Chapter 87: Clash

Chapter 87: Clash

The stadium's corridors were filled with the sounds of fierce combat. Jirōbō's immense strength clashed with the swift and lethal strikes of Root operatives. Kidōmaru's webs and arrows created a deadly trap, but the Root members expertly navigated through them, countering with their own precise attacks.

Tayuya's flute echoed through the hallways, her Genjutsu creating illusions that disoriented and confused the Root members. However, they were trained to recognize and break free from such techniques, countering with their own Ninjutsu to disrupt her melodies.

Sakon and Ukon, utilizing their unique ability to merge with opponents and attack from within, attempted to overwhelm the Root operatives with their surprise tactics. The Root members, however, anticipated their moves and retaliated with explosive tags and swift taijutsu, forcing the brothers to separate and regroup.

The intensity of the battle escalated as both sides pushed their limits. The corridors became a warzone, with debris and scorch marks from powerful jutsus lining the walls. The Sound Four and the Root operatives were locked in a deadly dance of skill and strategy, each side determined to emerge victorious.

Back in the Viewing Box

Hiruzen's voice was filled with authority as he called out to Danzō. "We need to take down these creatures first. Focus your attacks on their weak points."

Danzō shook her head, her resolve unwavering. "No, Hiruzen, you focus on the creatures and I'll take on Orochimaru. She's after your life, after all."

Hiruzen nodded, his eyes fierce with determination. "Understood, Danzō. Let's show them what we're made of."

The battle in the viewing box intensified, the air filled with the sounds of clashing jutsus and fierce determination. Orochimaru's subordinates moved in to support The Chimara's clay golem, their attacks adding to the chaos.

Danzō vs. Orochimaru

Danzō's eyes locked onto Orochimaru, her hands forming rapid seals. "Fūton: Shinkūgyoku!" (Wind Release: Vacuum Sphere)

She unleashed a barrage of wind spheres at Orochimaru, forcing her to jump back and avoid the attack. Orochimaru's eyes gleamed with a mix of amusement and malice as she countered with a series of hand seals.

"Kuchiyose: Edo Tensei!" (Summoning: Impure World Reincarnation)

Orochimaru summoned several reanimated shinobi to fight alongside her, their lifeless eyes focused on Danzō. The reanimated warriors attacked with precision, forcing Danzō to defend herself while trying to get close to Orochimaru.

Danzō's voice was cold and determined. "I won't let you get away, Orochimaru."

She moved with incredible speed, her wind-enhanced blade slicing through the reanimated shinobi with ease. Orochimaru watched with a smirk, her fingers weaving through hand seals as she prepared another attack.

"Fūton: Shinkū Renpa!" (Wind Release: Vacuum Serial Waves)

Danzō unleashed a series of wind blades, each one cutting through the air with deadly precision. Orochimaru dodged and weaved, her movements fluid and almost serpentine, her summoned shinobi were not so lucky, however. She retaliated with a powerful snake-themed jutsu, summoning giant serpents to attack Danzō.

Danzō's wind blades sliced through the serpents, but more kept coming. She knew she needed to end this quickly. Gathering her chakra, she prepared a powerful attack, her hands forming complex seals.

"Fūton: Shinkū Taigyoku!" (Wind Release: Vacuum Great Sphere)

A massive sphere of wind chakra formed in front of Danzō, its surface crackling with energy. She launched it at Orochimaru, the force of the attack causing the very air to tremble.

Orochimaru's eyes widened as the wind sphere hurtled towards her. She barely had time to react, her body twisting and contorting to avoid the brunt of the attack. The sphere exploded upon impact, sending shockwaves through the viewing box and causing debris to rain down.

Hiruzen vs. Clay Golems

While Danzō battled Orochimaru, Hiruzen focused on the remaining clay golems. His hands moved swiftly, forming seals as he prepared his next attack.

"Katon: Gōka Messhitsu!" (Fire Release: Great Fire Destruction)

A massive wave of fire erupted from Hiruzen's mouth, engulfing the clay golems and causing them to harden and crack. The golems tried to reform, but Hiruzen's relentless assault left them unable to recover.

Hiruzen's eyes were sharp and focused as he continued his assault. "These creatures are resilient, but they're not invincible."

With a final surge of chakra, Hiruzen unleashed another powerful fire jutsu, reducing the remaining clay golems to ashes. He turned his attention to Danzō and Orochimaru, ready to assist if needed.

The Sound Four vs. Root

Elsewhere in the stadium, the battle between The Sound Four and Danzō's Root operatives raged on. The corridors were filled with the sounds of clashing steel and powerful jutsus, each side fighting with everything they had.

Jirōbō's immense strength allowed him to overpower several Root operatives, his massive fists causing the ground to tremble with each strike. Some of the Root members were quick and agile enough to move out of the way, others were not, using their speed and teamwork to avoid his attacks and strike back with precision.

Kidōmaru's webs and arrows created a deadly trap, and the Root members countered with explosive tags and shuriken. The corridors echoed with the sound of Kidōmaru's arrows as they pierced through the air, but the Root operatives were many and relentless, their attacks forcing him to stay on the defensive. When one would fall other would take their place.

Tayuya's flute echoed through the hallways, her Genjutsu creating illusions that disoriented and confused the Root members. However, they were trained to recognize and break free from such techniques, countering with their own Ninjutsu to disrupt her melodies, if one was caught in her Genjutsu, another could break them out.

Sakon and Ukon, utilizing their unique ability to merge with opponents and attack from within, attempted to overwhelm the Root operatives with their surprise tactics. The Root members, they could sometimes anticipate their moves and retaliated with explosive tags and swift taijutsu, forcing the brothers to separate and regroup.


