What had once appeared as simple enhanced forms now revealed complex patterns of elemental interaction.
More surprising was their growth - his new awareness could detect their levels immediately. Most had reached 22, with some pushing 23. Their corruption signatures pulsed with shared power, distributed more evenly now that there were so many carriers.
"You can see it now, can't you?" Dionz asked, noting Elio's fascination with their elemental patterns.
"We've been busy," Lila spoke through Gorgita. "The cores from daily challenges let us acquire higher-tier invocations. Each new one increases our magical damage output."
"But the corruption spheres remain our biggest source of power," Selene added, her fish form's neon-helium mix creating beautiful patterns in Elio's enhanced vision.
Kriz's Mirror Coat shimmered with excitement. "The deposits are secured, the tunnels are ready, and we've been gathering potions and training recruits."