Chapter Five: Mock College Entrance Examination

As a senior high school student sprinting towards the college entrance examination, all the courses to be learned had already been completed, and the last hundred days were mainly for checking omissions and making up deficiencies, as well as various exams. Every Monday morning, there was a very important mock exam.

Under the impatient urging of the teacher, Li Yao took a deep breath and stepped into the "examination cabin" marked with his student number. The cabin door closed, and the whole world fell into utter silence.

"Even without 'Peng Hai's' personal guidance, I will be admitted to the 'Nine Elite United Schools'. I'm desperate, who am I afraid of?" Li Yao clenched his fist fiercely.

"Beep! Beep! Beep!" A cold, unemotional voice rang out as the numbers on a light screen inside the examination cabin flickered and counted down. When the numbers turned to "zero", the voice said, "The exam begins, the examinee is ready!"

The tens of thousands of spiritual symbols inscribed on the inside of the examination cabin shone at the same time. Li Yao felt a sudden blur in front of his eyes, and the stars were shifting. He appeared in the center of a red-brown desert.

The ground was scorching hot, and his feet felt as if they were being pricked by needles; the air was so thick that it was almost solid, just like a wet towel wrapped around his body, which could not be freed; occasionally, the hot wind brought a strong smell of blood, and the wailing of ghosts and wolves could be heard from all directions.

The five senses were so real that it seemed as if he was standing on the ground and in the battlefield of the Shura.

Li Yao knew, however, that this was the "Great Illusion Realm" created by the examination cabin. With time pressing, he calmed down and sprinted in the direction indicated by a transparent arrow in the sky.

A 50-kilometer long-distance cross-country run is a basic subject of the federal college entrance examination. In order to select the elite teenagers who have the potential to become cultivators, the road is full of dangers and traps.

Sure enough, when Li Yao passed a slightly raised mound, the mound suddenly burst, shooting out countless rocks. A two-headed sand wolf jumped out from the rocks!

This kind of monster beast is a round larger than the ordinary wild wolf, with a high bulging back, and there is a deformed small head on it. It is a variant of the low-order monster beast "Sand Wolf". In addition to being good at lurking in the sand, it also has high intelligence and is a very difficult opponent for high school students.

But for Li Yao, who has survived in the treasure tomb for 18 years as a "vulture", observing every change in the environment has long become an instinct. The disguise of the two-headed sand wolf is a bit clumsy and has long been seen through by him.

"Big bear lean!"

Before the two-headed sand wolf completely jumped out, Li Yao's legs sprang, his body shrank into a ball, his shoulders sank, as if a violent bear, and he slammed hard!

The timing he chose was very clever, just when the two-headed sand wolf jumped to the highest point, the old force was exhausted, and there was no place to borrow power, and it could not change direction, and was hit by him.


The two-headed sand wolf is sinister and cunning, but its physique is weak. It only likes to attack by surprise and is not good at frontal confrontation. It was hit by his "big bear lean" and broke its spine, bouncing back to the sand pit.

Li Yao sneered and stepped forward like a snake. He stretched out his claws like a blade and fiercely grabbed the small head on the back of the two-headed sand wolf.

"Iron Eagle Claw!"

The wolf's head shattered in an instant, and the two-headed sand wolf let out a miserable cry and died.

A pleasant "ding ding" sound came from the void, which was the examination cabin calculating the score of Li Yao's kill.

Li Yao was secretly delighted. This set of continuous skills derived from the basic martial arts "Thirteen Beasts" could add at least ten points for himself.

He was not in a hurry to go on the road, but dragged the body of the two-headed sand wolf out of the sand pit, found a piece of stone with a sharp edge, and gutted the monster beast.

A moment later, four ribs were polished into four bone blades, and the wolf skin was barely tied into a water bag, filled with wolf blood.

In the scorching desert, a bag of wolf blood can save a life.

Fully armed and slightly rested, Li Yao continued to move forward. In just an hour, he had survived a black storm and killed four low-order monsters, but the exam had just begun, and this was just a warm-up. What followed was the most painful part for every federal examinee.

Green runes poured down from the sky like heavy rain, forming a question:

"Xiao Ming is a Qi Refining cultivator with 5500 crystals of spiritual power. During a cultivation, he accidentally got the strange 'Heart-Eating Worm', which devours 48 crystals of spiritual power every second. Xiao Ming's master found out after 1 minute and 13 seconds. In order to save him, he transferred 55 crystals of spiritual power into his body every second, and two minutes later, it was increased to 59 crystals of spiritual power every second. Ask――"

"1. How long will it take for Xiao Ming to return to a normal level of spiritual power?

2. Please briefly describe the refining method of the 'Heart-Eating Worm', as well as the symptoms and treatment steps after being hit by the Heart-Eating Worm.

3. Please name the sect that first successfully refined the 'Heart-Eating Worm'? List at least five sect leaders of that sect and briefly describe the reasons for the sect's demise."

Li Yao gently patted his cheeks, not expecting such a high difficulty "comprehensive question" at the beginning, which combines knowledge of mathematics, history, pharmacology, battlefield first aid, and other disciplines. It is indeed a "mock college entrance examination" that fully simulates the real thing!

He calmed his mind and thought carefully, with countless pieces of knowledge accumulated in his mind emerging. Li Yao focused intently and answered quickly, "conquering" one small question after another. Soon, a series of light blue answers written with divine thoughts appeared below the green questions.

Answer completed, next question!

"A 'Lingshan Sect' cultivator of the righteous path stands on a flying sword, flying from the east to a valley at a speed of 247 meters per second, while another evil path 'Blood Kill Fortress' cultivator steps on a black cloud, flying from the west at a speed of 239 meters per second. Currently, the two are 122.5 kilometers apart. How long will it take for them to meet?"

"Assuming that both have the same cultivation level and use the basic skills and magical treasures of their respective sects, please deduce the combat process of the two people - at least deduce seven rounds, not less than 500 words."

This question is obviously much simpler than the previous one. However, when Li Yao was about to answer, the smell of the monster beast came again, and the impatient growling was getting closer and closer.

-In the blood and rain, calculating and answering questions is a competition of the examinee's physical fitness, martial arts skills, willpower, calculation ability, and thinking agility. Only those who are outstanding in all abilities can stand out in the federal college entrance examination and embark on the path of cultivation!

Li Yao crossed his hands, pulled out two white bone blades, licked his lips, and met the front, while thousands of thoughts in his brain kept rolling and calculating at high speed...

The huge campus was silent, and each classroom was equipped with dozens of examination cabins. In the Great Illusion Realm, senior three students were all desperately struggling and fighting, killing monsters and questions one after another.

Unconsciously, more than four hours have passed in the Great Illusion Realm, and the exam is coming to an end.

Li Yao's body was covered with dozens of large and small wounds, and the blood in many places had dried up, especially a broken tooth of the beast was inserted in the abdomen and dared not be pulled out, and the bone blade in his hand was almost worn out.

Only that pair of bright big eyes still remain clear, and the light of ** is not concealed.

"It should be the last question..."

When the octagonal pendant with golden light rolls down from the sky, Li Yao judged by his rich experience in the exam that it was the last big question worth a hundred points, the "summary question."

Sure enough, the question is not long, but every word weighs a thousand kilograms: "Please summarize the 'Great Dark Age'."