Chapter 76: System's Ascension - 4

With a cry that was more animal than human, Elio propelled himself upward. He gained another two meters, but the cost was high. His arms felt leaden, refusing to respond with the necessary speed.

But Elio couldn't stop, not now. The wall, a few meters to his left, reminded him that beyond the rock, was his home.

The wall!

With a desperate effort, he created another helium gust, propelling himself upward and towards the wall. He could use it for support, but he knew it wouldn't be enough. The distance was still too great, and his mana reserves were rapidly depleting.

Mana: 15. Meters: 164.

Elio braced against the wall and jumped again, an awkward leap due to the vertical slope, but his strength of 4 gave him a superhuman advantage. If only the fatigue wasn't so overwhelming.