Forming An Alliance -1

It's okay, take these two million gold coins: one million for them for farming rubber and cactus for me, and another million for buying their products. Bring all the feathers they have for this one million, and the remaining will be for honey and memory crystals. Porus said and left the hall.

Adam, Robert, and William patted John's shoulders.

Porus felt that this idea of buying goods from small nations, making products, and selling them was good.

The next day, Porus gave an aircraft to John for his travel. John asked Annie, the head chef, to prepare chicken cupcakes and all dishes from the oven. He wanted to take these dishes for his brother's.

Caleb also went with John. Porus ordered John to purchase any aircraft if possible in the Divine Empire. Porus then gave them 20 million. Caleb and John felt emotional as Porus trusted them wholeheartedly.

The Divine Empire is 15,000 kilometers away from the Banished Lands, which they will reach in 30 hours. They slept in the aircraft and continued their journey. In the White Peacock Nation, Justin Cooper was very sad because the people of the Divine Empire came along with his neighboring kings to ask for war funds. However, he doesn't have any money. His neighboring kings were waiting for him to make a fool of himself in front of them.

He was already sad about his third son's disappearance. He has been searching for his son for 2 years, but he didn't get any results. Because of this, he also forgot to arrange money. Tomorrow, he had to send his second son, Henry, with his army. He felt even more sad for his uselessness.

He has been thinking the entire night for a solution but found nothing. It is already morning now. He was hesitating to enter the courtroom. Suddenly, someone patted him on his shoulder, and he looked at his second son's smiling face. "Father, don't worry. I will go through this. You don't have to be sad. It is my destiny. Once the third brother is found, just remove yourself from this alliance .

Hearing this, Justin cried. He didn't know what to say to his son, who is going to die. He felt even sadder and entered the court with his son, father, and brother. They also felt very sad. He had lost his two brothers, and now only his younger brother remained. He looked at his father, asking if he had come up with any solution.

His neighbor, the king of the Star Snail Nation, looked at him with a mocking smile. The empire's envoy is sitting on the main seat, as if he were the king. He looked at Justin and said, "Justin, we don't have time to wait for you. How long will it take you to decide between paying funds or sending troops?

Hearing this, all members of the Cooper family felt even sadder. Justin's younger son and daughters' eyes were red, covered with tears. Justin looked at his family, and he was about to say something when someone disturbed him. He turned to see who the person was.

Seeing the person who is coming towards him with steady footsteps, he cried out to his son who has been missing for two years, "He has finally come!" He hugged him.

The Empire envoy got angry when disturbed. He looked at Justin and said, "You can cry after we leave, Justin. Just state your decision. We don't have time.

John became angry with the envoy for his rude behavior towards his father. He looked at him and said, "Our the White Peacock Nation, is ready to pay the funds of 1 million gold. However, this will be the last time we make such a payment. We are also prepared to withdraw from the Divine Empire and the United Nations Spirit Council.

Upon hearing this, everyone was shocked. His ministers tried to stop him, but he became even angrier, saying, "Shut up! If you say a single word, you can leave this Kingdom.

He continued, "We have been in alliance with the Divine Empire for 21 years. We have gained nothing from this alliance with that fu..king empire, and we have even lost our money and people. You are sitting on the throne of the King of this nation, acting like you are our savior. What the f..k has the Divine Empire done for us? If they have helped in any way, they can proudly send any pig or dog to sit on this throne." After that, he handed the money box to him and told them to get lost.

The envoy became angry. He completely understood that he was calling him a pig or a dog. He suppressed his anger and left. The neighboring kings also became envious. Yes, they also felt the same as John. What has the divine empire done to them? They had gained nothing but lost everything. But they had no courage like John.

Once the envoy and other kings left, he turned towards his ministers and said, "We are no longer a part of the Divine Empire. From today onwards, you do not need to send your children to the Divine Academy. We will join another empire in 2 years, and we can send our children to an even better academy than the Divine Academy. So, wait for 2 years. If anyone wants to be a slave just for admission to a bullshit academy and membership in a shit council that has done nothing for us, you can leave and join neighboring kingdoms.

And today, I announce that I have joined another Kingdom, so I am no longer a part of this Kingdom. I come in the name of my king, His Highness Porus Slayer, to inform you that our kingdom is ready to purchase all of your goods. Additionally, we are prepared to offer business opportunities to all of you.

Looking at their prince like this, they were all surprised. They never thought that the prince would work under another king. But after hearing what John said, they all became happy. They are living a poor life. If their goods were bought, they would get money and live a better life. All the ministers believe in John because he was the one who saved them this time.