"Sounds straightforward enough," Elio said. "And the challenge?"
"Similar to titanium and about 250,000 enemies to defeat this time. They're based on..." Dionz paused, realizing his predicament. "Well, they're based on these birds that... um..."
"They're like... regular birds, but with really big tails that fan out and... they're very proud? And colorful?" The god was already floundering. "They sort of strut around showing off their feathers, which are covered in these eye-like patterns..."
Elio's blank stare told him this wasn't working.
"Okay, imagine a bird that thinks it's the most beautiful thing in existence," Dionz tried again. "It walks around like this…" He attempted to demonstrate, making Emberg flicker with suppressed laughter. "And when it wants to show off, it spreads this massive tail full of colors and..."
Seeing Elio's increasingly confused expression, Dionz finally gave up.