Chapter 141: System's New Power

Elio, Lucien, and Selene stood atop the city wall.

Before them, a sight that would have been unthinkable just weeks ago: 100 level 3 summoners, lined up in perfect formation, their rabbits shimmering with an ethereal blue glow.

This group represented a small fraction of the city's new power.

Elio felt a shiver run down his spine. Never before had he seen so many high-level summoners gathered in one place. Each of them possessed enough power to have toppled the previous regime... and likely the new one as well. It was a sobering thought.

Beyond the summoners, stretching as far as the eye could see, the sea of monsters roiled and churned. An endless mass of writhing creatures, their collective roar a constant, terrifying backdrop to the scene.

Lucien's voice cut through the tension, "shall we begin?"

Elio nodded, his throat suddenly dry. "Let's see what they can do."