I trust that you will always remain loyal to me.

Jedrick noticed Rick walking into his room, his expression completely blank.

"Did you discover who it was?" he inquired.

Rick shook his head, clearly expressing his disappointment. "Everyone on our team is clean. There is no trace of suspicion," he said.

Jedrick frowned, his thoughts reflecting on his words.He wondered, 'How is that possible?' as his gaze gradually shifted to Rick.

"There is still someone we haven't checked," he said, peering at him.

Rick paused, attempting to grasp the meaning of Jedrick's words when he spoke.

"You. We have yet to check you." Jedrick rose to his feet, gradually making his way toward Rick.

For years, he trusted Rick, but his presence made him doubt his suitability.

As Jedrick stood before him, he noted the nuanced expression on his face. His shoulder was stiff at the thought of his words, and there was a furrow between his brows.