Chapter 6: Shadows of Doubt

It would be a lie if Joy said he didn't enjoy the adventure that had changed his whole life. The thrill, the excitement—everything felt like it came straight out of a comic book. Aside from the people suffering, he found himself drawn to the dangerous allure of it all.

But as Joy lay in bed, staring at the ceiling, doubts began to creep in. Was it right to enjoy this? Wasn't he still killing, even if the beings weren't human? Shouldn't he feel remorse? He was questioning his newfound passion, his excitement now tainted with guilt.

Joy was scared to kill silhouettes. The thought of enjoying the act frightened him; he didn't want to become a heartless villain. Even if the silhouettes weren't human, they were still sentient.

"Junha, is it possible to send the silhouettes back where they came from instead of killing them?" Joy asked, his face filled with concern.

"I... I don't know," Junha stuttered, caught off guard by the question. "Maybe we can. We can ask Kyung-soo; he knows a lot of stuff we don't."

Joy nodded. "Yeah, we can ask him. I just don't want to kill any more silhouettes," he admitted, the sadness in his voice heavy as he vocalized his thoughts.

Junha slapped the back of Joy's head. "Why are you feeling sad for them?! They're the ones taking over our world!"

"Ouch! That hurts!" Joy rubbed his head where Junha had hit him. "But still, I feel scared because whenever I kill them, I don't feel anything. I just feel... nothing."

Junha's expression remained unchanged, not surprised or shocked by Joy's words. "Yeah, I get it. You don't have to feel guilty about stopping things that are killing your family and friends. All you're doing is saving the world, and that's not a bad thing."

Joy wasn't entirely convinced by Junha's words, but he felt reassured that whatever he was feeling wasn't wrong.

The next morning, the atmosphere at school was tense, charged with an undercurrent of fear. Ever since the incidents with the silhouettes had become public knowledge, students whispered in hushed tones, casting wary glances at each other. The once lively corridors now felt like a battleground where invisible enemies lurked.

Entering the school with Jisoo and Junha, Joy couldn't shake the feeling that they were walking into a trap. Every shadow seemed to conceal a potential threat, and he found himself constantly on edge.

Jisoo nudged him as they passed by a group of students. "This place gives me the creeps now," he muttered under his breath.

Junha nodded silently, his usually stoic expression marred by worry lines. "We need to be cautious. The silhouettes could be anywhere."

Joy nodded in agreement, his mind racing with thoughts of their recent encounters. Kyung-soo's revelation last night had left them all unsettled, questioning everything they thought they knew.

As they reached their lockers, Joy noticed a shift in the school's atmosphere. Students cast furtive glances at them, some with fear, others with curiosity. Whispers followed in their wake, words like "ritual" and "silhouettes" floating through the air like a sinister refrain.

Throughout the day, they moved through their classes with heightened vigilance. The teachers seemed oblivious to the tension that gripped the students, their lessons proceeding as if nothing had changed. But they knew better.

During lunch break, they gathered in a secluded corner of the cafeteria, away from prying eyes. The usual buzz of conversation had dimmed, replaced by a somber silence that spoke volumes.

"I don't like this," Jisoo muttered, his gaze darting around the room. "It feels like everyone's watching us."

Junha nodded grimly. "They're scared. They think we're involved in some kind of dark magic."

Joy clenched his fists, frustration building within him. "We have to stop the silhouettes, no matter what. We can't let fear or suspicion slow us down."

Just then, Minji walked past their table, her presence drawing curious glances from other students. Despite the tense atmosphere, she seemed unaffected, her posture confident and her smile bright.

"Look at Minji," Junha remarked quietly, his eyes following her. "She's still popular, still unaffected by all of this."

Jisoo frowned, his brow furrowing in thought. "How is that possible? She was part of the ritual just like the rest of us."

Junho nodded in agreement "Yeah, she even helped is out, giving us her grandparent's ancient book. At that time she looked scared as if the silhouettes were bothering her just like they bothered you, jisoo".

Joy watched Minji join her friends at another table, her laughter ringing out like a bell amidst the subdued chatter. "We need to find out what makes her different," he said firmly. "There might be a clue in why the silhouettes couldn't touch her."


After school, they convened in the warehouse once more, the air heavy with unresolved questions and tension. Kyung-soo awaited them, his expression unreadable as they recounted their day and the anomaly surrounding Minji.

"So, Minji was completely unaffected?" Kyung-soo mused, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.

Joy nodded, frustration simmering beneath the surface. "It doesn't make sense. We all performed the ritual together. Why would she be immune?"

Kyung-soo paced the room, his footsteps echoing softly. "There could be many reasons. Perhaps something in her physiology, or maybe she possesses a latent ability that repels the silhouettes."

Junha crossed his arms, his gaze fixed on Kyung-soo. "Do you think she could be connected to all of this somehow?"

Kyung-soo paused, his eyes meeting Joy's. "It's possible. We shouldn't rule out anything at this point."

As night fell, they ventured into the heart of the city, following a lead on ancient artifacts that might shed light on Minji's immunity. The streets were eerily quiet, shadows lengthening ominously as they navigated through the maze of alleyways and dimly lit corners.

Suddenly, a figure emerged from the darkness, startling them all. It was Minji, her expression serious as she approached.

"I heard what you've been investigating," Minji said, her voice low but steady. "I think I know why the silhouettes couldn't touch me."

They exchanged surprised glances, curiosity mingling with caution. "What do you mean?" Joy asked, taking a step closer.

Minji grinned. "It's because I am with them." Minji whispered in Joy's ears. Sending shivers down his spine.