Chapter 86: Back in the viewing box:


Chapter 86: Back in the Viewing Box

The tension in the viewing box was palpable. Hiruzen, Danzō, and Orochimaru, still disguised as the Kazekage, stood ready for any sudden attack. Orochimaru's loyal subordinates moved closer, their presence radiating danger.

Without warning, several of the guests started to convulse, their bodies splashing into a clay-like substance that merged into a giant form. It was The Chimara, a monstrous entity composed of several different creatures, its body shifting and twisting in a horrifying manner.

Hiruzen's eyes widened in shock. "What is this abomination?"

Orochimaru's smirk widened as she shed her Kazekage disguise, revealing her true form. "This, sensei, is The Chimara. A new member of the Akatsuki and someone I have aligned with to ensure our plans succeed."

The Chimara's body solidified into her 0 Stage form, her appearance a grotesque mix of dough and mud, constantly shifting and molding itself. Her eyes were the only distinct feature, glowing a faint, eerie yellow.

The Chimara began to speak, her voice a haunting mix of multiple tones. "Behold, the true beauty of power. This is the form of ultimate strength and perfection. I am The Chimara, and I will make everyone as beautiful as me."

Danzō's eyes narrowed, her hands already forming seals. "So, you've joined forces with the Akatsuki again, Orochimaru? What do they hope to gain from this?"

Orochimaru's expression softened slightly as she glanced at Malik's empty seat. "They want Malik. He's special, you see. And they promised to help me kill you, sensei."

The Chimara let out a guttural roar, its many mouths opening and closing in a grotesque display. Orochimaru turned her gaze back to Hiruzen, her eyes filled with a mix of regret and determination. "I love Malik, but sacrifices have to be made. I promise to take care of him when we take him back to our base. Alive, of course."

Hiruzen's face hardened, his resolve strengthening. "You won't get away with this, Orochimaru. We'll stop you and the Akatsuki."

Orochimaru's laughter was chilling. "We'll see about that, sensei."

The Chimara lunged forward, her massive limbs crashing into the ground. Hiruzen and Danzō leaped into action, their combined attacks aimed at the monstrous entity. Orochimaru watched with twisted satisfaction, her eyes gleaming with anticipation.

The Battle with The Chimara

The air was thick with tension as The Chimara's grotesque form loomed over Hiruzen and Danzō. Orochimaru had jumped back, her eyes gleaming with anticipation, ready to watch the chaos unfold. The Chimara, with her monstrous blend of animal traits and twisted limbs, was a force to be reckoned with.

Hiruzen and Danzō exchanged a determined glance. They knew that to defeat The Chimara, they would have to pull out all the stops and utilize every ounce of their strength and skill.

Hiruzen took a deep breath, his eyes steely with resolve. "Danzō, we need to coordinate our attacks. We can't afford any mistakes."

Danzō nodded, her hands already forming seals. "Agreed. Let's show this abomination what we're capable of."

The Chimara let out a guttural roar, her multiple mouths opening and closing in a grotesque display. She lunged forward, her massive limbs crashing into the ground with earth-shaking force.

Hiruzen moved swiftly, his hands forming seals. "Doton: Doryūheki!" (Earth Release: Earth-Style Wall)

A massive earthen wall rose up, blocking The Chimara's initial attack. The monstrous creature's claws scraped against the wall, leaving deep gouges but failing to break through.

Danzō took advantage of the momentary reprieve, her hands forming a different set of seals. "Fūton: Shinkū Taigyoku!" (Wind Release: Vacuum Great Sphere)

She unleashed a powerful sphere of wind, directing it towards The Chimara. The wind sphere struck the creature with immense force, causing it to stagger backward. But The Chimara quickly recovered, her multiple limbs twisting and contorting as she prepared for another assault.

Hiruzen's eyes narrowed as he assessed the situation. "We need to target her weak points. Aim for the joints and eyes."

Danzō nodded, her eyes fierce with determination. "Understood."

