A Jumper

Dami kept on trying to remove the ring from his hand, but it didn't even budge! It was like it was part of Dami's body now.

The more he tried removing it, the more unsuccessful he was making him begin to panic.

" Why won't you come off ring? C'mon, ugh!" Dami exclaimed as he pulled the ring with more force.

[Standard ring programming.]

" Ugh? Wh-who said that?" Dami said as he looked around the surrounding, only to find empty streets. He didn't notice this at first but, this was the first time that he has ever seen the roads void of cars, the sidewalk was as empty as a dry land, it gave the surrounding an eire feeling.

As he stopped looking around, he heard a voice, well a somewhat mechanical voice, that sounded like it wasn't a part of this world.

[ Standard ring programming.]

[ Ring, acquiring host data... Host data acquired!]

[ Host, to merge with ring, host has too be in an unconscious state for twenty four hours.]

[ Commencing host 'knock-out' requirements~~.]

[Host 'knock-out' requirements achieved.]

[In fifteen seconds, host would fall into an unconscious state or be 'knocked-out'.]


As Dami heard a series of voices, he had turned his head more that six times, trying to locate the source of the voice. Until when a sudden thought popped into his head and he stared down at the ring with uncertainty.

" W-wa-was it you that just. Talked?" Dami said as he stammered with his words. Even he doesn't believe the words that just left his mouth.

[ Yes host.]

" Haaaah!" Dami yelled as he confirmed that the voice was coming from the ring.

" H-how?" Dami stammered as he was shocked by the voice coming from the ring.

[ Host would enter 'knock-out' state in, 3,2,1.... Host has entered 'knock-out' state.]

As he heard the latest words that came from the ring, Dami felt like something just hit his head, making him begin to lose consiousness. But before he lost consiousness completely, he hears the ring say one last sentence.

[ Calculating host acquired extraction points.....Calculation complete.]

Then he fell down on the ground, unconscious in the middle of the empty sidewalk. But after a few seconds of him on the ground, his body began to disintegrate, it disintegrated into tiny white light specs as the flew away and disadissape into the cold night.


" Ugh. I feel like I just had a major hangover, if I knew what a hangover feels like." Dami said as he woke up in his bed with a splitting headache.

"Wait, i'm back in my room? I thought that I had left for that auction?" Dami said, surprised to be at home, on his bed.

Then all of a sudden, memories of the full event of yesterday's night.

" Oh yeah, the ring!" Dami said as he checked his left hand and found the ring still on the same finger that he put it on yesterday.

" Wait, the ring!" Dami exclaimed aloud after remembering about the voice that he heard that came from the ring.

Then Dami began examining the ring, it still had the same beautiful golden colour with those intricate markings and that eye-catching blood red gem on top of it.

"Let's see if you come off." Dami asai as he tried removing the ring, and surprisingly enough, it came off.

" Hmm, it came off, then doesn't that mean that the part about the ring talking was all a dream? But then the question now is, how did I get home?" Dami said as he was still confused by the whole scenario after buying the ring.

" Well I guess I'll ask mom after taking a bath, sniff~ ugh! I stink." Dami said as he smell his armpit and was immediately assulted by his own stinky body odor.

Then he got out of bed and headed towards the bathroom.

When he entered into the bathroom, he took off his clothes and entered into the shower.

Once he opened the tap and the water started rushing on his body. Something happened.

As the water touched his body, his skin became somewhat crysralicry, the blood in his body stopped rushing and his heart stopped pumping.

But instead of him dying on the spot like any other regular human being. Instead it revitalized him it made him feel stronger, he felt... powerful.

" What's happening to me, wh-why do I feel so energetic, it feels like i'm a new born baby with all the energy in the world is happening?" Dami had so many questions rushing in his mind right now.

[Host is going through metamorphosis.] 

" Wait, the ring!" Dami exclaimed as he looked at the ring which he had dropped on top of the closed toilet seat.

" Ring, are you really talking or is this all a part of my imagination." Dami asked still skeptical about the ring.

[Yes host, I can communicate, but only for short periods of time and in fifteen minutes, I would be gone but only after providing you with the necessary information.]

