Chapter Four: The Demonic Blade Peng Hai

Under the watchful eye of the discipline director, Li Yao dodged into the slowly closing school gate and let out a sigh of relief, glancing at his watch, it was 7:29, perfect!

Like all high schools in the federation, Chi Xiao No. 2 Middle School had also early entered the annual "crazy college entrance examination season". The campus was full of murderous spirit, just like a battlefield. As soon as you entered the school gate, there was a huge light curtain standing in the center with several big characters on it:

"99 days, 18 hours, 32 minutes, and 57 seconds left until the college entrance examination!"

Every second, the numbers on the light curtain would flicker and change, getting smaller, bringing great pressure to the examinees.

There are also several slogans on both sides:

"If you can't study to death, study as if you were dying!"

"Improve one point and crush a thousand people!"

"Chi Xiao No. 2 Middle School dominates the federation, and we will not return until we break the college entrance examination!"

"Get into the 'Nine Elite United Schools', become a cultivator, and reach the peak of life!"

The passionate march resounded through the campus, and nearly a thousand students surged to the big playground like a tide. Li Yao also quickened his pace and blended into the crowd. As soon as he arrived at the playground, the crowd divided into three parts, becoming three distinct groups.

The first group had about forty students, all of whom were outstanding and proud, with imposing momentum. The school uniforms they wore were all made of heavenly silk, tailored to fit, and refined by cultivators, which moved automatically without wind, with a hidden treasure light, highlighting the owner's extraordinary bravery - these people were students of the "key class", all of whom were one in ten thousand training talents, and were good seedlings with the strength to impact the "Nine Elite United Schools".

The second group had the most people, with seven or eight hundred students. Although the school uniforms they wore were also made of heavenly silk, they were not tailored, nor were they refined by cultivators, and they looked a bit dim and mediocre. They were students of the "parallel class", mostly children of wealthy families in Fugou City, but with average qualifications, and their strength was mostly piled up by resources.

The third group had more than a hundred people, wearing low-grade school uniforms made of ordinary cloth, loose and baggy, looking a bit slovenly, and the owners also had no spirit, which was the "ordinary class" students, mostly children of working-class families, and in the private high school of "Chi Xiao No. 2 Middle School", they were like miscellaneous fish.

Li Yao skillfully found his place in the "ordinary class" line, and as soon as he stood still, he was patted on the shoulder, and a somewhat slippery voice sounded: "Little demon, why did you come so late, there will be a big person coming to our school today!"

Li Yao didn't need to look back to know that this was his best friend "Meng Jiang". He looked up at the podium and found that the school's senior management, including the principal, vice principal, and discipline director, were all present. This was a big scene that was not often seen at the usual morning meeting.

"What kind of big person is so powerful? Even Zhao Tu Tou personally came out to meet him?"

Zhao Tu Tou is the principal of Chi Xiao No. 2 Middle School, Zhao Shude, a serious core member of Chi Xiao Sect, a cultivator in the advanced stage of refining qi. However, it is said that he suffered a hidden injury when he was practicing in the "Monster Wilderness" in the northwest when he was young, and he has been closed for cultivation all year round, rarely appearing to manage school affairs.

"It's Peng Hai, the 'Demon Blade' Peng Hai!" Meng Jiang was extremely excited, and his voice was trembling.

This name made Li Yao's heartbeat also speed up a beat in an instant.

The Demon Blade Peng Hai is the biggest legend in the history of Chi Xiao No. 2 Middle School for hundreds of years.

He was born in the slums and showed a dazzling cultivation talent from a young age. At the age of eleven, he was specially recruited by Chi Xiao No. 2 Middle School. At the age of twelve, his "spiritual root development" reached 100%, awakening the top-grade spiritual root and embarking on the road of cultivation. At the age of thirteen, he was admitted to the "Great Wilderness War Academy" among the "Nine Elite United Schools". At the age of fifteen, when he graduated, he had reached the 10th level of refining qi and became a rising star in the federation!

After graduating from the Great Wilderness War Academy, he refused the high-paying employment of more than a dozen cultivation sects and resolutely joined the "Federation Army". He fought against millions of monsters in the monster wilderness, defending the federation with his youth and blood, and also used the corpses and blood of the monsters to build the great reputation of the "Demon Blade". Finally, at the age of twenty-two, he became one of the youngest foundation-building cultivators in the federation!

