Chapter 11{Review 11}

DaJeoung woke up did her morning routine and got dressed in one her new clothes.

she was put not too short skirt and crop top and looked at self in the mirror.

She really didn't like stuff like this but the clothes looks good on her she tidy up her self and took her new bag everything she needed was inside.

DaJeoung went down stairs she saw everyone at dining table . Her dad, aunt Dam-bi and brother. He was put on a childish angry face.

Ji-ho asked angrily "mum There was no food yesterday for dinner. I was so hungry all night. I waited but you didn't call me for dinner why?. I had to sleep on a empty stomach "

Dam-bi comforted "mummy is sorry I was feeling well. Why didn't you order some food."

DaJeoung watch mother and son banter with words. She inward gag in disgust at Ji-ho. From her understanding of this little brother of hers. She was sure he stuffed himself with snack. Now here he was pretending to be pitiful.

Her dad was oddly quiet normally he would as well join in the coaxing. Wanting to know what was wrong she said to him "dad I want you to take me to school today"

Baek hyeon looked at her for sometime and then said


DaJeoung and Baek hyeon got in the car she started the conversation before Baek hyeon started the car.

"Daddy why are you moody today did anything happen to my cousin?."

Baek hyeon eyes widened "why would you think that. You this kid"

DaJeoung asked "Then what wrong?"

Baek hyeon looked at her then suddenly said "DaJeoung I really love you as my daughter. Don't forget that. There not wrong just work related stuff. You won't understand it adult stuff okay. So let get going"

Baek hyeon started the car and drove off.




Getting to school the first thing DaJeoung did was go to the seniors building went directly to grade 12 and asked a female student for Seo-jun. she was told that he was at the basketball ball court . She Thanked the girl and left for the basketball court .

DaJeoung looked at around and and saw him with some other guy talking she walked to them.

DaJeoung apologized for barging in on him and asked after Joon woo.

Seo-jun looked at her he was a very curious about Joon woo new friend. He has really not seen him close to anyone apart from them.

Seo-jun told her "well he should be home some family stuff I guess. You know Joon woo he never really talk about his problem with anyone."

DaJeoung agreed he has always been like that "ok please I want his home address want to check up on him"

Seo-jun gave his address and DaJeoung bid farewell to him.

Thinking on how secretive Joon Woo was. even if he suffering he won't tell others. She was worried she decided to skip class and check on him




DaJeoung was standing in front of a huge mansion. She was surprised that Joon woo family was this rich. She pressed the door bell. A guard came out he asked who she was looking for DaJeoung told him she was looking for Joon woo.

She gave her name and told him she is a school mate of his. The guard left and came back in few minutes. He opened the gate and she entered the mansion was big and beautiful.

It was like a castle she walked through the garden to front door before she could reach the Joon Woo was walking over already.

Joon Woo had immediately come down after his guard informed him DaJeoung was here. After coming out he saw DaJeoung she was different today.

Her clothes was more feminine and hair was beautiful and shiny. She was smiling while looking at the flowers in garden. It was as if time slowed down he couldn't look away.

Joon walked to her and asked " DaJeoung how come you are here. If remember correctly today there school."

DaJeoung was surprised Joon Woo wasn't wearing his glass while home.

His eyes is so beautiful, his face well defined. He was very handsome.

She couldn't help but tease "oh you talked longer today. This visit was worth it. You are asking why am not in school when I should be one asking"

Joon Woo nodded " fair enough. Have something to say"

DaJeoung grinned she turn around and asked Joon Woo "what do you think of my new style do I look good."

Joon Woo chuckled "okay. Enough talking let go inside. On get to sitting Joon woo called for DaJeoung favorite juice and sat beside her.

DaJeoung looked at him and couldn't help "Joon Woo you are this handsome. why do you wear that glasses."

Joon Woo heart skipped been called handsome by DaJeoung. He Really like it that she thought he was handsome.

"Well I take that as a compliment "

DaJeoung finally asked "why couldn't I reach you for so long?. Did you get in any trouble?"

Joon Woo sigh "well I had to go for tomb sweeping for my mother at our home town."

DaJeoung was silent for a moment she asked "well are you okay?. I know you miss her"

Joon Woo smiled "off course I do. okay now let not talk about sad things anymore"

DaJeoung nodded and enter her gossip mode she talked about all that happened in school and she also told him about how is having a crush.

Joon Woo at the mention of crush Joon woo frowned but DaJeoung didn't notice. She continues with her stories. Glancing at DaJeoung face. He could feel her happiness while she wa talking about that new kid.

He concluded that he was going to check him out.