He has a spicy secretary

Lucian left her study and headed for her room,..knock.....knock.....knock.., no response. 'I have a temporary new secretary, the secretary will be here in the morning',he still heard no response. He was a man of few words to begin with, he took his leave.

The room was dark with a halo of light seeping through the window from the moon. Adamantia layed still on the bed, not moving,not blinking. She couldn't sleep, the image of him kissing her kept playing itself repeatedly in her mind. She wanted to sleep, it was the rude punks fault she was going to have eyebags in the morning.

Adamantia headed downstairs for brrakfast looking like a zombie since she hadn't had her bath, and her eyebags were as huge as ever. Her hair was packed in a messy bun, she was half way done with her food when a woman dressed in tight office clothes walked in, the woman's heels made an echoing rhythm with each step she took in the silent villa.

'Who the h*ll was this woman?', Adamantia's questioning eyes wandered on the woman's body, she had no more than four buttons buttoned on her bright red shirt, her hair was let down like she was going for a party. She had to be honest though, the woman was blessed, those two melons of hers were almost popping out of her shirt, Adamantia looked down at her chest, she always thought they were mid sized but this woman made them feel microscopic.

Lucian walked down the stairs, seeing his wife eye his secretary his eyebrows furrowed. 'Adamantia, she is the new secretary I told you about, Cane had to go on a trip on my behalf, she will be here for a week'. The secretary's coquette voice echoed in the majestic villa, 'I had no idea the president had a sister, nice to meet you, I am Alica', the secretary's hand was outstretched. Adamantia on the other hand, had no plan to shake the woman's hand, she had her seat and glared at Alice or whatever her name was, 'I am his wife not his sister, don't dress around my husband like that, I m uncomfortable', as realization dawned upon Alica, she no longer had to impress Adamantia.

'How I dress should not be a disturbance to the president's wife', she shifted her gaze to Lucian, 'we are running out of time sir', Alica took her leave, Lucian was watching the show the whole time and left with Alica.

Adamantia was left alone and she suddenly had no appetite for breakfast, 'what the h*ll was wrong with this guy, just yesterday he had breakfast with her and was giving her goodbye kisses, now he was leaving with some spicy secretary'.

She was going for a press conference today, herself and Lucian were announcing the companys merge. She didn't have two closets in this villa, unlike she had at her own home. She put on an outfit that was meant to blind enemies, she rounded up her outfit with a simple cartier necklace and headed for Lucian's company.

Zoe was already at the company, the press was all over, there was a red carpet that led to the company's entrance. Her arrival made them all stop their chattering, questions were pouring in from all directions, she kept a straight face and walked in with bodyguards by her side.

'Zoe are you unwell?', Adamantia started to question once they got to a quiet place. Zoe was embarrassed, 'it turned out you were the nuthead president ma'am, I really had no idea, I am so sorry ma'am', Zoe was looking down at her feet. Adamantia burst out laughing, 'the man from yesterday was my husband, we are meeting him again today to merge our companies', Adamantia walked away after dropping the bomb.

Zoe looked up with her eyes wide open, gobsmacked, Adamantia was already a few feet ahead, Zoe ran after her Witcher eyes filled with gossip once again, 'you are pulling my legs are you not president ma'am, there is no way you are married to the president of ML Holdings'.


Adamantia was done with her makeup and was waiting to be called. Then she spotted Lucian's secretary helping in him with his tie, not only did she help him with his tie, she kept dropping things and picking them up in front of her husband!!!!, who the h*ll was this woman?'. The stupid husband of hers stood there innocently.

Lucian had no idea the weird woman was shooting lasers at him through her eyes. Alica could feel the eyes of her bosses wife, she was wondering if his wife always followed him everywhere, she even had her makeup done, what the h*ll was her problem?'.

It was time to head for the stage, Lucian headed up and Adamantia followed behind. Alica was still wondering what Adamantia's issue was. She didn't have to wonder far to long. Adamantia and Lucian bowed in front of the press, that's when realization dawned on, 'his wife was the freaking president of Adamanti Holdings!!!'.

The media were taking pictures like there was no tomorrow, after the merging the press got daring, one question popped from the crowd, 'did the relationship between the presidents inspire the merge?', the hall went silent. Adamantia smiled teasing them, 'our relationship is whatever you think it to be, the merge inspired the relationship and not the other way round'. There was an uproar in the already silent hall.

Lucian's gaze lingered on Adamantia's face and he blurted without thinking, 'We are married'. Adamantia's eyes flew to his face, 'what the h*ll was he thinking!!!?'. There was another uproar yet again. The press was going crazy, what was meant to be a business press conference turned to a gossip hall way too fast.

Zoe and Alica's jaw dropped backstage, their bosses were crazy!!!. Lucian signaled to end the conference,with his hand on her shoulders he helped her up from her seat and headed backstage. Every step they took was captured by the press.