Chapter 260: System's First King

The King Locus moved with a speed that defied its colossal size. 

But it didn't catch them unprepared; Elio had developed a strategy during the last hours.

"The genesis book technique!" Elio shouted. "Now!"

The five level 6 warriors began the complex elemental manipulation sequence they had been practicing. Their hands moved in precise patterns in front of their books while combining the elements:

7O* + 5C* + 3H* + 2Ni* + He* + Mana → Ni₂HeC₅O₇H₃* (camouflage)

The 10th technique that God had left them.

"Camouflage activated!" announced Micah, his form becoming partially transparent along with the other four.

It was a technique that Elio had initially studied as a method to explore the monster sea. He had discarded it due to its complexity and limitations - walking while maintaining the technique was almost impossible at their level. 

But now, those same limitations weren't as relevant for hiding the others.