The real proposal

He had made her a proposal.

His goal is to marry her.

Patrick wants to marry her.

Her eyes were blurry with tears as she gazed at him, those thoughts dancing through her mind. Her body was being bombarded with feelings at an unbearable pace. Her knees grew weaker, and the flutter in her tummy grew more intense, her heart pounding in her chest.

He pulled the ring box toward him, and she saw him get to his feet and take it up.

She brushed the tears from her face and turned to face him. She seems at a loss for words. She observed as he got up from his chair and approached her.

He dropped to his knees and said, "Seraphina Wallace, will you do me the honor of being my wife?" but she intervened before he could lower himself.

She could stop him from kneeling by saying, "You don't need to go on your knees." "There's no need for the traditional method."

He paused in the middle and gave her a curious look.