Chapter 10 {Review 10}

Lying on her bed Dajeoung was lost in thoughts she has been like this since she meet that new boy at the school swimming pool. He has been invading her thought time and time again after asking her Boram indirectly she found out that she was having a crush on him.

She did some research with her computer on how to get your crush to notice you. one of the point was look beautiful.

This point strike a spot in Dajeoung she always dressed casually and never really care about appearance. But now.

Dajeoung groaned and stood up she walked to mirror and looked at herself. She pulled on hair while check out her body and dressing. she immediately decided that he won't find her attractive like this. picking up phone scrolled and dialed a number.

After the first ring the call was picked-up Dajeoung said "hey Ae-cha how are you doing today." Ae-cha replied "Good what's up"

Dajeoung went straight to point "Ae-cha I need a make over. like a new hair-do, a change of closet you know something more feminine."

Dajeoung heard some noise from the phone she knew that Ae-cha was shocked. she giggled "what so strange that you have to react like that ."

Ae-cha laughed while saying " okay. I was just surprised. you know you like your style so much. I remember asking to change the way you dressed. You didn't even bother with what changed?. Any way I will be coming soon I will take a taxi over . you call just the right person for the job.

Dajeoung took her credit card and change. She had enough to spend her Family was not super rich but there where still a rich family. not to talk about the huge weekly upkeep her mother send to her to make up for her absence. not much of a spendthrift herself She was only ever interested in food and nothing else.

Going downstairs she informed her stepmom of going out. she got no reply as usual. she ruffled her brother hair earning herself a glare. she shook her head thinking her brother is just so cute.






Ae-cha and Dajeoung went for shopping they bought different Brand of clothes and shoes then went for their hair-do.

Dajeoung hair already grow out. she haven't cut her hair during the summer break and when she resumed she was to occupied with different thought after meeting Yu-jun

she looked at her new hairstyle and was surprised. she never really took care of her hair she mostly cut her hair when she doesn't cut she pull it into a messy bun. but she looked extra beautiful with this new hair style.

Ae-cha smiled at her Dajeoung you are so beautiful i think am a little jealous. They both laughed after exchange looks.

Dajeoung said "okay let go eat something and famished" Ae-cha nodded and they both left for a restaurant. sitting down they order some dishes and started eating half way through the meal. Dajeoung saw someone familiar it was Yun-jun she froze and became very nervous.

Bowing her head she ate quickly and urge Ae-cha let go am already tired with all the shopping today.




Sitting at her usual spot in school Dajeoung was waiting for Joon woo. she didn't contact him all weekend and he didn't call too. she knew he was very busy with studies because he will joining the seniors for the entrance exams.

Hearing footsteps she turned with a sweet smile on her face thinking it was Joon woo.

stunned she her smile stiffened and nervously stood up while sticking her hair behind her ears. it was Yun-jun.

Today Dajeoung was dressed in one of the dress she bought she looked at mirror so many time to make sure was okay.

Her dad and her little brother was shocked seeing her dressed like this. Her dad praised her and said was just like mother when she was young very beautiful. she very embarrassed. she hope that Yun-jun would think so too.

Yun-jun greeted "hey. I saw you here last time you changed." he paused " what I mean is you look so beautiful.

Dajeoung blushed crimson pink. Yun-Jun found it amusing. she was so cute .he liked it when girls go all shy for him.

Dajeoung muttered a "thank you" shyly she didn't understand what was wrong with her. she was never this shy. looks like she really like this guy a lot.

Yun-jun start a conversation "so you come here all the time" Dajeoung nodded "ok tell" he spoke and sat down Dajeoung joined him.

"what sport do recommend for me. you know am new not really got used to the school"

Dajeoung slowly ease as the conversation went on





They exchange contact and Dajeoung was happy she was smiling all the way to class she wanted to tell someone.

At the thought of that Dajeoung remember that Joon woo didn't come over today and he didn't call either not know what was wrong.she decided that she will call to ask during break.




Dajeoung was pacing in her room Joon woo wasn't phone wasn't going through . She tried calling him during break it didn't go through either. she didn't even know his home address. she groaned and sat on her bed.

Calming down she just concluded that she will ask does senior she always see him with. she was sure they know something.

while in her thought she got a text. thinking it was from Joon woo looked at her phone only to see it was Yun-jun. she smiled unconsciously.

They both talked about random things on till midnight glancing at the window it was already dark Dajeoung was shocked. she said her good night and went downstairs.

It was strange although aunt Dam-bi treated her coldly she always called her for breakfast she shrugged and went to kitchen took some midnight snack and went back to her room.