In 2043, Earth is falling apart due to pollution. A scientist named Arjun creates a new energy technology, but a nuclear explosion sends him back in time to 1569. Reborn as Siddharth Pala Gupta, he has to use his future knowledge to protect his royal family and kingdom from danger.
also on royal road by posted by alpa
Yoo, So I will review this novel before the author even does a freaking reviews, It seems to be good and very well foundationally. Excited to see where it goes from here. Do read it if you reading my review
this some good work as i can feel the fresh storline and plot, very good author keep it up and please increase the update quantity as i need more chapters to read
great work, I have been reading it for a while and i have decided to review it. It's a great book with a very interesting plot and good writing.
This is a very good work. I generally dont give review but this one deserves it. I can see a promising book that has potential to break record. Good job author.
good writting..... best of luck for your book
hi well this is awkward anyways as the time tested tradition of shameless self-review and promotion so i rate this work 8/10 i like this a lot but the plot is sooooo slowwww
i found this work few days ago but this work has kept me invested in the story progression which I like very much, so alpha good work
overall great design till now and good work, keep up the hard work bro
hmm i like this much better then some other so I wish the author best of luck and ask him to continue updating this story
great story just increase the quantity of update and i think this novel will go hit and boom, beyond that this is a good work which i can suggest others to read