Chapter 12{Review 12}

Joon woo was taking DaJeoung for a tour around his house and DaJeoung topic today made him annoyed. He as always been good tempered. He was surprised about how his emotions were like right now.

Joon Woo understood that he had a special feeling for DaJeoung. He took this new feeling for the love and worry an older brother has for his sister.

DaJeoung enjoyed every minute of her visit to Joon Woo house they ate and played around.

It was getting late and DaJeoung told Joon woo that it was time to go home while booking a taxi.

They both sat on sofa while waiting for the taxi. Joon Woo who hasn't been saying much since asked DaJeoung

"This Yu-Jun guy you shouldn't just have a crush on him all a sudden what if he is a bad guy you never know. You should careful not make a fool of yourself"

DaJeoung frowned she knew Joon woo was just worried but she believed in her judgement. she believed she won't fall for a scumbag. So she just smiled and dismissed Joon woo worries.

"Don't worry he a good guy. I talked to him a lot and he haven't made any uncomfortable remarks or moves. He very gentle to me."

DaJeoung defend yu-jun while trying to convince Joon Woo of her choice.

Joon Woo could only nod helplessly. They were informed about the taxi arrival. Joon saw her into the taxi and they said goodbye with the promise that Joon Woo to come back to school soon.






Like this days went by DaJeoung and Yu-jun got closer. Joon woo seeing this decided really check him out.

Joon woo was waiting at the roof top. The investigation was done and he got a call from Seo-jun. a little impatient institute told him that something was not right about that guy. The rumor going around school that DaJeoung was dating a senior made him annoyed.

DaJeoung is girl things like this can ruin her reputation if they don't really end up a couple. He had tried to convince DaJeoung many times to stop moving about with that guy only turned down again and again. He was desperate his exam where coming and he really wanted make sure DaJeoung is not being fooled.

Joon woo thought was broken by footsteps coming from behind him face was still expressionless he turned and looked at Seo-Jun coldly.

"What took you so long"

Seo-jun grinned he observed Joon Woo expression. His face was cold but Seo-Jun as been friends with him for years he could tell Joon woo was worried he was really surprised. This girl DaJeoung is really great. He could tell his friend was already in love but he just haven't figure it out. Well this is interesting.

Seo-jun handed the file and Joon Woo did not open it he just nodded and said.

"I will be on my way. I owe you this one"

Seo-jun nodded they both left the school that day each of them with his own thoughts.





DaJeoung was in a very good mood she had an outing today with the girls. Today was a normal weekend and she and girls made an appointment for shopping and new hairdos.

DaJeoung was really enjoy all the shopping with the girls and she was thankful that her mum and dad give her a very good amount of money weekly. So she could act spoiled sometimes she giggled. On get to home.

DaJeoung happily went in only to hear an argument going on. She was surprised she knew her dad leaves early this days and comes back late. Thinking it was because of the problem he told her about in his company so she didn't really pay attention to the atmosphere in house.

She had been in heaven since everything was getting much better after her aunt death. She got a best friend and soon to be new boyfriend friend she blushed at the thought of that.

This was unlike Baek hyeon he would never have this big of an argument if things weren't serious.

She paused not knowing if she should go in all not.

That was how her newly found smiles came crashing down. Hearing Dam-Bi saying


"Baek hyeon am tired of taking care of that woman kid. She not even your daughter why do you still let her stay here. send her to her mother or something I don't get why you do all this or a still in love with that woman."

Baek hyeon voice rang "keep your voice down I don't want to deal with right now. this you know that her mother can't look after her. Ever since my friend died she has been moving from one lover to another is that what you want DaJeoung to see everyday. She a girl."

Dam-bi angrily shouted "I don't care that your business. it as nothing to do with me I want her out."

DaJeoung froze on she just stood there on able to move they as they argue on and on she turned and started walking her mind stagnant.

Joon woo came to meet Dajeoung he had gone through the report and was surprised. That guy Yu-jun was a very proper guy his family was good and everything was prefect the problem that was at his age he was into gambling.

He wasn't a serious gambler but this guy it obvious that in future he was going to a be one. that is not the only thing that got Joon Woo worked up is that this Guy was only in grade nine and already had so many female friends and two ex-girlfriend. The relationship with this girl are still unclear. This kind of person is really unreliable.

Joon Woo didn't like him at all. a person like this don't deserve his Dajeoung at all.

He came today because he had wanted to tell her about it but on reaching here. He saw Dajeoung walking out of the gate she didn't even notice him. She just walked looking lost as if she just got a huge shock.

Joon Woo followed her quietly he wondered what could have happened.

Dajeoung kept walking she walking for a long time then paused in the middle of the road Joon Woo was scared silly rush forward to grad Dajeoung but before he could a car coming on high speed rushed over and hit her. The driver was panicked reversed and drove off quickly.

Joon Woo didn't care about the driver his hand took out him he called his driver who he told to wait for in front Dajeoung house and rushed over to Dajeoung carried her rushing forward it didn't take long for him to spot the car he rushed over and entered their direction was the hospital.