Chapter 7: Dark Bargains

The warehouse fell silent as Minji's words hung in the air. "It's because I am with them."

Joy, Jisoo, Junha, and Kyung-soo exchanged bewildered glances. Minji, always the popular and cheerful girl, now stood before them with an unsettling calmness.

Joy stepped forward, his voice filled with urgency. "What do you mean, Minji!?"

Minji took a deep breath, her gaze unwavering. "I let the silhouette take over my body in exchange for protection and power. It loves me, Joy. It gives me everything I desire, and in return, I let it feed and control me sometimes."

The room seemed to darken around them, the atmosphere thick with tension. Joy's mind raced, trying to comprehend the gravity of Minji's revelation. "How... how did this happen?"


*The night Minji encountered the silhouette was one she would never forget. The moon hung low in the sky, casting eerie shadows across the abandoned park where she often went to escape the suffocating expectations of her peers. The air was thick with tension, and Minji felt a strange pull guiding her deeper into the darkness.*

*She stopped at the edge of the park, where the streetlights flickered ominously. A chill ran down her spine as a dark figure emerged from the shadows, its form shifting and flickering like a corrupted video signal. It was a silhouette, a creature she had heard about but never believed was real—until now.*

*Minji took a step back, her heart pounding in her chest. The silhouette moved closer, its presence suffocating. She felt an inexplicable urge to reach out to it, to understand it. Despite her fear, Minji steadied her breath and met its gaze, her eyes wide and unblinking.*

*"Who... what are you?" she whispered, her voice trembling.*

*The silhouette's form shifted, and she heard its voice in her mind—a voice like a thousand whispers converging into one. "I am a being from beyond your world, drawn to your strength and your pain."*

*Minji's fear began to ebb, replaced by a strange sense of curiosity. "What do you want from me?"*

*"I seek a host," the silhouette replied, its tone almost pleading. "In return, I can offer you power beyond your wildest dreams, protection from any harm, and the fulfillment of your deepest desires."*

*Minji hesitated, her mind racing. She had always felt invisible, overshadowed by others. This was her chance to stand out, to have control over her destiny. "And what do you get in return?"*

*"Your consent to share your body. Your willingness to let me in, to let me live through you."*

*the words minji heard inside of her mind sounded nice and comforting. Minji never heard such nice and soothing voice before. This made her wanted. She felt important. She felt someone finally needed her and sees her.*

*Minji's thoughts swirled with possibilities. The fear that had gripped her heart was now replaced by determination. She looked into the silhouette's eyes—if it had eyes—and nodded. "I accept."*

*The silhouette enveloped her, its dark energy merging with her own. Minji felt a surge of power unlike anything she had ever experienced. She could feel the silhouette's emotions, its desires, and most surprisingly, its affection for her. It was a creature of darkness, yet it was capable of love.*

*Over the next few weeks, Minji and the silhouette formed an unspoken bond. She learned to let it take over her body, granting it moments of control in exchange for its protection and power. It showed her how to reclaim her consciousness at will, allowing her to maintain control of her life while harnessing its abilities.*


Joy's mind raced, trying to process everything. "So, you willingly let it take over? And you can come back whenever you want?"

Minji nodded, her expression unreadable. "Yes. It's a symbiotic relationship. It loves me, and I... I use it to my advantage."

Jisoo shivered, his face pale. "That's insane, Minji. You're playing with fire."

Minji's lips curled into a dark smile. "And I haven't been burned yet."

Suddenly, a dark energy radiated from Minji, her form flickering as the silhouette began to take over. The air grew cold, and the shadows in the room seemed to pulse with a life of their own.

Joy, Jisoo, Junha, and Kyung-soo took a step back, their eyes wide with fear. They could feel the immense power of the silhouette, its presence suffocating.

Minji's voice echoed, layered with the silhouette's whispers. "You wanted to see what I'm capable of? Here it is."

The warehouse shook, the walls creaking under the pressure of the dark energy. Joy's heart pounded in his chest as he realized they were in grave danger.

"We need to stop her," Kyung-soo whispered, his voice barely audible. "She's too powerful."

Minji laughed, a chilling sound that sent shivers down their spines. "You can't stop me. This is my destiny."

As the silhouette's power reached its peak, Minji raised her hands, and the shadows in the room began to converge, forming a swirling vortex of darkness. Joy and his friends braced themselves, knowing that they were about to face their most formidable enemy yet.

In that moment, as the darkness closed in around them, they realized the true horror of Minji's transformation. She had become one with the silhouette, a being of immense power and terrifying intent. And now, they would have to confront not only the silhouette but also the friend they once knew.