
Grandfather Macquinn seemed amused by this new granddaughter. Lucian on the other hand was as red as the tomato sauce in front of him. Grandmother Macquinn broke the atmosphere with her laughter, 'I had no idea you were so agile boy', she had a teasing smile on her face.

'This damn woman is lying', Lucian almost blurted out his thoughts. Adamantia was eating her food with so much ease. 'What the h*ll was wrong with this woman?'. If he knew she was a nuthead, he wouldn't have picked her up'. His dissatisfaction was clearly written on his face. His grandfather's eyes were as sharp as jade and he didn't miss the change in his grandson's mood.

After dinner, Lucian went up to the study with his grandfather, his grandfather's next words were words he expected.'It's a contract boy, she is rather bold though', his grandfather's eyes were as deep as the ocean when he spoke true words. Lucian stood by the french window, his eyes just as deep as his grandfather's.

'Can I at least have your word to keep It from grandma', Lucian's tone was almost pleading. 'She is an interesting type though, the age gap is perfect,she will help increase stocks to, no scandals and she seems fertile', his grandfather's tone was calm. Lucian nodded in agreement. He trusted his old man had already done some digging himself before he arrived.

In the sitting room, Adamantia and grandmother Macquinn were watching a show on the TV when grandmother Macquinn spoke up. 'Do you love him dear?, if you are still on your way to loving him you can speak your mind darling'. Adamantia didn't expect old people to be so direct. 'I am afraid I have to pick the latter option grandma', Adamantia was somewhat embarrassed. Sighting her embarrassment, grandmother Macquinn laughed in amusement.

'My grandson never fails to disappoint Indeed, I guess I raised him well after all, he even married a pretty lady', grandmother Macquinn looked accomplished. 'I always wondered where he got his good looks from, I guess I don't need to look to far now', Adamantia was using all the knowledge she had from dramas and novels right now. Apparently old people liked to be flattered. It looked like it worked though since grandmother Macquinn's smile got broader.

The men walked out from the study. 'Treat him well child, if he ever misbehaves, and I mean ever darling, contact me right away', grandmother Macquinn placed a grey business card in the palm of her hands. Adamantia was as flattering as can be, 'he never gives me trouble grandma, if he ever does I know who to turn to'.

After they left, Lucian stood still at the doorway looking lost. Adamantia was already on the stairs when she realized the rude punk wasn't behind her. 'Are you high on something?', she was waving in front of his face and he didn't even flinch. Her only thought was he was high on something.

Lucian suddenly grabbed the hand she was waving in front of his face. He managed to utter a few words, 'everyday?', what the h*ll was this punk blabbering about. 'You said we were trying everyday, I said level ten, not a thousand!', Lucian dropped her hand and stared at her with a embarrassed look on his face.

'You don't look like a virgin', she was looking at his entire physique, she even walked around him. 'If you are not a virgin, why the h*ll are you so shy...., unless, you are a virgin', she had a gossipy look on her face. 'The all mighty ceo is a virgin,damn!!'. She looked like she just found out the nation's secret. Lucian on the other hand, was as still as a rock, 'this woman's shamelessness were limitless!!'.

He walked away with a frown embedded on his face. Adamantia was almost rolling on the floor with laughter. 'He was a CEO for god's sake'. Even rude punks had their cute moments. Adamantia walked up to her bedroom amused.

The next day, Adamantia walked out of her bedroom, ready to leave for work when she found Lucian having breakfast, she was somewhat surprised. She was using all her knowledge form romance novels on this marraige, and this CEO was going against the plot, wasn't he supposed to leave every morning without breakfast.

She walked past the dinning room with a silent 'morning', Lucian responded saying, 'breakfast'. She took a few steps back and had him repeat himself. 'Have breakfast with me, we are married aren't we?'. This guy seemed unreal, according to the plot he wasn't meant to care about her at all unless she was on the brink of death.

His voice broke through her thoughts, 'I am not worried about you, my grandparents left a few maids in the villa last night, they are to monitor us for a while', he didn't look up from his meal the whole time. The weird woman actually obeyed him and had her seat.

Lucian had his meal and left the villa. 'This punk was really something'. She headed to the garage ready to take her leave when a black maserati gibli pulled up by her side. A driver popped up from the car, helping her open the door to the back seat, Lucian was seated with his eyes closed. This husband of hers was really something. 'I have my own car, there is no need', she was about to leave when his majestic voice stopped her, 'get in the car, I don't bite, do i?', he didn't open his eyes the whole time.

' I am not worried about being bitten by you, I am worried about biting you, you look hot with your eyes closed, do you know that?'. Lucian's eyes were wide open now, this woman was crazy. Adamantia almost burst out laughing seeing his reaction. 'Since you have your own car, I won't bother myself with you'. He had the driver close the door.

This woman opened the door herself and got in, 'It's your duty hubby'.