" Holy sh*t!" Immediately Dami left the shower and picked up the ring out of excitement and a hint of fear.

Then he left the bathroom. Once he got back to his room, Dami put the ring on the bed and looked at it suspiciously.

As a regular human, he too also doesn't believe in things like, supernatural, cultivation or any of those other bullshits.

But faced with the talking ring, that is right in front of him, his worldview already began changing.

"Alright, start talking ring, what do you want with me?" Dami asked. But as he spoke to the ring, he felt like he wss going crazy!

"Huh? Looks like I am going crazy." Dami said as he didn't get a response from the ring.

[ Host, I only have ten minutes left in this world, so let me tell you what I want with you.]

" Ha! Whoa! You can really talk, I'm not losing my mind." Dami said as he grabbed his head in shock and ten precent joy that he was not becoming a lunatic.

[ Yes host, I can talk, now shut up and let me 'talk'!]

" Okay then, talk." Dami said as he was surprised by the rings outburst.

[ Host, you are the one.]

" The one? What does that mean?" Dami asked, confused by the rings words.

" My name was Kingsley and I was a normal person in the jumper category.]

" The jumper category? C'mon can you stop speaking in riddles?" Dami said, still not understanding what the ring wants.

[ I can't tell you what a jumper is, but I can say that in your body, you now hold the power of approximately two-thousand and fifty-five jumpers.]

" Wait, so let me get this straight, you're saying, that in my body I hold about two-thousand 'jumpers' but you can't tell me what are jumpers?" Dami said, trying to confirm if he heard the talking ring properly.

[Yes host. But in time you would understand what i'm talking about, but for now I can only tell you about your capabilities now.]

" Wait, so like I can have something like a supernatural power?" Dami asked, with brewing excitment in his heart.

[ Yes, exactly, supernatural powers.]

" Wait did you just say, 'powers'?" Dami exclaimed as the ring didn't say power instead it said powers!

[ Yes host, once you tap into your true capabilities, you would have more that one power.]

" Awesome! Wait, you said that you could tell me what me about my capabilities right?" Dami said.

[ Yes host, I did.] 

" Great! So I was wondering if you could tell me now." Dami said as he scratched the back of his head while having a sheepish smile.

[ Sigh, I really envy you a lot host.]

" You envy me? Why?" Dami asked as he was confused again.

[ Because while I was a human, I was at the bottom of the rankings and now you, you just found me by a stroke of destiny, and now you're going to have such great powers. I how can I not envy you]

"Wait, you were a human?" Dami asked in surprise of such a discovery.

[ I'm sorry host but I can't explain, It's standard ring programming.]

" Programming? But weren't you a human why would you have to be programmed?" Dami asked in confusion.

[ Sorry host but I can't say more, standard ring programming. Now please I don't have much time left, I only have one minute left, before I fade away, from now on don't speak, I would do the talking]

" Okay, okay I won't ask." Dami said as a dissapointed exppression washed up on his face.

[ Host, you are the last jumper in existence. Your very existence can shake the balance of both worlds. For now you are a forbidden existence and both worlds will hunt you once you begin to use your powers. But fear not, you are a jumper, the best species that can easily escape from any wherr as long as there is a screen and designed paper.]

[ You see, you are more than a jumper, but I can't tell you what that is. As for now, stay low-key and try not to get in trouble.]

[ As I fade away let me tell you something important about your powers. To use your powers you need extraction points and to gain extraction points you need..... Find out in the next chapter.]


Hey guys sorry I didn't update in time, I had an Imagination block, so I couldn't think of what to write next hope you're not too mad/angry.

I have about two-thousand views but only nineteen people have added my book to their library, I mean it really motivates me to write more whenever I see the amount of people that have added my book to their collections/library and it really makes me feel kinda sad. But if the amount of people that add my book to their library increases to thirty by the end of today 19/6/2024 I would publish six chapters for you guys tommorow and that is a promise. So let's get adding.


Oh yeah and for those that don't know how to, just tap on the plus/cross icon that is right beside the read book icon once you are about to open the book, so yeah let's really get adding.

And any spare power stones would be appreciated and some comments.