Chapter 137: System's Celebrity

 "Our boy is a celebrity now! We should charge for visits. Imagine the profits! How about we sell tickets to watch Elio bathe?"

"Kriz!" Zara hissed, her face flushing a deep crimson as she elbowed him again, harder this time.

"What?" Kriz replied, rubbing his side and adopting an expression of exaggerated innocence. "I'm a serious businessman, a visionary! Right, Mirror Shot?" His ice rabbit nodded vigorously, creating a small shower of snowflakes.

Brok, who had been silently observing, let out a booming laugh. "Yeah, right. And I'm the King of the Walls."

"Your Majesty!" Kriz exclaimed, dropping into a bow so low and dramatic that he nearly toppled over. Mirror Shot, ever the faithful companion, created a tiny ice crown atop its head.

Despite the situation, Elio couldn't help but laugh. The sound was warm and genuine, a brief respite from the weight of leadership. However, the persistent worry on his mother's face quickly sobered him.