Chapter 85: Shattered Illusions

Chapter 85: Shattered Illusions

The battle in the hallway raged on, with Haku, Toru, Hana, and Neji fighting valiantly against the relentless shadow images conjured by Kagami. Malik watched in awe and concern, his mind racing with thoughts and questions.

As he observed the fierce combat, a thought struck him. ("Why is there a member of the Akatsuki here? And why someone I knew wasn't in the show?")

Just as the question formed in his mind, a soothing, ethereal voice echoed within his thoughts. It was Amora, the goddess of love, speaking to him. {"Malik, remember where you are. This is the Naruto world, not the show. The limitations are gone, and fate has already changed because of your presence."}

Malik's eyes widened with realization. ("So, the story I knew isn't set in stone anymore?")

Amora's voice was gentle but firm. {"Exactly. Your actions have already altered the course of events. New challenges and new allies will emerge. Embrace this change, and use your unique abilities to shape the future."}

Taking a deep breath, Malik refocused on the battle before him. The stakes were higher than ever, and he knew he had to be ready for whatever came next.

With renewed determination, Malik stepped forward, his eyes locked on Kagami. "We won't let you win, Kagami. This world may be different now, but our resolve remains the same."

Kagami's laughter echoed through the hallway, her shadowy images continuing their assault. "We'll see about that, Malik."

Malik ignored her and shouted to Haku, "Haku, 1 or Yellow!"

1 being, Haku thinks the four of them can beat her in a fight.

Yellow being, Malik uses his Whisper command spell on her.

Whisper Lv 9: Command someone to do an action (only works once per person, you might want to be specific).

Haku, Toru, and Hana intensified their efforts, their combined attacks pushing back the shadows. Neji stayed close to Malik, her Gentle Fist technique precise and unyielding.

Haku, shouted back, "Yellow!"

As the battle raged on, Malik's mind raced with possibilities. He knew that the path ahead was uncertain, but with his friends by his side and the guidance of Amora, he felt ready to face whatever challenges awaited them.

The hallway filled with the sounds of clashing attacks and fierce determination. The battle was far from over, but Malik's resolve had never been stronger.

Malik stepped up, his eyes ablaze with pink light. "Kagami, go find me a six-leaf clover."

Kagami's eyes widened as the command took hold. The power of Malik's Whisper spell was undeniable, and despite her best efforts to resist, she found herself compelled to obey. Her shadowy images flickered and faded as she turned, her body moving against her will.

"You... you won't get away with this," Kagami hissed, her voice strained as she began to search for the impossible six-leaf clover. She then floated through a wall and disappeared

The shadowy faces around them began to dissipate, leaving the hallway clear. Malik took a moment to catch his breath, his eyes scanning the area for any remaining threats. Haku, Toru, Hana, and Neji regrouped around him, their expressions a mix of relief and determination.

Neji's voice was steady but filled with concern. "We need to move quickly. Deidara and Amara are still attacking the village."

Malik nodded, his resolve unwavering. "Let's go. We need to stop them before they cause any more destruction."

Haku looked at Malik, "What about the 3rd?"

Malik gave him a weak smile, "Let us hope he and Danzō are enough to handle Orochimaru by themselves for a little while.

Together, they made their way through the corridors, heading towards the source of the explosions and chaos. As they approached the battle zone, the sounds of destruction grew louder, and the sky was filled with smoke and fire.

Not only were they constant explosions going off, but Over a doven giant 12 Snakes rampaged through the village, Malik noticed and recognized quite a few ninjas fighting them.

Just then, Shisui's voice echoed in Malik's mind through their rings. "Malik, we're still in position, but something's happening. Giant blasts and explosions are going off everywhere still but there is something else."

Malik's eyes widened. "What? Where?"

Shisui's voice was urgent. "Look up. Two women are attacking the village. One of them is Deidara, an explosive artist from Iwagakure who uses explosive clay for her art and attacks. The other is her partner, Amara 'The Mind Shaper'."

