Chapter 444:  System's Cheater - 5

"The whole system..." Dionz gestured at their surrounding reality. 

"It's not just entertainment or a test. It's a preservation mechanism. It's not perfect since Nala and I are fighting to decide the right way to do this… But for now, it's a way to keep experiencing life without being crushed under the weight of eternal life. Each reset gives you a chance to feel that spark again, to experience things as new, to keep being you."

He created another hologram, this one showing the city and its inhabitants. "The limitations, the levels, the challenges… they're all designed to give a powerful sense of wonder . To make you feel the need to survive, to make life feel scary, hard, but meaningful, to find a way to provide goals and achievements that can still excite you even after countless repetitions."

"But I don't remember any of this," Elio argued. "How can you know if it's working… No, how can you even say I agreed to something I have no memory of?"