Now she needs space?

Lucian was thinking of getting a bigger car, this woman was laying her head on his shoulder, and her excuse, 'it's your duty'. If she was a male he would have thrown her out the window a long time ago.

Finally, this woman's company was before their eyes. The woman was rooted to her seat, she didn't even move. 'What the h*ll is wrong with you woman?, you are not crippled are you?', he was looking at her with so much intensity, he had his own office too, did this woman realize that. 'You need to open the door for me, you are my husband and it's your duty'. Lucian was simply amused, if this woman wanted to play he was willing to play as well.

He alighted the car and helped her open the door. Adamantia took his outstretched hand and was about to walk away when the rude punk pulled her hand making her land in his arms. 'What the h*ll are you doing?', they weren't in the underground parking lot, it was indeed her intent to draw attention but not this kind, she was still the boss.

Employees were ready for gossip with their feet glued to the floor. 'Since you care so much about duty, do your duty right Addy', his voice was loud enough for the employees to hear. He even gave her a nickname!!, was this guy drunk in broad daylight. 'What the h*ll are you talking about?', she was speaking with a smile on her face cause of the employees.

'Isn't it your duty to kiss your husband before he leaves for work?', he had a teasing look in his eye. 'What the h*...', he kissed her, the rude punk kissed her right there and then, his soft lips lingered on hers for a while before he let her go. 'Always do well to fulfill your duty Addy', he got in his car and left.

Since when did the student become the teacher?', she turned around and all employees left faster than they arrived. She stared at her reflection in the elevator, she was as red as a freaking apple!!. She stayed in the elevator until her face color changed.

Zoe was right outside as usual, Zoe kept staring at her phone which was quite unusual, 'what is so interesting that you forgot to greet your boss, Zoe?', her voice made Zoe look up in embarrassment. 'I apologize ma'am, good morning president ma'am, there is a whole lot of tea on the company's group chat, apparently some nuthead was kissing a guy right in front of the company!', Zoe looked like she fed on gossip.

'The audacity of the employees these days ma'am, gosh', Zoe spoke with annoyance. 'The guts of my employees are simply appalling these days, Zoe i do not pay you to gossip, I pay you to work, any reports?', Adamantia diverted Zoe attention from the topic as quickly as possible. 'Your schedule is free today, miss Anne dropped a letter though, did you move out ma'am?', Adamantia didn't realize how talkative Zoe was until now.

'Is the letter on my table?', she was in no mood for gossip, Zoe pulled her self back together and put on her business look. 'Yes ma'am, they parted ways and Adamantia headed for her office.

The only letter Anne could possibly send had to be from that woman. Adamantia's mood changed from embarrassed to annoyance real quick. Right there on her desk was black letter with a metallic rose gold wax seal. It was just like she expected, that annoying woman wrote to her again. The letter only had a sentence. 'I am watching you honey, you even got married, congratulations'. The letter was directly dumped in the shredder.

She was in a bad mood all day long, and her mood didn't change at all even at home.

Lucian's company during the day,

His grandfather kept his company in his office all day long. 'You kissed her boy, your grandmother was right after all, you are agile', his grandfather's eyes were grey with age but deep with knowledge, these eyes of his were teasing him. Lucian kept typing, not sparing his grandfather a glance.

'Cane!', his grandfather's voice broke the office atmosphere as he called out for Cane. Cane entered the office after knocking. Grandfather Macquinn had his legs crossed on the table, he was sipping tea and was ready for gossip. 'I hear you were in the passenger's seat when all the drama happened, now, bless my ears with the details', Lucian was annoyed by this old man's chatter.

Cane looked up at Lucian wondering what he was supposed to do. Grandfather Macquinn spoke up and ended his confusion, 'I am your boss's boss, if I were you I had speak my mind'. Cane had no issues now and began to speak freely. He told the old man all that happened he didn't bother to edit his words even, after speaking he practically ran out of the office since he couldn't stand Lucian's piercing gaze.

His grandfather couldn't stop laughing for over five minutes straight. Lucian's face darkened with annoyance. 'Grandfather are you not busy?', he put a call through to his grandmother and asked her to come pick up her husband.

'It's good you are liking her boy, myself and your grandmother started of on a wrong foot, but look at what we have now, hold her tight, alimony is a whole lot these days', his grandfather took his leave not wanting to keep his dear wife waiting.

Present time,

Adamantia was at her study having an online press conference, he knocked twice and walked in. She waved her hand at him to make him known to keep his mouth shut. He had his seat on the sofa and scrolled through his phone for over an hour. She was finally done and he had the chance to speak.

He was about to ask her to stay in his room tonight when she spoke up, 'I would like us to keep our distance Mr Macquinn, the marriage is a contract afteall', she took her leave without sparing him a glance.

'After sparking a torch in him, she needs space?, was this woman well?!!'