Chapter 178: System's Sixth Level - 2

Elio stood before the imposing ice barrier, his breath forming small clouds in the frigid air.

Wide Guard, his elephant familiar, stood close by, its presence amplifying Elio's control over carbon.

The situation was precarious, his resistance steadily decreasing as the cold bit through his armor.

With 47 mana points remaining, Elio knew his options were limited. The ice's effect on light prevented him from knowing how extensive the barrier was, the long plug of ice, but he had no choice but to take the risk.

He would have to trust that his ignited carbon attacks would be enough to break through the blockade before he ran out of mana.

"It's all or nothing," he muttered to himself, preparing to launch another attack.

Elio launched a series of ignited carbon balls, one after another, against the ice barrier. Wide Guard trumpeted softly, channeling its power to enhance Elio's control.

Mana: 46... 42... 38...