Malik's heart raced as he looked up to see the sky lit with explosions. Deidara's form was easily recognizable, her clay birds swooping down and causing destruction. Beside her was Amara, a figure cloaked in dark robes, her eyes glowing with an eerie light as she manipulated the minds of those below, sending them into madness and bloodlust.

("Another new member of the Akatsuki!") He thought to himself.

Shisui's voice was steady despite the chaos. "We need to act fast. Amara's abilities are causing chaos, and Deidara's explosives are only adding to it."

Malik nodded, his mind racing. "Alright, do what you need to, we're on our way!"

Haku's ice mirrors reflected the chaos outside, showing the devastation caused by Deidara and Amara. Toru and Hana redoubled their efforts, knowing the urgency of the situation.

The hallway finally cleared of shadows, and Malik and his team rushed towards the main square where the explosions were most concentrated. As they neared, the ground trembled with each blast, and the air was thick with smoke and the acrid smell of burning clay.

Upon reaching the square, they were met with a scene of chaos. Buildings lay in ruins, and villagers ran in panic, their minds twisted by Amara's sinister influence. Deidara's clay birds swooped down, exploding on impact and causing further devastation.

"Stay focused," Malik commanded. "Neji, Toru, Hana, handle the villagers. Haku, you're with me. We're going after Deidara and Amara."

Neji nodded, her Byakugan activated. "Understood."

Toru and Hana moved swiftly to contain the chaos on the ground, their combined efforts helping to protect the villagers and keep the area clear.

Haku and Malik moved toward the heart of the battle, their eyes locked on the two Akatsuki members wreaking havoc from above. Deidara noticed their approach and let out a maniacal laugh, her voice echoing through the destruction.

"Well, well, if it isn't the famous Malik. I was hoping for a good fight today!"

Amara's eyes glowed with malevolent energy as she directed her mind-controlling powers towards them. "You won't stand a chance against us."

Malik's eyes blazed with determination. "We'll see about that."

As Deidara's clay birds dived towards them, Haku created a series of ice mirrors, reflecting the explosions and protecting them from the blasts. Malik channeled his powers, focusing on Amara.

"Amara, your mind games end here!" Malik shouted, his hands glowing with magical energy.

Amara's eyes widened as she felt Malik's power push against her own. She struggled to maintain control over the minds she had ensnared, but Malik's strength was overwhelming. The villagers began to shake off her influence, their sanity slowly returning.

Deidara, seeing her partner in trouble, unleashed a massive clay dragon, its jaws snapping as it lunged toward Malik and Haku. "Let's see how you handle this!"

Haku's ice mirrors shattered under the force of the dragon's attack, but he quickly formed new ones, creating a protective barrier around them. Malik focused his energy, on preparing for a counterattack.

"Now, Haku!" Malik shouted.

Haku nodded, his ice mirrors forming a complex pattern around Deidara and Amara. "Ice Release: Crystal Ice Mirrors!"

The mirrors trapped the two Akatsuki members, their reflections multiplying endlessly. Deidara and Amara struggled, their powers clashing against the icy prison.

Malik stepped forward, his eyes glowing with pink light. "This ends now."

With a powerful surge of energy, Malik unleashed a wave of magic that shattered the ice mirrors and sent Deidara and Amara crashing to the ground.

"Poor people BEGONE," Malik yelled.

Because the two of them were truly lacking in drip and cash, the two Akatsuki members lay defeated, their bodies battered and broken.

"Poor ass, dripless ass, weak ass hair cut ass," Malik said to them. "Ya'll both kinda cute though."

Malik then summoned GrubGrub, "Take them to my house, they won't be asleep for long," As GrubGrub picked them up and carried them away, Malik turned to the village.

The village square grew silent as the chaos subsided. Malik, Haku, Neji, Toru, and Hana stood victorious, their enemies vanquished.

Malik took a deep breath, his eyes scanning the battlefield. "We did it. But the village isn't safe yet."

Haku placed a hand on Malik's shoulder. "We couldn't have done it without you, Malik."

Malik nodded, a sense of pride and relief washing over him. "Thank you, everyone. Let's make sure the villagers are safe and start rebuilding. Haku, me and you are heading back to the Colosseum."

That's when Malik started to hear the roaring.