4 women are indeed weird

Lucian had to check the phone to make sure he didn't swap it with Cane's. After confirming it was his, his face darkened, what crazy being dared to yell at him like that?!!. He simply cut the call without thinking.

Adamantia on the other hand kept calling Lucian crazy. After calling him six times she called his secretary, she spoke so calmly you wouldn't guess she was raging s few minutes ago, 'Tell your boss he needs a mental hospital, if he needs help with admission I will gladly help. Now I want you to leave wherever you are right now, walk up to your boss and give him the damn phone'

Cane was loss of words, his face turned pale, no one,literally no one had ever told his boss he needed help not to say mental help. With his legs in noodle form, he wobbled to Lucian's office. knocking the door with the last bit of strength in him, Cane wobbled into his office.

'Sir', Lucian waited for Cane to speak, when there was no response he had to look up, in front of him was a trembling Cane with a phone in his outstretched hand. Wondering what Cane expected him to do, he took the phone with a lost expression. 'She wanted to speak with you president sir', Cane was barely holding himself, he took a bow and escaped as quickly as possible.

Lucian was still wondering what was going on when Adamantia's calm voice came through the phone. 'Why do you want to sign a contract, never mind even, let's meet for dinner, Cane will deal with the details'. Giving him no room to speak, Adamantia cut the call leaving Lucian as lost as can be.

Adamantia on the other hand, picked up the contract from the floor and kept on with her work, she wasn't going to let some cockle head ruin her day. She had lunch with the director of furniture, this was a new part of her business, a fresh subsidiary.

The director was a man in his early thirties. She didn't like dealing with male employees but this director kept her interested. Asides that rude handsome punk this guy wasn't to bad in his looks he was a nine out of ten. The rude punk was a hundred out of ten.

They were at the company's cafeteria discussing their business freely, on the other hand all employees could barely pass food through their throats. Adamantia was the type of boss that wanted to know her employees background, and she was amused by Jake's background.

Turned out he was a second generation rich kid. His parents had given him two years to sort out his life. He had already spent a year on having all the fun you could imagine. He was going to work this year and save up some change.

Adamantia liked transparent people, she liked the fact he had already informed her beforehand he was staying for one year only. People like him were the people she kept around herself.

After speaking for over an hour, all employees had already left the cafe since break was over. Adamantia felt like she got a really good employee by her side after their introduction. After welcoming him to her company she took her leave.

After two hours, she was done with all paperwork, she had to round up early since she was meeting that annoying punk tonight. There were no employees left in the building since it was 8pm, but even the security guard was surprised she was leaving this early.

After soaking in the bathtub for half an hour, she had Anne give her a oil massage for another half hour. Anne rang the bell and had all the maids go to the closet. Adamantia had two closets, the first closet was in her room, and it had clothes she wore daily, the other closet had outfits she wore on important events or when she was meeting enemies she wanted to blind.

She was using the other closet today. She had an outfit she got as a gift from a friend of her mother's. The dress was designed just for her, every detail was added with her figure in mind. She was wearing this dress to blind that rude punk.

Her necklace was designed by her company. Her directors weren't the most useful people, but the director of jewelry was a veteran in the industry. Now she was ready for 'war'.

Lucian on the other hand, had no idea someone was plotting his demise. After putting on the first suit he saw in sight, he was ready to go.

At the restaurant,

Lucian had been sitting for over an hour, he was an impatient man, but this woman dared to make him wait. Adamantia was in the underground parking lot. She was literally doing nothing, she kept checking the time every five minutes. She was delaying him intentionally so as to make a 'dramatic entrance'.

Lucian was about to take his leave when this woman came in looking like she was going for a miss world contest. Adamantia had been a child model when she was younger, she still remembered her moves. All eyes were on her and she was liking the attention, but she kept a straight face from the door way to her seat making her give off a cold aura. She was very satisfied with her impact.

She ordered her meal and dropped the revised form of the contract on the table. Lucian was going through the clauses and he had the exact same expression she had when she was reading his.

The first clause stated they would live together only on weekdays, she even stated her reason, 'weekends are my only days off, I can't waste them on acting'. He couldn't understand why she called the contract acting, but he didn't mind that clause.

The second clause was fine by him as well, it stated 'If the stock price of both companies don't increase by one month after the marraige, she would call it off'. This was one of his aims as well so he didn't mind the cause.

The third clause hit his entire being, not like he wanted to in the first place, it stated, 'they would have no physical contact that had to do with the canal desires of man', she could have literally written 'No s*x', this woman was weird. He started to rethink his decision.