5 Move In

Lucian signed the contract right away, leaving Adamantia speechless. The plan was to stall with her conditions but this crazy punk signed it right away, the guts of this punk!!. We will register it in a week, get your things in other.

They were going to merge their companies after being married for a week. After finalizing everything Lucian took his leave, leaving Adamantia gobsmacked. Everything happened so fast she was left dazed.

At dinner,

'I am getting married', Anne and all other maids ignored her, thinking they were hearing things. They couldn't stop themselves form choking though, when they heard her say it again. Anne coughed uncomfortably, 'ma'am whoever this man is you should have brought him home earlier, does madam know about this?, well since the wedding is months away.....'.' It's next week', Adamantia interrupted making Anne choke on her food once again.

Anne was helping Adamantia fix her hair for bed, she couldn't help but speak up. 'Ma'am,you have never and by never I mean you have never brought a man here before, I have no idea where this is coming from. It's probably stress from work, or the pressure from madam or maybe the guy is a gold digger, heis probably after your money. Point is ma'am, think this through, ugh?'.

Adamantia's next word almost made Anne pass out, he is after my money, and the marriage is work related and I am being pressurized by grandma too, but it's fine'. Adamantia spoke like she was ordering breakfast, Anne looked like she had aged a thousand years when she walked out of Adamantia's room.

Adamantia on the other hand slept like a baby. She met Jake in the underground parking lot of the building. 'My birthday is in two weeks will you do me the honor of blessing me with your gracious presence', Jake was grinning from ear to ear. Adamantia hated corny words and responded with her usual 'hmm'. They parted ways at the elevator since she had her personal elevator.

As usual Zoe was waiting for Adamantia right outside with all the rules she needed. 'its a beautiful morning, president ma'am', Zoe seemed to be in a good mood, 'hmmm, reports Zoe, reports'. Adamantia looked stunning in her white suit

'Ma'am the new cosmetic brand that was released two months ago...', 'yeah, what about it?' Adamantia was in no mood for suspense. Zoe handed her a tablet, there was an article on the screen that read, 'ADAMANTI HITS ROCK BOTTOM, HAS COMPLAINS ON NEW BRAND SURFACES'.

Adamantia had a frown on her face as her eyes darkened, 'block all articles, all of it Zoe, none gets out, these damn directors need an awakening'.By this time they were already at the conference room door.

Conference room A,

With all heads bowed, all directors got on their feet. Adamantia was in no mood for their hypocrisy, she headed straight for her seat. As she had her seat all directors were about to do the same when her cold voice echoed through the room. 'I had no idea you all had issues with your legs or maybe the chairs are to comfortable, you all will remain standing until your department is mentioned'.

One bold director murmured, 'we are not children, how dare she treat us like this?'. Since nothing got past Adamantia, once again her voice as hot as fire and at the same time as cold as ice pierced through their souls,' Yes, yes of course, no one in this room is a child, but if you all choose to act like children, with all my heart I will willingly treat you all like children'. They all glared at the director that dared to speak.

'Jewelry, interior design, furniture, clothing and design,textile design and real estate' all directors that were mentioned sighed in relief. Now the only directors left standing were, cosmetics, gaming and malls. Adamantia had no breath to waste on these people.

' increase revenue by twenty six percent by the end of this month or pack your bags or whatever it is you carry and leave'. She took her leave and left, these people keep getting useless as time goes by.

On week went by in a false and it was time to get married. Anne told grandma Pen all about the wedding, the night before the registration, grandma Pen spoke with her on the phone for over an hour, her words were, 'I told you to get married doesn't mean you should get married to some gold digger.....', Adamantia cut in abruptly, 'I have no idea what Anne told you but....'. 'You don't speak when I am speaking, such bad manners, bla bla bla'. By morning Adamantia looked like a zombie since she had only two hours of sleep.

Lucian asked her earlier, if she wanted a wedding. Adamantia wasn't one for attention and since she was 'acting' anyways there was no need for informalities. Dressed in jeans and a crop top, Adamantia headed straight for the public registry, looking like a zombie.

Lucian looked as cold as can be in his suit, and Adamantia looked stunning from afar as well. But from up close, Lucian's eye brows twitched as he stared at the woman before him. 'Where the h*ll did she think they were going, the zoo?, if they headed to the zoo right now, he would lock her up in an exhibit'. Noticing the difference in his expression, 'whaaattt, I don't look that bad'. She wasn't so sure of what she said herself.

Adamantia walked briskly past him and Lucian followed behind. After getting it all done, Lucian had Cane take a picture of them both. They both stood like statues in the pic with Adamantia looking exhausted and Lucian holding up the certificate.

'I am going home with, I mean you are going to take me home, I can't drive in this state',Adamantia was pouting looking pitiful. Lucian waved is hand and she hoped into the car.

Adamantia was dozing off in the car when Lucian ended the call he had been on for about five minutes and his next words slapped the sleep out of her eyes. 'Move in'