Their shared consciousness vibrated with what was definitely not Nala's suppressed amusement. 'Your insolence is becoming concerning.'
'Your growing fondness for my insolence is what's concerning you.'
'This rate of progress is unacceptable,' Nala muttered, though they both knew she was just trying to change the subject again.
'Want to hear about the time Kriz tried to go on a date?'
Despite her best efforts to maintain divine dignity, Nala's interest peaked. 'That seems... improbable.'
'Oh, it was. Mirror Coat was not impressed.'
The memory flowed between them - Kriz's increasingly frustrated attempts, the familiar's obvious judgment, the eventual chaos that ensued. Nala tried to suppress her amusement, but in their shared consciousness, nothing could be truly hidden.
'The inefficiency of human interactions is...' she began.
'Charming? Delightful? Something you're starting to understand?'