The Sound Four vs. Root

The corridors echoed with the ferocious battle between The Sound Four and Danzō's Root operatives. Each side fought with unmatched intensity, but slowly, the Root members began to fall. The Sound Four's coordinated attacks, combined with their unique abilities, started to dwindle the Root's numbers.

Jirōbō's raw strength and earth-based jutsu crushed several Root operatives, while Kidōmaru's webs ensnared others, leaving them vulnerable to his precise arrow shots. Tayuya's Genjutsu continued to disorient and confuse, leading to devastating strikes by Sakon and Ukon, whose merging abilities made them deadly and unpredictable.

The Root operatives, despite their training and discipline, were slowly being overwhelmed. Their numbers were dwindling, and their coordinated efforts were starting to falter against the relentless assault of The Sound Four.

Hiruzen vs. The Clay Golems

Meanwhile, in the viewing box, Hiruzen fought tirelessly against Orochimaru's subordinates and the remaining clay golems. His fire and earth techniques combined in a powerful display of mastery, reducing the clay golems to ashes and incapacitating Orochimaru's minions.

"Katon: Karyū Endan!" (Fire Release: Fire Dragon Flame Bullet) Hiruzen's powerful fire technique incinerated the last of the clay golems, leaving only the charred remnants scattered around the viewing box.

With the subordinates defeated and the golems destroyed, Hiruzen turned his attention to Danzō and Orochimaru.

Danzō vs. Orochimaru

Danzō's wind-enhanced strikes clashed with Orochimaru's serpentine techniques, creating a fierce and deadly dance of combat. Danzō moved with precision and determination, her wind chakra slicing through the air with lethal intent.

"Fūton: Shinkū Renpa!" (Wind Release: Vacuum Serial Waves) Danzō unleashed a barrage of wind blades, each one aimed at Orochimaru with deadly accuracy.

Orochimaru, however, was quick and agile, dodging and countering with her own powerful jutsus. Her serpents lunged at Danzō, forcing her to constantly evade and retaliate.

As the battle raged on, Orochimaru found an opening. With a swift and brutal movement, she lunged forward, her blade piercing through Danzō's leg.

Danzō gritted her teeth in pain, her movements becoming defensive as she tried to fend off Orochimaru's relentless attacks. Blood flowed from her wound, staining the ground beneath her.

Orochimaru's eyes gleamed with satisfaction. "You've put up a good fight, Danzō, but it's over."

Danzō, despite the pain and the odds against her, refused to back down. "It's not over until I say it's over."

Hiruzen, having finished off the remaining threats, moved swiftly to Danzō's side. His presence added a renewed sense of hope and determination to the fight.

"Danzō, we'll take her down together," Hiruzen said, his voice filled with resolve.

Orochimaru's smirk widened. "Two against one? How delightful."

Hiruzen's hands moved in a blur, forming rapid seals. "Katon: Dai Endan!" (Fire Release: Big Flame Bullet)

A massive fireball erupted from Hiruzen's mouth, hurtling towards Orochimaru. She dodged, but the heat singed her robes, forcing her to retreat slightly.

Danzō, despite her injury, seized the opportunity. With a surge of chakra, she launched herself at Orochimaru, her wind-enhanced blade aiming for a decisive strike. "Fūton: Shinkū Taigyoku!" (Wind Release: Vacuum Great Sphere)

The wind sphere, combined with Hiruzen's fire attack, created a powerful explosion upon impact, sending shockwaves through the viewing box.

Orochimaru was thrown back, her body slamming into the wall with a sickening thud. She struggled to her feet, her eyes filled with a mix of anger and admiration. "You're stronger than I remember, sensei. But this isn't over."

As more of the people in the room started to turn into clay golems and attacked them, Hiruzen and Danzō readied themselves for another onslaught.

" How many of our guests were secretly, her clay toys? Danzō asks, getting even more pissed.

"No . . .," Hiruzen said, "She must still be around to make more of her clay monsters, It won't be easy but we'll need to find her, if we want this to stop."

Orochimaru watched and wondered why The Sound Four, a team that served as Orochimaru's elite bodyguards, hadn't shown up yet.

The Sound Four vs. Root (Continued)

The Sound Four continued to decimate the Root operatives. Jirōbō's crushing blows and Kidōmaru's lethal arrows took down several more operatives. Tayuya's Genjutsu kept the remaining Root members disoriented, allowing Sakon and Ukon to finish them off with ruthless efficiency.

Despite their dwindling numbers, the Root operatives fought valiantly, their training and discipline evident in every move. But the combined might of The Sound Four proved to be too much.

With a final, coordinated assault, The Sound Four eliminated the last of the Root operatives, leaving the corridors eerily silent.

The Final Clash

Hiruzen and Danzō prepared to face the new wave of clay golems. Their combined attacks created a symphony of fire, wind, and earth techniques, reducing the golems to rubble.

Hiruzen's voice was filled with authority as he called out to Danzō. "We need to focus on Orochimaru, at this point, their numbers will never dwindle enough for it to matter."

Danzō nodded, her eyes fierce with determination. "Understood."

With their combined might, Hiruzen and Danzō launched a final, devastating assault on the remaining clay golems. The creatures crumbled under the relentless onslaught, their forms dissolving into nothingness.

Orochimaru watched from a distance, her eyes gleaming with a mix of anger and admiration. 

As the last of the clay golems fell, Hiruzen and Danzō stood victorious. The immediate threat had been neutralized, but the presence of the Akatsuki and Orochimaru's plans still loomed large.

Hiruzen turned to Danzō, his eyes filled with determination. "We'll be ready for whatever comes next."

Danzō nodded, her expression resolute. "Together, we'll protect the village. At all costs."

As they prepared for the next battle, the fate of the Hidden Leaf Village hung in the balance. The battles ahead would be even more challenging, but Hiruzen and Danzō were ready to face them together.