"Oh!" Dionz looked relieved. "Right, yes. I went with the small reptile-like, dog faced warrior version. They're craftier than goblins, use basic weapons and armor, and have a slight resistance to magic."
The hologram finally settled on a single form, showing a creature that looked like a miniature of what he just described standing upright and wielding primitive weapons.
"That's all I needed to know," Elio said. "Their abilities?"
They were already inside the 11th portal challenge…
Dionz had told them every last piece of equipment and consumable that could help so they were at maximum output for the level.
Elio Von Elian's Emberg Form lvl (23/100)
Divine Corruption 10/100
Mana: 3300/3300
Resistance: 3300 2x (6600)
Attack: NA
Magic Damage: 1516 2x 2x 2x 2x (24256)
Strength: NA