Chapter 95: System's Multi-Sacrifice

The crunch of carbon penetrating flesh and bone echoed through the deserted street, a sickening sound that seemed to hang in the air.

Fathoran let out a howl of pain that chilled the blood of all who heard it. His blood, dark and thick, gushed from multiple wounds, soaking his once immaculate armor. The metallic scent of blood filled the air, mixing with the acrid smell of smoke and death.

Fathoran: 478 - 30 crit = 20 Resistance / 393 Armor Resistance

Elio panted, his chest rising and falling erratically. The sweet taste of vengeance mingled with the bitter aftertaste of exhaustion in his mouth. He hadn't managed to claim his fifth macabre trophy, but...

He had wounded Fathoran.

However, the price had been high, too high.

Elio: 161 = 10 Resistance / 151 Armor Resistance / Mana 0