodies reinforcing their bond. Suddenly, Neji stiffened. Malik felt her grip tighten and saw her eyes widen in alarm.

He followed her gaze and saw a giant face made of shadows materializing from the wall, its mouth opening wide to swallow him whole. "Malik, watch out!" Neji cried, pushing him away with all her strength. Malik stumbled back, his eyes wide with shock as the shadowy face lunged at him. Neji moved with incredible speed, positioning herself between Malik and the looming threat. Her Byakugan activated, veins bulging around her eyes as she focused her chakra. "Eight Trigrams: Palm Rotation!" Neji spun rapidly, creating a protective barrier of chakra that deflected the shadowy face's attack.

The force of her technique caused the shadows to recoil, writhing in pain. The face snarled, its eyes filled with malice. It lunged again, but Neji was ready. She channeled her chakra into her hands, striking the shadowy entity with precision and power. "Sixty-Four Palms!" Neji's voice rang out with determination. Each strike hit with the force of a sledgehammer, breaking apart the shadowy form. The face howled in agony before dissipating into nothingness. Neji stood panting, her body tense and ready for any further attacks. Malik rushed to her side, his eyes filled with concern. "Are you okay, Neji?" Neji nodded, her breathing steadying. "I'm fine. But what was that?"

Malik shook his head, his mind racing. "I don't know. But whatever it was, it's gone now." They both looked around, the tension in the air still palpable. Malik took Neji's hand, squeezing it reassuringly. "We'll figure this out. Together." Neji nodded, her eyes determined. "Together."

Back in the viewing box: The tension had reached a breaking point. Orochimaru's subordinates moved closer, ready to strike at a moment's notice. Hiruzen's gaze was steely as he faced his former student. "Orochimaru, this ends now. You won't harm anyone here." Orochimaru laughed, a chilling sound that echoed through the chaos. "It's far from over, Hiruzen. This is just the beginning." Suddenly, one of Orochimaru's subordinates lunged forward, aiming directly at Hiruzen. Danzō sprang into action, intercepting the attack with a swift counter, her movements precise and lethal. "Danzō, we must take them out quickly!" Hiruzen called, his voice commanding.

Hiruzen nodded, his hands already forming seals. "Katon: Karyū Endan!" (Fire Release: Fire Dragon Flame Bullet) A massive stream of fire erupted from Hiruzen's mouth, targeting the approaching attackers. Orochimaru's subordinates dodged and countered with their own jutsus, filling the air with explosive clashes of elemental techniques.

Orochimaru watched with amusement. "Ah, the flames of youth. How nostalgic." Hiruzen's eyes were sharp as he directed his next attack. "Doton: Doryūheki!" (Earth Release: Earth-Style Wall) A large earthen wall rose up, blocking the attacks of Orochimaru's subordinates and providing temporary cover. Meanwhile, in the arena below, the spectators were growing restless, unaware of the battle raging above them.

Spectator 1: "What's taking so long? Where's the next match?"

Spectator 2: "Something feels off. Did you hear that explosion?"

Back with Malik and Neji, the air remained tense. Neji kept her guard up, her Byakugan scanning for any further threats. Malik: "Neji, we need to get back to the others. Something's not right." Neji nodded, her eyes determined. "Let's go." As they moved through the corridors, a sudden rumble echoed from above. Malik's eyes widened with realization. "The viewing box... Orochimaru must have made her move." 

Just as they were about to head up, they were attacked by over a dozen shadowy faces, identical to the one from before. The faces covered the entire hallway both in front of them and behind, leaving no room for escape. 

Neji gritted her teeth, her Byakugan activated. "They're coming for you, Malik. Stay behind me." 

She launched into action, her hands moving in a blur as she deflected the attacks with her Gentle Fist technique. "Eight Trigrams: Palm Rotation!" 

Neji spun rapidly, creating a protective barrier of chakra that deflected the shadowy faces' attacks. But the faces were relentless, their focus entirely on Malik. 

Neji darted back and forth, her hands moving with precision and speed as she struck the shadowy faces. Her strikes disrupted their forms, but they kept coming, regenerating almost instantly. Sweat poured down her face as she fought to keep up with the relentless onslaught. 

