Chapter 195: System's Overkill - 2

Milo's life in the army had begun, and with it came a tidal wave of changes he could never have anticipated.

As he donned the resistant uniform for the first time, his fingers fumbling with unfamiliar clasps, he couldn't help but reflect on how different everything was from what he'd expected.

The most glaring change was the sheer number of women now serving alongside him.

Where before they'd been a rarity, making up barely 1% of the forces, they now comprised nearly a third of all recruits - and their numbers were still growing. Milo found himself surrounded by a diverse group of comrades, each bringing unique perspectives and skills to their shared mission.

Nessa leaned in, whispering excitedly, "Can you believe it? My mother always said women weren't cut out for the army. Now look at us!"