Chapter 111: System's Battlefield

Time seemed to slow as Tarec launched a fireball directly at Fathoran's face.

The Founder, surprised by this final act of defiance, arched his back, narrowly avoiding the attack.

Though the fireball missed its mark, Tarec's rebellious attitude ignited a burning fury in Fathoran's eyes. "Insolent fool!" he roared, raising his sword with both hands.

The blade gleamed ominously, reflecting the dying flames of Tarec's salamander.

Tarec, mana-depleted, exhausted, and resigned, closed his eyes. He knew this was his end, but at least he would die with honor, refusing Fathoran's demands.

Fathoran's sword descended in a deadly arc, cutting through the air with a menacing whistle.

For an instant, Fathoran sensed something amiss.

The sound didn't quite fit.

Just as the blade was about to find its target, Fathoran realized why…

The sound wasn't coming from his sword.

It was the whistle of a flying spear.