After retiring from the army, Peng Hai returned to his hometown and joined the Chi Xiao Sect with a astronomical "franchise fee" as the condition. In just three years, he has become the head of the new business department of the Chi Xiao Sect's "Chi Xiao Transportation Group", specifically responsible for developing new transportation routes in dangerous areas where monsters are rampant. In addition to a high salary, it is said that he also has a large number of shares in the "Chi Xiao Transportation Group", and the dividends alone are a mountain of gold every year!

"Have you heard that Peng Hai just bought an invincible sea view villa by the 'Silver Beach', which is said to be worth seventy or eighty million! There are also small reporters who saw that he often took a dozen women back to the villa to hold an unobstructed grand meeting!" Meng Jiang said while drooling, not concealing his envy and jealousy.

From a penniless poor boy in the slums to a senior management of a big sect, with a fortune of hundreds of millions, beautiful cars and women, and a sea view mansion - this is the dream of all slum teenagers, and Li Yao and Meng Jiang are no exception.

They all yearn to be the next Peng Hai!

"Here comes!"

Li Yao's watch vibrated gently, indicating that something was approaching at high speed from the sky. He looked up and saw a black beam of light shooting from the eastern horizon. In the blink of an eye, it had quietly hovered above the playground. It was a black flying shuttle car!

This shuttle car was slender and elongated, like a stretched water droplet, almost twice the length of an ordinary shuttle car. Its crystal-clear appearance had no visible seams or rivets, appearing naturally formed. From the outside, there was no sign of any offensive magical treasures equipped on this shuttle car. However, under the black light, there was a heart-stopping dangerous aura. The murderous intent seemed to be unrestricted by space, causing thousands of middle school students to feel suffocated at the same time.

"It's the 'Xuanniao War Shuttle'! The most advanced armed flying shuttle in the federation, with combat power comparable to a peak foundation-building cultivator! Controlling the 'Xuanniao War Shuttle', one can freely roam in the demon beast wilderness without fear!" Li Yao exclaimed in his heart.

As a fan of magical treasures, the "Xuanniao War Shuttle" was even more attractive to him than "Peng Hai" himself!

He also knew that even the lowest configuration of the "Xuanniao War Shuttle" was priced at nearly 100 million on the market, which ordinary wealthy families could not afford.

The next second, the chest of thousands of middle school students relaxed at the same time, and they regained the ability to breathe. The Xuanniao War Shuttle in the sky had disappeared, replaced by a handsome man in black armor, tall and thin, with a smiling face.

However, in the depths of those dark eyes, there were still occasional flashes of light, like lightning, like a demon blade.

Wherever the gaze fell, even the principal of the second middle school, Li Shude, and the usually fierce discipline director "Black-faced God" couldn't help but turn slightly, not daring to look directly at Peng Hai.

"Cultivators are really rich, powerful, and domineering!" Li Yao swallowed his saliva.

"I heard that this time Peng Hai was specially invited by the school to tutor the students of the 'key class'! You know, although Chi Xiao No. 2 Middle School is a century-old famous school, the college entrance examination results in recent years are not particularly outstanding, and there are not many students admitted to the 'Nine Elite United Schools', which makes Chi Xiao Sect feel ashamed. So this time, Peng Hai was specially invited to come back for special training, hoping to reverse the decline and create brilliance again!" Meng Jiang's voice was full of jealousy.

After all, the good thing of being personally trained by the Demon Blade Peng Hai is only something that students of the "key class" can enjoy. They, the poor boys in the "ordinary class", have no chance.

Li Yao sighed silently when he heard this.

The "Nine Elite United Schools" are the nine universities with the most profound heritage, the richest resources, and the most masters in the federation, and they are the ultimate dream of countless students in the federation.

Ordinary universities do not aim to cultivate cultivators. Even if students have high talent and work hard, and have continuous adventures, the probability of becoming a cultivator is not more than one in ten thousand.

The Nine Elite United Schools, however, have many cultivation sects as their backing and are specifically aimed at cultivating cultivators. As long as one is admitted to the Nine Elite United Schools, there is a 30% chance of becoming a cultivator and reaching the peak of life!

If you want to be a refining master, you must first become a cultivator, and if you want to become a cultivator, you must first be admitted to the Nine Elite United Schools. Li Yao has been striving for this goal, but the innate disadvantage cannot be compensated, and the dream seems to be getting farther and farther...

Thinking about his worries, Li Yao was quite bored, and didn't even hear what was said on the stage. The cultivator's time is precious, and the Demon Blade Peng Hai didn't talk for too long. The principal, Zhao Shude, announced the end of the morning meeting.

Peng Hai left surrounded by the favored students of the key class, and the students of the parallel class and ordinary class also lost their momentum, walking towards the teaching building in twos and threes.

The day's study officially began!