"You see," Dionz explained while floating cross-legged, "for the system to actually work, I needed to give humans more mana. Because even with everyone at level 100, the life potions would eventually become a real problem. An 'apple of discord' situation, if you will."
He gestured enthusiastically. "That's why half the reward from this challenge is shared among all humans. The mana increase will help prevent future conf-OW!"
Something invisible seemed to strike the god's holographic form. He rubbed his head, looking upward with annoyance.
"Oh, come on! It's too late to start enforcing rules now. We've already seen Nala breaking-OW! Again?!"
Elio watched, bewildered, as the god argued with apparently nothing.
"This is totally unfair!" Dionz complained to the air. "The moderation subconscious doesn't say anything when Nala does whatever she wants, but I try to help a little and…" He ducked, apparently avoiding another invisible strike.