Gine, the pure hearted Saiyan

I walked alongside father, heading to our house, I assume. I looked at father from the corner of my eye as I thought about what I learned earlier.

When I came out the Healing Pod and checked my stats I learned that only my Power Level increased, nothing else from the Zenkai Boost or the Saiyan Power ability. And it wasn't outrageous, it went up by almost 5%. Almost because decimal places are a pain to deal with and Power Levels are whole numbers any way.

I was observing, discerning and noting many things on the way within my mind. The idea simple, I wanted to see how these places differed from my former worlds building designs, innate curiosity due to my circumstances. Besides that my time in the White Room taught me to always be on guard and always to observe the surroundings for threats, even if I know I am safe because there will always be a chance albeit slim of danger.

I also was talking to father along the way.

"Father, when am I likely to be sent out conquering planets?"

"6 months from now at least. You'll have a team with you as well."

"I see, thanks father."

A large amount of this chat was me simply learning more about the Saiyan's business of conquering planets, and at the same time learning about my new life. I continued this chat all whilst focusing on formulating new plans.

The destruction of planet Vegata is the only thing that would be consistent, but it might not even happen at the time it did, maybe earlier as well. So much depends on this but I should plan around it, at the very least I had an idea of when it would begin. 

These were my thoughts, planning and observing.

Just like back then.

I removed that thought before it could fester. 

I followed father, the city busy, Saiyans about to fight each other, 2 flying up and beginning a fight.

"Is that normal?" I asked.

"Yeah, some Saiyans like to face each other randomly as a measure of their strength."

"I presume that I should expect such things to happen to me?"


Eventually the conversation died out falling into a tranquil silence that I enjoyed. It was one of those things that one such as me found solace in. If only there was a book in my hands right now., it'll be perfect. 

Father and I approached a small building, the design of which was spherical as normal for Dragon Ball buildings, father opened the door and entered, alongside me.

"Gine, Betrae has finished basic training."

I heard some noises from the kitchen before a female Saiyan, my mother, Gine exited. 

"Is she fine, Bardock?" She said before even noticing me, when she did inevitably see me. her smile widened seamlessly lighting up the room, "Oh my goodness, you are sooooo cute, and a little fighter aren't you, my daughter?" 

I felt uncomfortable. This was what my mother was like. Well either way, I should make conversation, and hide my feelings.

"Yeah, I guess so."

"Don't lie to your mother Betrae, you even kept me on my toes during that small fight for basic training." Father chastised.

"But that was my first and only fight, who knows what my others will be like?" I talked back to father as mother seemed to keep that smile as I talked back to father.

"You're already so close to your father, Betrae, that's good. I don't think I've seen Bardock so happy," I noticed already, even if he kept that stoic face up I could tell he was happy. Then again I was doing the same thing.

"I'm merely proud of our daughter, Gine." 


"It's not lies, Gine, it's the truth." 

"Well yeah but you are lying, your quite happy to finally be a father."

'Those 2 are so close.'

Yep, they are quite close.

I stifled a chuckle as I looked up at them.

"Mother and father sure are close." I stated out loud, causing mother to chuckle.

"Course we are, Betrae, otherwise several things wouldn't have happened."

So mother's softness rubbed off on him this early on, I must admit that I feel quite happy with this. At least that was one thing that stuck. 

"I see," I responded, "That said, I'm kinda hungry, I think." I added those last 2 for safety.

"In that case, I'll make something quickly." 

Mother went off back into the Kitchen as I looked at father, "Is she always that energetic?"


Seems like a headache to me. Granted I could see why father did genuinely care for mother now. 

I wonder, if I will ever get a bond like that with the way I was.


I was in my bed now, looking up at the ceiling after mother had made lunch. In all honest, things ended quickly because I wanted to rest alone. I ate and headed to my room. 

To be honest my thoughts were still muddled after being here for so long, yet I knew it was reality. Logically speaking things like reincarnation don't exist, yet here I was being reborn. Then again, that void from back then, it was also supernatural in a sense, right? 

I guess the truth is simple, Agnostic is the best way to go for me from here on out. I will believe in the supernatural at least but I'll keep my mind open to the possibility of others. 

Even as weird as the situation is though I can't help the unintentional smile from appearing on my face.

I was truly free now, no longer would I have to worry about their prying eyes peeking at me. 

In French the word Liberté means Freedom, and that is what it was I sought. Freedom, back then I had to do what the White Room asked me to do, be it getting straight 100s on every test or being the best against other students physically, I always had expectations placed on me. Then suddenly I got Prions and my life slowly turned downhill.

Of course the White Room no longer had any use for me, so they cast me aside. Letting me do what I wanted but ultimately I was never free, I couldn't be anything knowing my death was right around the corner.

But now, I could truly experience the world as freely as possible, or well that's what I wish to say but of course I can't. 

Frieza still exists and that means Planet Vegeta's destruction is going to happen one way or another.

Even if I defeated Frieza, King Cold would come after us. Even then who's to say Cooler doesn't exist here? In other words, we were fucked from all sides, and since we're Saiyans we have no real allies to rely on.

In such situations...

"Ah," I suddenly let out the small noise unintentionally. 

I was thinking to hard on this, I simply needed to gather information and gain new allies. Right? In that case, when the time comes, I should start making allies, and that meant sparing some enemies, manipulating them, and then converting them.

Just like I did back then whenever I forced someone into working with me.

Nothing's changed, I know it myself, I knew myself better then anyone else did.

I truly was a horrible human being.

*Image Here.*