Chapter 102: System's Rest

As the group moved towards the designated area, Elio felt the weight of exhaustion settling on his shoulders.

However, he noticed with relief that the System was slowly healing his wounds as the hours passed.

Lena approached Elio, her eyes filled with concern. "Son," she said softly, "are you alright?"

Elio attempted a smile, but it didn't reach his eyes. "I'm... surviving, Mom. All of this is... a lot."

Lena embraced him briefly, the familiar scent of home momentarily drowning out the lingering smell of battle. "You're doing well. Your father would be proud."

Ivan, who had been nearby, stepped closer. His voice, gruff with age, carried a hint of wisdom. "If I may, lad," he said, "don't forget to rest. A tired mind makes mistakes."

Elio nodded, grateful for the advice. "Thank you, Ivan. I'll keep that in mind."