The scene shifted to show Elio's father telling another embarrassing story about his son, making Memory-Nala laugh while Elio turned red.
Seeing Elio's father, so alive and cheerful, sent a wave of sadness through Zara's consciousness.
"Stop that," Nala complained. "Your emotional spillover is distracting."
"Oh, I'm sorry my feelings make YOUR body-snatching inconvenient for you."
"It might have been my body first," Nala shot back.
"Excuse me? This is definitely MY body. I have the birthright to prove it!"
"And I apparently have memories of using it before you were born, so..."
"That's not how bodies work! You can't just call dibs on someone's future body!"
Their argument was interrupted by the memory shifting to a private moment between young Elio and Memory-Nala. They were alone, and Elio seemed nervous, like he had something important to say.
"Oh no," both consciousnesses said simultaneously.