An enormous screen blazed to life, filling one entire face of the cube. Dionz immediately began navigating through what looked suspiciously like a divine operating system, complete with folders and icons that would have given any mortal programmer an existential crisis.
"Let's see... no, not 'Embarrassing Dancing Incidents'... definitely not opening that folder... ah! Here we go… 'Memories: Handle With Care (Seriously)'."
He selected the folder, causing another massive cube to materialize beside the first one.
This one was darker, more ominous-looking, like it had been designed specifically to contain things that shouldn't be messed with.
Just as he was about to access it, something popped up in front of him, a giant divine post-it note that managed to look both official and hastily scribbled at the same time.
"Hello, future me!"
Dionz blinked. He recognized his own handwriting, even if he had no memory of writing this note.