Forming An Alliance - 2

Justin, Henry, and all looked at him in surprise. They never thought that John would become angry in his life, but they were also happy to see his confidence. Justin looked at John dotingly and asked, "What did you say? You are not a part of this country? What nonsense are you talking about?

Father, please don't be angry. This is for our best. I have become a subordinate of my king. Once our kingdom opens its gates, our nation will be the first to form an alliance. It will be beneficial for the future. My king has sent me here, and he is ready to buy all your goods. However, you have to farm para rubber trees and cactus plants for us. We will buy every harvest. In the future, you can send your children to study in our academy.

Justin looked at his son, rubber tree and cactus. They are useless, John. Don't you know?

We bought all the waste plants on this continent. Then, what happened, Father? John said.

Hearing this, everyone becomes silent. They all know that someone bought waste plants two months ago, which caused a sensation. Later, Divine Academy found the uses of waste plants, but there are no waste plants.

You mean your king was the man who caused sensation all over the continent. What reason did you buy all those waste plants? Justin asked with doubt.

Father, my king found out that waste plants, I mean Calotropis plants, have a magic-absorbing effect. So, he decided to build all the houses and city walls with Calotropis pulp. This way, even powerful cultivators' magic attacks will not destroy our kingdom. He is a wise king, father.

John and everyone opened their mouths. Even the Divine Academy did not find this. He is really brave. The ministers became excited hearing this. Once they form an alliance with such a king, they will also live a happy life.

So, Father, don't worry. Once our kingdoms construction is completed, we will open our business to the outside world. Then, you can buy our products at a discounted price. We have so many wonderful products and foods that you will die for.

Hearing this, Justin became so happy. John introduced Caleb to Justin and his family. John's mother, Elisa Luther, brought them to the dining hall. John's younger brother, sister, and Henry were also excited to hear about his kingdom. His grandfather, Johnson, and uncle Wilson were also present in the dining hall.

Looking at his family so happy, John said, "Mom, don't bring any food. When I was coming, I asked the head chef, Annie, to prepare food for everyone so that you can taste our food." Once again, Justin and Johnson were surprised by his thoughtfulness.

John took out all the food from his bag and filled the entire table. The entire dining hall was filled with a delicious smell. They had never smelled such a wonderful aroma before. His younger brother, Jade, who is 12 years old, couldn't resist the temptation and took a chicken leg piece and started eating. After one bite, he started praising continuously.

Every person started taking bites, and once they tasted the food, they felt their worldview was crushed. They had never experienced such a dish in their lifetime. As a result, they started a food war, with Johnson, in particular, showing a great love for baked chicken. He was eating like a pig now.

Henry liked cupcakes. Elisa and Jane were also in love with this delicacy. After lunch, Johnson asked if there was any more chicken. Caleb felt like laughing. John always stays silent, but his family was completely different.

Justin asked John, "Your food is wonderful. How did they make it?

Father, these dishes are made with spices and ingredients that only grow in our kingdom. Additionally, they are all cooked using an Artifact that was designed by our king. Therefore, in the future, you can purchase the Artifact, spices, and everything else from us. John informed justin ,about everything that is happening in the banished lands.

Justin became interested in this cement and oven. Elisa was interested in spices that give such a rich flavor.

Father, our highness gave me 1 million gold coins for cultivating rubber and cactus. We will purchase every harvest. Additionally, he gave me another million coins for bird feathers. We want all kinds of feathers. After deducting the cost of feathers, I will buy memory crystals, honey, and any specialties. He also gave me 20 million to buy an aircraft. Do you know anyone who sells aircraft? John asked.

Hearing all this, everyone became silent. He said that he knows an auction house that will sell aircraft. That auction house has branches on all continents in the world. He also asked what will they do with so many feathers. They only use feathers for decoration or making fans.their white peacock sells all kinds of spirit bird they will have soany spirit birds feathers.spirit beasts every part is valuable.

Father, His Highness, said that we can make a soft and comfortable bed and pillows with feathers. If they are feathers from spirit birds, they will be even more effective for a good night's sleep.

Justin and Johnson became even more surprised. They never thought that using feathers for making beds,using every available resources this make him truly a wise king.

Johnson said, "John, take all the feathers for free. We have 12 million tons of feathers, which are all waste to us. Next time, we will charge money for feathers, but this time, it is our gift to your king." Additionally, we have 200 barrels of spirit honey that no one has bought. In the market, one barrel of honey is 100 gold coins, but for you, we will send it for 90 gold coins per barrel. We also have 300 small memory crystals and 20 big memory crystals.For the small ones, each one costs 50 gold coins, and for the big ones, they cost 500 gold coins. The total is 43,000 gold coins. Please inform your king that we intend to plant rubber trees on 10,000 acres and cactus on 4,000 acres. What does your king plan to do with these rubber fruits and cactus?