Exploring the Outer Wall

Time Stamp: Vikram Era: 6 Chaitra 1637 (March 1579)

The day had finally arrived. Siddharth and Vaniika, accompanied by their security detail, were ready to explore the outer wall of Bahlikiwara. The excitement in the air was palpable as they made their way through the bustling streets towards the citadel entrance.

Commander Vidhyadhara met them at the gate, his expression a mix of duty and concern. "Welcome, Your Highnesses. Everything is prepared for your visit."

"Thank you, Commander," Vaniika said with a nod. "We appreciate the arrangements."

Siddharth could barely contain his enthusiasm as they walked towards the imposing structure. The outer wall loomed ahead, a testament to the engineering prowess of a bygone era. They began their tour, guided by the citadel commander, and soon reached one of the static telescopes dotted along the wall.

Siddharth peered through the telescope, taking in the expansive view of the surrounding landscape. His mind raced with thoughts about the design of the fortress. This is so reminiscent of a European star fortress, he mused silently. Why would they choose such an old type of design here?

As they continued the tour, Siddharth's eyes were drawn to peculiar structures along the wall—small turrets that reminded him of those found on modern warships. His curiosity piqued, he stepped closer for a better look.

Noticing Siddharth's interest, Commander Vidhyadhara spoke up. "Ah, I see you've noticed the turrets. Those are actually cannons, though we haven't figured out the firing and aiming sequence yet. The wear and tear over the years have rendered them mostly inoperative."

Siddharth nodded, intrigued. "If they're not functional, why keep them here?"

The commander chuckled. "Intimidation, mostly. Even in their current state, they serve as a deterrent to potential threats. The sight of those cannons is often enough to make anyone think twice about attacking."

As they moved along the wall, Siddharth's mind continued to analyze the design. The star fortress design was known for its defensive capabilities, with angled walls to deflect cannonballs and bastions to cover blind spots. But why here? And why these modern-looking cannons?

The tour continued with Vaniika pointing out various landmarks visible from the wall. Siddharth listened intently, but his mind kept drifting back to the fortress's design and the enigmatic cannons. There were so many questions, and so few answers.

Eventually, they reached a section of the wall where the stonework seemed newer, less weathered than the rest. "This part of the wall was repaired not too long ago," Vidhyadhara explained. "We had to reinforce it after some structural damage was discovered."

Siddharth touched the smooth stone, feeling a connection to the past efforts to preserve this fortress. "It's impressive how much effort goes into maintaining this place."

Vaniika smiled, proud of her brother's keen observations. "The outer wall is crucial to our defense, Siddharth. It's not just a relic of the past; it's a part of our present and future."

As they wrapped up the tour, Siddharth felt a mix of awe and curiosity. The outer wall was more than just a defensive structure; it was a link to a complex history that he was only beginning to uncover. And with the rift's location in mind, he knew his journey of discovery was far from over.

The tour had been enlightening so far, and Siddharth felt a sense of awe as he stood at the northmost point of the star fortress. From this vantage point, he could see the road leading out of the city, a thin, treacherous pass that would be difficult for any large force to navigate. Caravans of carts and pack animals moved steadily along the path, bringing goods and travelers into the city.

As he gazed out at the landscape, something unusual caught his eye. In the distance, a large white cloud was racing towards them. At first, it seemed like a dust cloud kicked up by a passing caravan, but it grew larger and more chaotic with each passing moment.

"What is that?" Siddharth asked, pointing towards the approaching cloud.

Vaniika and Commander Vidhyadhara turned to look. The commander's eyes narrowed as he assessed the situation. "That's not just a dust cloud," he said grimly. "That's a ….."

Before anyone could react, a bell tolled loudly, echoing through the fortress. The alarm signal sent a ripple of tension through the guards and citizens alike. A voice rang out over the commotion, clear and urgent.

"Attention, everyone! There is an attack approaching! Prepare for defense!"

Siddharth's heart pounded as he watched the scene unfold. The caravans below scrambled to move off the road, their animals panicking as the stampede drew nearer. The guards on the wall sprang into action, shouting orders and rushing to their posts.

Commander Vidhyadhara turned to Vaniika and Siddharth. "We need to get you both to safety. This could be a serious threat."

"But what about the people down there?" Siddharth asked, worry etched on his face.

"The guards will do their best to protect them," Vaniika said, her voice steady despite the chaos. "But we need to move quickly."

As they began to retreat from the wall, Siddharth couldn't tear his eyes away from the scene below. The stampede was now clearly visible, a mass of animals and figures charging towards the city with alarming speed. It was unlike anything he had ever seen, and the sense of impending danger was palpable.

The group moved swiftly through the fortress, the urgency of the situation driving them forward. Siddharth's mind raced with questions and fears, but he knew he had to stay focused. They needed to reach a safe location and allow the guards to do their job.

As they reached the inner courtyard, Commander Vidhyadhara barked orders to the nearby soldiers. "Secure the gates and prepare the defenses! We must hold them off!"

The soldiers moved with practiced efficiency, their training evident in their swift response. Vaniika and Siddharth were ushered into a secure building, the heavy door closing behind them with a resounding thud.

Inside, the air was thick with tension. Siddharth could hear the distant sounds of preparation and the nervous murmurs of those seeking refuge. He looked to Vaniika, who gave him a reassuring nod.

"We'll be safe here, Siddharth," she said softly. "The guards will protect the city."

He nodded, trying to calm his racing heart. The reality of the situation was sinking in, and he knew that the fortress's defenses would be put to the test. As they waited, Siddharth's thoughts turned to the people outside the walls, hoping that they would find safety amidst the chaos.

The minutes felt like hours as they waited for news. The distant sounds of the approaching cascade of hooves grew louder, mingling with the shouts of the defenders. Siddharth clenched his fists, feeling a mixture of fear and determination. He knew that this was just the beginning of the challenges they would face, and he was ready to stand with his sister and their people, no matter what came next.