"Sixty-Four Palms!" Neji's voice rang out, her strikes hitting faster and harder. 

Malik watched in awe as Neji fought with everything she had, her movements a blur of grace and power. But he could see the strain on her face, the exhaustion beginning to take its toll. 

"Neji, they're targeting you to get to me. I can't let you do this alone," Malik said, his voice filled with concern. 

Neji glanced back at him, her eyes fierce. "I can handle this, Malik. Just stay behind me." 

But even as she spoke, a shadowy face slipped past her defenses, its claws raking across her arm. Neji gritted her teeth, ignoring the pain as she continued to fight. Malik's hands glowed with healing as he reached out to mend her wounds, but he could see that her chakra was getting low. 

"Neji, your chakra..." Malik began, but before he could finish, a portal of ice appeared beside them. 

Haku emerged from the portal, his expression calm and determined. "We're here to help." 

Toru "The Beast" Saito and Hana "The Blaze" Kimura followed, their presence filling the hallway with a renewed sense of hope. 

Toru's massive form filled the hallway as he prepared for battle. "Stay behind us. We'll handle these shadows." 

Hana's hands ignited with flames, her eyes fierce with determination. "Let's light them up." 

The three of them launched into action, their combined attacks creating a symphony of ice, fire, and brute force. Haku moved with incredible speed, his ice mirrors reflecting the shadows' attacks back at them. The hall filled with the sound of shattering ice and the sizzle of flames as Hana's fire techniques incinerated the shadows. 

Toru's powerful strikes shattered the faces with each blow, his strength overwhelming their regenerative abilities. He roared as he smashed through the shadows, his sheer force a testament to his nickname, "The Beast." 

Hana's flames danced in the air, precise and controlled as she directed them at the shadows. "Fire Release: Dragon Flower Flame Jutsu!" 

A torrent of flames engulfed the shadows, reducing them to ash. The heat was intense, but Hana's control was perfect, ensuring that only the shadows were affected. 

Haku's voice was calm but authoritative as he directed their efforts. "Neji, focus on protecting Malik. We'll handle the rest." 

Neji nodded, her breathing steadying as she took her place beside Malik. "Thank you." 

The combined efforts of Haku, Toru, and Hana quickly turned the tide of the battle. The shadowy faces were no match for their coordinated attacks, and soon, the hallway was clear. 

Neji panted, her body trembling with exhaustion. "Thank you. I don't know how much longer I could have held them off." 

Malik nodded, his gratitude evident. "We need to get to the viewing box. Orochimaru has made her move." 

Haku nodded, his expression serious. "We'll clear the way. Let's move." 

Suddenly, they heard a woman's laughter echoing from the shadows. The laughter was eerie and filled with malice, sending chills down their spines.

"Who's there?" Malik called out, his voice steady despite the tension.

A figure emerged from the darkness, her body flickering in and out like a shadow puppet. She was clad in dark, flowing robes, and a black cloak with red clouds, her eyes glowing with a sinister light. Multiple dark images of her floated out of the walls, floor, and ceiling of the hallway.

Haku's eyes widened in recognition. "It's Kagami, the Shadow Puppet Master."

"I'm sorry, who are you?" Malik said

Kagami's voice was mocking as she addressed them. "Ah, it's been a while, hasn't it? Hand over Malik, and I promise to make your deaths somewhat painless."

Toru growled, his fists clenching. "We're not giving you anything, Kagami."

Hana's flames flared up, her eyes narrowing. "You'll have to get through us first."

Kagami's images flickered and multiplied, surrounding them. "Oh, I intend to. Let's see how well you fare against my shadows."

Neji stepped forward, her Byakugan activated. "We won't let you take Malik."

Kagami laughed again, her voice echoing through the hallway. "Very well, then. Let's play."

The hallway erupted into chaos as Kagami's shadow images attacked from all directions. Haku, Toru, and Hana fought back fiercely, their combined efforts creating a whirlwind of ice, fire, and brute force. Neji stayed close to Malik, her Gentle Fist technique striking down any shadow that dared approach.

Kagami's laughter filled the air as she watched the battle, her eyes gleaming with sadistic pleasure. "You can't protect him forever. Hand him over, and I might spare your lives."
