Chapter 481: System's Friends - Corruption 10/100

"Focus on getting stronger," Elio advised as they prepared to leave. "The final challenge can wait until you're absolutely ready."

"Six days," Lila said through Gorgita. "By the time you reach level 30, you'll find us much better prepared."

As they disappeared through the passage, Dionz gathered the remaining spheres with obvious enthusiasm. "Don't worry! I'll be very responsible about distributing these completely unauthorized divine power sources!"

"Just... try to maintain some semblance of protocol," Elio sighed, though he couldn't help but smile at the god's excitement.

"Of course, of course! I am the very model of divine discretion! Now, about your next challenge..." Dionz created a display showing what awaited him at level 30. "Since you'll be there a while, perhaps we should discuss some interesting chemical reactions I've been meaning to teach you..."