Chapter 9{Review 9}

DaJeoung woke up early today. She did her morning routine and went downstairs for breakfast.

Sitting at the dining table everyone was quiet and DaJeoung noticed from her dad face was solemn that shows that there is problem. But DaJeoung didn't know if it a company problem or home problem.

After breakfast Baek hyeon informed them "DaJeoung please you and your cousin come to my study." He got up and left for his study.

DaJeoung was feeling nervous her dad using that serious tone she wonder what the problem is she packed up the plates and went to wash the dishes.

DaJeoung and Dong stood by the door of the study. After contemplating who should knock on the door for almost sixty seconds. DaJeoung gritted her teeth and opened the door.

Baek hyeon looked at the kids he felt like had failed them both. He sigh and said to them " You two sit down I have something to tell you both"

DaJeoung and Dong sat down looked at Baek hyeon.

Baek hyeon started with slight frown " Dong your dad as been caught and he will be put on trial in a few days. Your grandparents will be there they called and said that they will take you back with them. I tried to talk them into letting you stay but they refused so you will be leaving with them after your summer break "

DaJeoung was stunned she shook her head and said "no! what about school, his friends and most importantly what about me".

Dong was quiet for sometime before saying "I understand"

Turning to DaJeoung he said "don't worry I will go with grandma and grandpa. Am mostly used to them and they won't treat me bad. School I can change after all it just changing school, I will also make new friends. As for you. You know that you can come see me anytime so don't be sad okay".

DaJeoung nodded she wasn't against him leaving but she was going to miss him. Hugging Dong DaJeoung promise to always check up on him.

Baek hyeon was surprised that the kids didn't throw a tantrum. His tensed muscle relaxed and his expression got back normal.

Smiling Baek hyeon said to them "now that we all agree you both can go back to whatever you where doing.

DaJeoung and Dong left the study DaJeoung suggested going to Dong room to prepare him things while packing DaJeoung asked " Dong are you really okay with this hope you are not lying to me".

Dong smiled and nodded "I love it at there okay and you should stop worrying about me. instead you should be worried for your self."

DaJeoung paused and asked "what do you mean?"

Dong gave her the it's so obvious look "your step mum is a little weird. She always glaring at you and looking for faults all the time how are you going to handle that all by yourself."

DaJeoung laughed lightly "Dong,Dong,Dong am used to it. as been like this for as long as I can remember. And am really already used to it. Even my brother look for every reason to cry to get me in trouble. "

Dong nodded "that right I noticed do you think your aunt Dam-bi is the one teaching him."

DaJeoung replied feeling a little funny " hey what kind of conspiracy story are you thinking about over there. I think he just doing that because he know him mum will scold me I guess he enjoys it. That little rascal."

She ruffled his hair and stood up "okay enough of the talking will get going now"

Dong glared at her making DaJeoung chuckled and winked at him before going back to her room.





Few days later the trial for her aunt case was handled and her husband was sentenced to fifteen years imprison.

Dong and his grandparents left. and DaJeoung got ready for are new year in school she was going to be in grade 8 class A again she was the top of her class last year.

On getting to school she walked to the swimming area where she normally wait for Joon Woo on getting there she saw a tall boy standing there thinking it was Joon Woo she ran and hugged him from the back while saying " hey you grow taller just one week not see you. How have you been".

Feeling the boy stiffness she removed her hands and asked "what wrong" the boy turned around and she saw a boy who was very handsome and her heart skipped a beat she looked at him on till he waved his hand awkwardly at her


DaJeoung snapped out of the thought her face turned red with embarrassment she explained " I thought you were my best friend sorry" bowing her head in shame she explained.

She introduced "my name is DaJeoung and am really sorry"

Yu-jun smiled and replied her "well apologies accepted my name is Yu-jun am new to this school."

DaJeoung was Dazzled. she loved his smile her ear went red and nodded.

Yu-jun was amused he said "okay. I will get going. I liked the swimming pool of the school so came to check out it . Now that I have seen it a should get to class and familiarize with my class mate. Hope to see you around ."

DaJeoung nodded and said "ok "

Yu-jun left and DaJeoung eyes followed him on till he left. She turned and looked at her

Reflection and for the first time she was worried about how she looked.

Feeling a hand on her shoulder she turned to see Joon Woo standing behind looking at her in with a confused expression

Coming back to sense she laughed awkwardly while scratching the back of head she asked why where you late today.

Joon Woo replied her "traffic was bad"

DaJeoung nodded they both heard the bell ring and left for class.




It was break time while walking to the cafeteria DaJeoung listened to the gossip of the girls absentmindedly on-till she heard a interesting topic about the new handsome student of grade nine. Her interest was pipped she listened intently.

Boram said he was in her class and he was so polite and nice. Praising how handsome and intelligent he was. Listening to her talk about the new boy like this DaJeoung heart raced she was helpless not know what to feel about this new emotion in her.

Sitting next to Joon Woo DaJeoung was quiet with was unusual so Joon Woo asked "are you okay you look distressed"

DaJeoung looked at him and asked "do you think I look beautiful" before Joon woo could answer she Interrupted "never mind and asking a stupid question"

Joon herd Woo kept silent they stayed like that each person with there own thoughts.