As The Chimara lunged again, Hiruzen and Danzō split up, flanking the creature from both sides. Hiruzen unleashed a barrage of fire attacks, his hands moving in rapid succession. "Katon: Karyū Endan!" (Fire Release: Fire Dragon Flame Bullet)

A massive stream of fire erupted from Hiruzen's mouth, targeting The Chimara's eyes. The creature howled in pain as the flames scorched her flesh, temporarily blinding her.

Danzō took the opportunity to strike, her body moving with incredible speed. She focused her wind chakra into her blade, creating a razor-sharp edge. "Fūton: Shinkūjin!" (Wind Release: Vacuum Blade)

With a swift and precise motion, Danzō slashed at The Chimara's joints, aiming to cripple her movements. The wind-enhanced blade cut through the creature's tough exterior, causing her to roar in agony.

The Chimara's body convulsed, her limbs flailing wildly as she tried to shake off the attacks. Her eyes, now glowing with fury, locked onto Hiruzen and Danzō. With a terrifying display of strength, she slammed her massive fists into the ground, creating a shockwave that sent both shinobi flying.

Hiruzen landed hard but quickly rolled to his feet, his eyes never leaving The Chimara. "She's tougher than I expected."

Danzō wiped blood from her mouth, her expression grim but determined. "We can't let up. We need to keep pressing the attack."

Hiruzen nodded, his hands forming seals once more. "Suiton: Suiryūdan no Jutsu!" (Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet Technique)

A massive dragon made of water surged forth, crashing into The Chimara with the force of a tidal wave. The creature staggered, her monstrous form struggling to maintain balance against the relentless onslaught.

Danzō followed up with a powerful wind technique, her hands moving in rapid succession. "Fūton: Shinkū Renpa!" (Wind Release: Vacuum Serial Waves)

Multiple blades of wind shot towards The Chimara, slicing through her flesh and causing her to roar in pain. Blood oozed from her wounds, but the creature's determination was unyielding.

The Chimara let out a laugh, her many mouths speaking in unison. "You think you can defeat me? I feel no pain! This body is made of clay. Your attacks are useless!"

Hiruzen's mind raced. "Clay... If we can harden her body with fire, then cut her apart with wind, we might stand a chance."

Danzō nodded, understanding the plan. "Let's do it."

Hiruzen unleashed another barrage of fire attacks, his hands moving rapidly. "Katon: Gōka Mekkyaku!" (Fire Release: Great Fire Annihilation)

The intense flames engulfed The Chimara, heating her clay-like body to the point of hardening. The creature struggled, her movements becoming slower and more labored.

Danzō seized the opportunity, her wind chakra blade glowing brightly. "Fūton: Shinkū Renpa!" (Wind Release: Vacuum Serial Waves)

With a powerful swing, Danzō's wind blades sliced through The Chimara's hardened form, breaking her apart piece by piece. The creature let out a final, earth-shaking roar before collapsing to the ground, her body dissolving into the same clay-like substance from which she was formed. As her body faded away, she promised to be back soon enough.

The battle was over. Hiruzen and Danzō stood victorious, their bodies battered and bruised, but their spirits unbroken.

Orochimaru watched from a distance, her eyes gleaming with a mix of anger and admiration. "You've won this round, sensei. But the game is far from over."

Hiruzen's gaze was steely as he looked at his former student. "We'll be ready for whatever you throw at us next, Orochimaru."

With The Chimara defeated, the immediate threat had been neutralized. But the presence of the Akatsuki and Orochimaru's plans still loomed large. Hiruzen and Danzō knew that the battles ahead would be even more challenging, but they were prepared to face them together.

Elsewhere in the Stadium

As the battle in the viewing box raged on, another intense fight was unfolding elsewhere in the stadium. The Sound Four, Orochimaru's elite bodyguards, clashed with Danzō's Root, a branch of Konohagakure's Anbu.

The Sound Four, consisting of Jirōbō, Kidōmaru, Sakon, Ukon, and Tayuya, were formidable opponents, each possessing unique and deadly abilities. The Root members, highly trained and disciplined, fought with precision and strategy.

The stadium's corridors were filled with the sounds of fierce combat. Jirōbō's immense strength clashed with the swift and lethal strikes of Root operatives. Kidōmaru's webs and arrows created a deadly trap, but the Root members expertly navigated through them, countering with their own.