Chapter 436: System's Memories

Zala's response exploded with equal intensity, the truth she had been trying to make him understand for millennia condensed into four simple words.

Zara's body trembled with the force of the emotion, and for the first time since her possession, Zara could feel that it wasn't an act, wasn't manipulation, but pure pain, the pain of a daughter trying to make her father truly see her.

"No... I don't believe you... I can't... Besides you didn't answer everything because you can't... The goddess shouldn't be playing directly! Breaking into the game is completely unfair!"

"Don't be an idiot!" Zala tried to strike the untouchable god. "You yourself accepted that term in the end!"

"I don't remember any of that!" Dionz approached, his divine figure radiating indignation. "What else have you stolen from me? Now you're stealing my memories too?"