Chapter 105: Systems’s Rumors

"...invocations for everyone..."

Tarec advanced cautiously, his senses on high alert. For most of the city's inhabitants, the day seemed no different from any other.

However, as he approached the city wall, he began to notice a shift in the atmosphere.

More and more people gathered in small groups, whispering among themselves. Some faces showed concern, others curiosity. Tarec strained his ears, catching fragments of conversations:

"...they say there was a fight among the summoners..." "...invocations for everyone, can you believe it?" "...a new leader, but no one knows who it is..."

He stopped abruptly as a group of soldiers rushed past him, each with a small fire salamander perched on their shoulder.

"Impossible," Tarec muttered under his breath.

How could this be? Didn't one need to be level 4 to summon?