Utopian System

Utopian System

Fantasy162 Chapters186.1K Views
Author: Dagzo
Table of Contents

"Mana to breathe, mana to eat, mana to fucking live,"

Inhale: -0.001 MP… oops! You're out of mana points.

(Pay-to-breathe RPG.)

Humanity's last walled stronghold.


In the world Elio lives, every gasp of air comes at a price.

A floating indestructible book for every human, a magical system that turns survival into a pay-to-breathe RPG.

Here, poverty isn't just being broke, it's choking.

Surrounded by barren land and a sea of monsters on top of it (No water, just literal monsters), each day is a suffocating dance of survival, a balancing act between mana for air and mana for food.

In this economy, holding your breath isn't just a game, it's a retirement plan.

Driven by desperation (and the city's miserly rulers that don’t cut anyone a break), Elio dives into the Book System’s trials to save his family.

Along the way, he unlocks powers he didn’t ask for and starts to figure out... Who he really is.

Immerse yourself in an adventure where one young man's stubborn refusal to become a statistic could spark a revolution. Who knew being a pain in the system's rear could change the world?

Because in Elio's world, breathing is just the beginning of the revolution and... he's gasping for change.

But hey, who said saving the world had to be all doom and gloom? Join Elio as he kicks monster butt, uncovers ancient secrets, and maybe, just maybe, figures out how to grow a tree or two along the way.



May contain traces of world domination, an unhealthy obsession with the periodic table, damage points, progression math, and yes, even a sprinkle of that old "power of friendship" magic. Because sometimes, you need a buddy to help you remember which element does what or even help you calculate those sweet, sweet stats.

A quick heads-up:

Despite what the cover might suggest, this isn’t a hack-and-slash adventure. Think more along the lines of a turn-based RPG, where strategy and choices matter as much as action. Get ready for a different kind of challenge!

If you want to know more about the cover:

Yep, that's our first FL crying and crossing the transparent barrier straight into a pixelated, indistinguishable sea of monsters. Because why not mix emotions with chaos? She's crazy like that! (Not really... or is she?)

Discord is coming soon!!

I’m working on it in the little moments I find between writing, editing, making more character images, etc.

Little by little, we’ll have a Poked... uh, a full SummonDex! Meanwhile, you can check out the ones on Fandom with their... funny descriptions? Or at least I hope so... orz

Warning 2 (Privilege 4 and 5):

I just wanted to stick to the novel’s level system, so I had to add those '0s'!!! Don’t be an elephant... unless you’re an enormous one... A whale! Seriously, nooooo!

You’re going to make me die from the pressure, and I’ll feel terrible!! It’s just one chapter!!! You can wait... But if you’re dirty rich and really, Really, REALLY want to support, well... okay, though I’ll still feel bad!!! orz

16 Reviews
Translation Quality
Stability of Updates
Story Development
Character Design
World Background
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Just finished what seems to be the first volume, and since the author asked for feedback, I figured I'd renew mine. The climax felt pretty satisfying and things see m to have calmed down a bit after episode 122, and I'm honestly relieved not to be stressing over what's going to happen next. It was a nice break after all the craziness at the end, and I really enjoyed it definitely different from other novels I’ve read. I've been reading for free, so I’m dropping a positive review to show support. I hope volume 2 is just as good as the first! Also I saw lots of ads so I hope that helps in some way Thanks!

14 days ago

New review, as I start the first month of my premium challenges... (To boost my rating? Of course not... orz). I want to thank everyone who has supported the novel so far, whether it's through gifting stones, tickets, or leaving comments. You've kept me entertained and motivated... But I especially want to shout out to the two readers who bought the 4th tier of my privilege... yes, the one that's valued as a rip-off. Thank you so much; you are angels! The single chapter you unlocked definitely doesn't justify the cost, so I know you're doing it just to show your support. I can't express how much I appreciate it. Because of angels like you, and as long as there's at least one reader still interested, I will not abandon this story and will finish it properly. And to one of you who purchased the tier again already, thank you once more! At least this time, I gave a big discount on the privilege chapters for the month to feel better with myself… orz Well, that's all... Oh, wait! Amor hasn't received much love yet. Visit her in Fandom (Characters). By the way, harem is winning, and my wife isn't too happy about that... orz But she'll have to accept it as she promised if the votes swing too much in that direction (It's not my fault, it's what the majority wants, hahaha Democracy). I'm already designing the harem characters… Feel free to ask anything about the story or suggest corrections. Nobody's perfect, so I'll be paying attention and responding to every comment. Once again, thank you all for your support!

4 days ago

"Shameful Author Review: I give 5 stars to my story because I love it. We writers need to love our histories so you can too, right? Hey there, future world conqueror! Ever dreamed of ruling the world but thought, 'Nah, that's too much paperwork'? Well, buckle up buttercup, because Elio's about to show you how it's done! This ain't your grandma's 'power of friendship' story (though we've got that too, because even world conquerors need a high-five sometimes). We're talking epic battles, mind-bending magic (literally, we'll bend elements!), and a journey that'll make your head spin faster than Elio dodging a monster's claws. From zero to hero? Pfft, more like from 'can barely afford air' to 'I own the atmosphere, suckers!' Watch as our boy Elio goes from struggling to breathe to basically becoming the world's landlord. And trust me, this lease is for way more than 100 years. So, ready to join the 'Conquest Club'? Don't worry, we have cookies. They cost mana, but hey, nothing's free in this world. Except maybe Elio's snarky comments and impromptu chemistry lessons. Those are on the house. Bring your friends along for the ride, after all, someone's gotta help you keep track of all those elemental reactions. Just remember: in this world, the pen might be mightier than the sword, but a well-timed fireball beats them both! P.S. If you spot any typos, blame the mana shortage. It's hard to proofread when you're busy saving the world and trying to remember if combining oxygen with hydrogen will give you water or a really big boom!"

2 months ago

Well written story, amusing and easy to get hooked to it. Good world building, pace, plot and character developing so far, main character is smart and uses the system feasibly. Hope it will become popular soon. A must read, can't wait for next update!!!

2 months ago

It's quite an interesting story with a unique concept. Loved the power system and the nature of Elio. The world-building is also intriguing. Waiting for more chapters!

2 months ago

The title says Utopian but it's a rather dystopian and dark experience. The character has a lot of inner turmoil, and you can feel his struggle, making you root for him. Let's hope he can show everyone who underestimated him, where he really belongs!

2 months ago

I'm enjoying this story much more than I expected. A dystopia where mana is necessary to breathe is something I don't recall reading before. The humorous moments are pleasant and well-timed, without being over the top. So far, the plot has me completely hooked. I hope it continues this way, and I can't wait to see what the fourth monster does next.

3 months ago

been having a blast, the comedic moments are gold

3 months ago

I think it's an interesting story, I'll wait for the next chapters.

3 months ago

Really liking the world building and the magic system, Elio fights well too so I'm having a good time till now, hope there is more soon

3 months ago

Easy to read and getting hooked in the story

3 months ago

Hey there, I absolutely love the unique concept behind this insane story. It's really, really interesting and I hope to read more of it going forward!!

19 days ago

A wonderful read indeed, the synopsis Alone had me hooked. The author did a magnificent work in his world building, one of the best system novels I've read out here[img=update][img=update][img=recommend]

a month ago

I'm new to reading and this novel seems interesting to me, I'll be fan number one hahaha

2 months ago

i find the story interesting, i identify it with several games, i hope for more chapters :3

3 months ago